A Bella Breeze

BTR Part Eighty Nine- A Bella Breeze

Daniel and Brie had invited you and Noelle out before you head back to Florida following your attack by Orton and his goons. Daniel has heard from the back channels and had offered you guys and in the spirit of fun and their laid back hippie like home the kids has been dropped off with Brie's mother as Daniel and Noelle were upstairs in his bedroom as you were on your back in the couch as Brie was laying naked between your legs, her feet up as she had a firm grip on your dick as she swallowed you down nearly to the base before she slurps off and drools her excessive saliva all over your tip as she strokes the spit all over your dick as you can heat Noelle crying out loudly as Brie giggles and licks at your tip as she asks if you and Noelle were doing okay. You said yes and she deepthroats you as she gags herself off before she slowly crawls up, rubbing her body along your hardness as she grabs your shoulders and lowers her hips down as she is careful as she could tell you were still tender and sore as your body had some light bruising from the attack by Randy. Brie's milfy cunt slowly envelops down along your dick as you groaned as she begins to work her cunt back and forth as she stirred herself along your seven and a half inches she had buried inside of her as you grabbed her hips as she grinded her pussy back and forth as she picked up speed as she leaned down and placed her tits in front of your mouth as you sucked at her right tits happily as Brie giggles and squeals as she locks up and cums hard but her pace didn't slow down as she continued to rock herself back and forth before adding a little bounce as you gripped her ass cheeks and spread them as you pushed your feet into the end of the couch as you bucked up and began to add more force as she stopped grinding and just screamed and moaned as you began fucking her quickly as your balls slapped up and smacked against her ass, Brie reaching down as she wrapped her arms around your neck and held herself to you as she just moaned and gasped against your ear as you worked away at her snatch for minutes, letting her cunt seize up and constrict repeatedly to the point that the pulsing tightness began to milk your load from your balls and she kisses you while asking you in a hushed soft voice to cum inside of her and you nod and began to work yourself inside harder as she increased her tempo and slammed herself down against your thrusting and she eventually slams down and holds her hips down as she came hard and the last few thrusts was all you could mister as you shuddered and felt your muscles strain as she kissed at your chin and giggled and moaned as she slid her cunt slowly up and along your jerking dick as you had fired many thick strands of globby seed into her womb as she came again from the slow come down of your orgasm as she kisses you passionately as you stayed entwined on the couch for several minutes as you just panted and rubbed your hand along her frame.

