BTR Part 100-Scorched Earth

Part 100- Scorched Earth

Noelle has been talking about her final two choices for her pets and she was thinking of going with Heather Monroe, whom she had become close with. You weren't sure with his that would go as you didn't know if having women you had dated or been really close with was something that wouldn't end badly but Noelle assures you she was secure with everything that you didn't need to worry about it. So the two of you had Heather over and made her dinner and explained what was going on and how she would fit into it. Her reaction was sweet as she sobbed and held you both and the three of you drank and talked about all that was happening as she had been let go by WWE following more cuts from people who were associated with the outside community and who weren't considered loyal to WWE. Stephanie had called you to vent about how Vince was making everything harder as public perception was at its absolute worse and the fight you had with some of their stars a few weeks back was being discussed on a regular but you made sure to tell her you had the security footage of them breaking into your home and that it would be used against them if anything else happened. She said she was handling it as best as she could and you took her word for it. As Heather talked about her plans post WWE you went out back and called Morrison and told him about what was going on and he said he and Taya were having to commend you backstage which you understood. You asked about who else was being let go and he said he didn't know but that the three or four cuts made were blowing up badly in WWE and that Vince's mood had been worse since Revolution and the feeling of betrayal from Cena was causing him to scorch earth with everyone. You told him to keep himself out of the crosshairs and hung up and called Cody to keep him informed as he and Tony were super pissed about the fight and everything going on because of it as they were hoping that things would work themselves out without further conflict. You compromised with giving Cody any and all details and so you made sure he had the scoop before you headed inside and saw that Heather and Noelle had made their way upstairs. You nodded and grinned and began to strip your clothes off as you made way to your bedroom.

The next morning you awoke early and made sure not to wake up the girls as you changed and went for your run and hit the ropes in your backyard before going inside and taking a shower as heather and Noelle made breakfast and made plans for their day as you were heading out to go and cheer up Shotzi Blackheart who was distressed as she had been let go for the same reason as Heather and while the public sympathy was in her side it didn't make things any easier. Rhea had texted and asked for you to go as a favor to her and you also felt personally responsible as she has been one of the ones within the system to speak out and though she survived the initial onslaught of heat, your fight and Vince's mania was the last straw. You arrived an hour or so later and knocked on her apartment door and waited a bit before she answered and hugged you with tears streaming down as you apologized profusely and held her as you eventually got inside and shut the door before she kissed you and pulled her shirt off, revealing her breasts and her heart shaped nipples as she just says repeatedly she doesn't want to think she just wants to feel good. You kissed and licked at her breasts and felt her moan as she rubbed her hands along your neck as she pulls your face against her tits as you focused on them before pulling her into your lap as she kisses all over your mouth and face as she humps against your bulge as you take her to her bedroom and lay her on her bed as you make out with out as she reaches down between the two of you and works at getting your workout shorts down as she trees your dick and rubs it against her wet mound as you had pulled her yoga pants and thong off as she worked your bottoms off and as you leaned back down and kissed at her chest you pushed yourself forward and entered her slowly as she gasped and cooed with every inch they filled her up as she bites and kisses your left and ear and tells you to not be gentle with her. You grabbed her arms and pinned them above her head as she looked her legs around your knees and began to moan and gasp as you began to thrust into her using the power generated by your hips as you kept her pinned down and felt her pulsating as she squirmed and shuddered as you kept going and bit and sucked at her neck as her breasts heaved against your chest as you slammed eight inches repeatedly in and out of her with a reckless abandon that causes her to orgasm in quick succession as you eventually slowed down and let go of her arms as you palmed at the bed near her head as her hands rubbed and scratches at your back as you kept up the wild pace for another few minutes before she came so hard and drenched your spearing rod that you slipped out and she took the opportunity to roll her hips and get you on your back as she quickly slid down your body and put your wet and hard dick into her mouth as you moaned loudly and grabbed the back of her head.

She bobbed her mouth up and along for several minutes as she blew you like a woman possessed before she finally climbed on top and lowered herself down in a squat position as she grabbed your hands into hers and used her legs to stroke herself up and down rapidly as you would thrust up randomly and force her orgasm out quicker this way and she would slow down and squeeze your hands as you would then drive up and fast into her spasming cunt and force to cry out and scream until her legs buckled and she has to go to her knees as she panted and moaned and you let her catch her breath as she palmed your pecs and began to ride herself back and forth as she had you nearly balls deep and was stirring herself back and forth more and more quickly, causing the bed to squeak loudly as you held onto her ass and let her ride herself to completion for a few minutes until she tells you she wants to be fucked the ass. She pulls herself off and sucks you off for another few minutes while she fingered her asshole with two fingers and when she was ready she turned herself around and went face down ass up and twerked her hips at you as you got to your knees and lined up against her balloon knot and slowly pushed inside of her, Shotzi screaming out as she grabs the bed sheets and holds on tightly as you worked yourself in and out of her rectum until you got seven inches deep.

The bed was still rocking as Shotzi pushed up and cried out loudly as she rocked her hips back to meet your thrusting, increasing the pressure of the pounding her anal canal was receiving as the tightness of her ass was starting to draw your load closer and closer and ths asses throbbing as you stroked inside of her colon made Shotzi push her head up and dirty talk you as she demanded cum in her ass as she growled and groaned and eventually screamed in orgasmic bliss as she reached down and rubbed her clit as felt you getting more and more hard as your swinging balls were swelling and churning until the eruption causes you to slap at her ass and haunch against her asshole as you started spurting thick globs of cum deep into intestines as Shotzi reached back and holds her cheeks wide as you slowly pumped your load into her rectum as every drop fired inside deep as she moans and lays her sweaty head against the foot of her bed as she thanks you as you moaned and told her anytime as you pulled out after your jerking slowly subsided and watched as a small trickle came out as you had really blasted her insides deep with your load.

The two of you laid in her bed and she confessed she was scared of not being in WWE but that she was sure it would work out for the best. You told her it was okay to be upset and angry and you admitted it was probably your fault and she smiled and kissed your cheek and said she knew the risks when she spoke out and that she was probably on borrowed time. And if this meant one day women like her would get a better shake, she would be fine with the sacrifice. She also says that Triple H had told her that if and when he took over there would be a place for her. You said that was cool of him and she smiles and cuddles you as she asks you to stay just a little while longer, and as you saw her content smile when she closed her eyes you couldn't say no.

End of chapter.