BTR Part 104- Be Mine

BTR Part 104- Be Mine

You were off for a week and had been discussing homes to look at in California when you flew out next week as you and Noelle had come to the decision to buy a home on the west coast. Your primary home would still be the home in Florida but it made sense with her filming for two months in California coming up in the summer for you guys to own a place out there. You spent a few days cleaning house, working out and going to hang out with Taya and Morrison one night and then gaming with Adam Cole, Keith Lee, Mia Yim and Jessamyn over at Keith and Mia's for a game night. It was there that you got a text from Bayley asking if she could come see you as she was nursing a knee injury but was getting ready to return to the ring albeit a bit more nervous and scared.

You said of course and eventually went home after a late night and a blowjob from Jessamyn in the bathroom.

When you awoke you took a shower and hung out in the living room until Bayley called and said she was in her way and you changed into some workout clothes as you had talked about working on some moves with her to test her knee out a bit. She arrived and you greeted her with a big hug as you talked about everything going on with her as you went into the backyard and started to hit the ropes and work on some holds and splashes as you set up the extra crash pad mats so she could do a few top ropes moves she wanted to try. You focused on the ring work and talked about her fears of going back into the locker room as she knew the morale was bad and that everything was hostile and getting worse and she wasn't sure if going back was in her best interest but she had been clear and Vince was desperate to get his top talent out there but Sasha had been "injured" when really she was being punished because of her speaking out but Sasha was okay with it whereas Bayley didn't want to be involved because she just wanted to wrestle. You understood that but said that she would never be treated the way she deserved while Vince was running things. You ended the session and grabbed some water for both of you as you talked on the couch some more about what was going on in your lives and she was happy you and Noelle were getting a place together. You asked about why she and Aaron Solow broke up and she said she just wasn't happy at the time and still isn't. You hugged her and she cuddled you close and smiled as she said she felt better when she was around you and Noelle and you thought about it and decided to ask her about becoming your fourth pick. She was confused and you explained to her as best as you could about what you and Noelle were doing and she eventually just cut you off and kissed you as she said yes repeatedly between kisses as she grinds her hips against your lap as your hands grabbed her fat ass and squeezed as she moaned as she bites at your bottom lip as she giggled and said she wants to be yours and you said she was now. She shuddered and whimpered happily as she kisses you before she reaches down and rubs at your growing bulge as you moaned and she strips her shirt off and sports bra off as she pulls your face to her tits as you moaned and licked and sucked at her nipples and listened to her moan as she continues to rub at your bulge as you suck at her tits hungrily as you eventually pulled her up and laid her down on the rug as you grabbed her yoga pants and stripped them off as she rubbed her feet against your chest before you stripped her panties off as she draped her legs over your shoulders as you leaned down and laid between her as you ran her tongue against slit from the bottom to the top of her clit and she moans and grabs that rug and pulls as she squirms and shudders as she cums against your mouth as you sucked at her juices and pushed a finger inside of her and pushed and pulled it in and out of her while lapping at her clit which causes her to squirm and cry out your name and the way her cunt latched against your finger causes you to pull out and get your shorts and underwear off as you pushed achingly hard member against her slit and entered her slowly as she grabs your shoulders and cries out as she places her legs behind your knees as you leaned down against her and the two of you kissed as you slowly rocked yourself in and out as she brushed her hands through your hair and softly coos out that you're hers and you nod and put your forehead to hers as you began to thrust harder, the "fap" sound of your mounds crashing together filling the living room as she grabs at your palmed arms as you rocked harder and deeper against her with more force as her pussy spasming drenched your dick with juices as you slipped another half inches and was pushing and pulling eight inches hard and fast now inside of her as she groaned and moaned happily as you stroked away inside of her for another few minutes before she shudders and cries out from a hard orgasm that causes her to squirm away as she pulls off of your dick as you quickly turned her around and got her onto her hands and knees and smacked and rubbed at her ass as she moans and pushes your dick back against your mound as you push back inside of her and grab her hips as you began to fuck her doggystyle.

Bayley throws her hair back and cries out loudly as your hands grabbed at her shoulder and you were leaning back and slamming into her as you pulled her against you as her ass cheeks clapped and bounced against your thrusting as you felt her orgasm a few times but continued to just fuck through it and she was now a babbling and groaning mess as she was dripping wet as you eventually pulled out and slapped your dick against her ass cheeks before she tells you to fuck her ass as she lays her head down and reached back and pulled her cheeks apart as your dick was dripping with her orgasmic juices which worked as a good lubricant as you pushed into her anal canal seven inches deep and felt her moan more and more loudly with each inch they entered her colon as you slapped her ass cheeks and rocked yourself back and forth as you plunged deep and hard out of her ass as she screams and moans as she has quick successive orgasms hands free as your intense pounding or her anus was quickening with wilder thrusts as your balls were churning and swelling as your throbbed against her anal walls and she cries out that she can feel you and to cum in and on her as she crashed her hips back and increases the pleasurably pressure as you fucked her for another few minutes before you pushed inside deep and let it fly as you closed your eyes and groaned loudly as she coos and moans as she slides her ass back and forth slowly as she coats her intestines and anal walls with your globby hot seed as you closed your eyes as even the later spurts wers heavy and long and as you pulled out, still a pulsating mess, a huge glob pulses out and slides down her swollen pussy lips and onto the rug as you leaned down and kissed her cheeks and smacked her ass a few times as she yips and giggled as she turns around and lays on top of you as she says she glad to be yours as you smiled and had decided on your fourth pick, knowing you had only one pick left just like Noelle. The two of you eventually got up and went to shower together before planning to go out and celebrate.

End of chapter.