After a while Noelle and Bryan came down, stark naked as you and Brie made drinks and the four of you lounged about and chatted and talked and drank until night came. Eventually Brie and Noelle decided to go and have some fun and you and Bryan put on some shorts and went into his home gym and began to practice mat holds as Bryan was pushing for a program with you once you dropped the TNT belt to Keku. You both worked over some moves and he coached you up which you were quite thankful for. He brought you water and he asked about what had happened with Randy and you gave him the details. Bryan took it in and asked why you hadn't confirmed it to Tony or the other evp's. You said it was your burden to carry and he respected that but this affects everyone. If you get hurt this hurts AEW because it affects the card and programs going forward. WWE will go for the throat if it's threatened and now they are finally showing that they were threatened. They were losing the IWC, their own talent was every day adding to the fire as Ciampa and Raquel Gonzalez had spoken out against creative and Vince's direction. Raquel, being a woman, got the worst brunt but as rumors of her and Keku were picking up traction it became another WWE mark rallying cry that AEW was trying to make WWE look bad, though and Bryan chuckled as they were doing good enough at that. Vince was also losing his shit when Sable, who hasn't spoken up about the industry in years, laced into him and the company as a whole. It was so heater that Brock walked out of a taking for smackdown when Vince told his superstar to keep his woman in her place which incensed the beast and had to have many wrestlers keep the suplex machine from breaking the old man's face. Bryan laments that he wasn't expecting this all to reach the stages it had but before he could say anymore, the garage door opened and Nikki walked inside as she smiled and hugged you and kissed Bryan as she asked where Brie was. Bryan chuckled and told her she was with Noelle and Nikki giggled as she said she just couldn't wait for her. She looks at you and then at alBryan and tells Bryan to go have fun with his wife. And by proxy your wife. You raised an eyebrow and Nikki closes the garage door and begins to strip Bryan shrugs and taps you on the shoulder as he heads inside and happily runs upstairs as Nikki turns and shows off her toned body as she twirls her hips and stands over your as she tells you were making a lot of problems. You pulled her close and draped her left leg over your shoulder as you said you were fine with that as you began to lick at her cunt as she keeps her balance on her one foot and holds your hair to keep her from falling as she came after a few moments as you continued to lick and suck at her clit furiously. She cums a few times before she moves off as she asks if you had already fucked Brie. You shrugged and she laughed as she saddles you and doesn't even bother to remove your shorts as she merely pulls your dick from the top if the shirts and immediately lowers herself down reverse cowgirl, working her cunt slowly up and along as she began to twerk her hips up and down as her pussy masterfully slides along your hard dick and you just laid there on the mat and groan happily as she leans forward and presses her hand against your ankles as she slapped herself down quicker and intensely before she pulls off slowly after a hard slam down and grabs your dick as she aims it at her asshole and slowly works it down and eases your dick inside of her as she groans and rubs at her cunt to keep the pleasure going through her body as she was still feeling some pain as she worked herself up and along and got about six and a half inches deep before she began to move herself up on and along as you held into her hips and watched as as whipped her hair back and looked back at you as she crashed her asshole repeatedly up and along your dick as she tells you she'll always be better than Brie and you just groaned as she slammed her ass down as she rubbed her cunt and came hard as she slowed down and collected herself but in that moment you rolled your hips and wrapped an arm around her waist as you stayed buried inside of her as you got her to her hands and knees and she lays her head against the mat and hikes her ass up as she worked herself backwards as you slammed into her rectum with a powerful forward force as you speared seven inches inside of her anus as she groaned and moaned loudly as you pounded her asshole for several minutes as the door opened to the garage from the house and Noelle came in and chuckled as she said she had heard Nikki was here and Nikki grins and looks back at you as she tells you to keep fucking her as Noelle goes and lays down on her back in front of Nikki as she scoots forward and allows Nikki to lick and suck at her cunt as Noelle plays with her nipples and taunts you to fuck Nikki harder then you were and being spurned on you crashed nearly eight inches deep with more aggressive force, Nikki groaning loudly against Noelle's cunt as she tries to focus on Noelle's pussy but the assault against her anal canal was driving her to louder and louder screams as you shuddered and continued to pound away before you felt a strain in your right quad and pulled out as Nikki groaned and you flipped her over and watched her and Noelle cross legs as you pushed into Noelle and rocked yourself into her cunt for a few minutes forcing your wife to cum twice before you pulled out and moved to Nikki who scrapes her nails against your pecs as you fucked her cunt with a more forceful pace as she tightened up quickly and came as she cried out and shuddered as Noelle reaches down and rubs Nikki's clit as your balls slapped against her ass and you felt yourself throbbing against Nikki's inner walls but as you pulled out and switched back to your wife's cunt as you began fucking her in the same quick and animalistic fashion and you got your wife to cum so hard that she pushes you off and she squirts all over the mat which makes Nikki giggles and squeal in delight as you went and pushed back into Nikki as she grabbed your arms as you planted them by her shoulders and thrusted away furiously as you allowed your orgasm to begin to bubble over as Noelle folds herself up and presses her thighs against her hands as she was touching her still spasming pussy as you felt your eight and a half inches spear into Nikki's cunt until you couldn't hold back and she cries out loudly as she cums right as the first few spurts filled her womb as her inner walls spasmed and locked up around your throbbing manhood as you continued to pump your hips into Nikki as the pleasure felt to good for you to stop as you felt her inner walls being completely slathered with your cum and her own juices and as you pulled out your wife moved onto her hands and knees and laid between Nikki's legs and sucked out your load with happy slurps and licking as you just laid out beside them and watched them as you collected yourself, watching the two women go at it for a bit it before the three of you just lounged about and chuckled and made small talk before getting up and going inside as the garage was hot and the three of you were extremely sweaty.

Brie and Bryan had went to sleep followings their own wild love making and you and Noelle shared the guest bedroom with Nikki as you all showered and stayed up late talking about the craziness that was going on within the business and Nikki talked about how her own threats and blackballing since her comments made her realize how lucky she was that she was able to get her brand off and seperate from the company as she knew they would of done all they could've to ruin her and Brie just by proxy. Thankful her husband and her child were keeping her grounded and from flying off the rails at the wild WWE stans. Eventually you all went to sleep and awoke to a nice home cooked breakfast. Nikki would be taking you to the airport as Brie and Bryan were gonna host Noelle for a few more days before Brie would take her back to LA and as you hugged and kissed your wife you felt a pang of guilt for leaving her but you had to wrestle and she was still a month out from finishing the shoot. Nikki takes you to the airport after breakfast and parked in the garage before giving you a blowjob. After you finished you gave her a hug and got checked in and was soon on your way home to Florida to get a few days to yourself before heading to North Carolina for that week's dynamite. You landed and took an Uber home where you got a call from Renee who was excited because she was heading out to LA now to shoot the podcast with Cena. You were happy for her and thankful you had her and her credibility and as you made it home you set your bags down but stopped as you noticed that someone was sitting outside in your patio. You grabbed a baseball bat you kept in a corner by the backdoor for just this occasion and as you went out you stopped cold as you raise an eyebrow as the familiar face looks up at you and smiled warmly as you were truly surprised to see Trish Stratus laying out in a white bikini as she pulled her shades down and grinned before telling you she needed to talk. You slowly dropped the bat, confusion on your face as Trish just merely smiled.

End of chapter.