BTR Part 109- Attitude Adjustment (The Final Pet)

BTR Part 109- Attitude Adjustment(The Final Pet)

You held your hand down against Mickie James' throat as you crashed into her pussy with your animalistic fury as eight and a half inches slammed in and out deep and hard with a solid pace as Mickie rubbed her clit and kept her legs wrapped around your knees as you choked her and made her moan and giggle happily as she came from the added pressure against her throat as she came hard and clenched you tightly as you groaned and leaned down and kissed her as her breasts heaved against you as you worked deeper and faster as you were trying not to think about today to much as you were nervous as hell as Cena was currently recording with Renee and the podcast would be out soon after. You also had the knowledge that Sasha was going public about what happened to her and you and Bayley we're just scared for her and she said she had secured some private security and that Noelle would be hosting her at your California home. You loved your wife dearly and you said you would support her and you let Tony and Cody know everything that was about to happen. Mickie caught wind and you filled her in a bit and told her to come by and you would give her a full rundown of what was going to happen. Of course as soon as she arrived she wanted to jump your bones and you decided you may as well get it out of the way. Mickie pulls her legs back and wrapped her hands around her knees to keep them up as you leaned up and kissed at her soles before you grabbed at the top of her ass and rocked into her cunt repeatedly as she feels your manhood throbbing against her tightened up inner walls as her pussy was locked up and making it harder and harder to keep up a fast pace as your balls stirred as they slapped against her ass as you felt yourself stretching her pussy as your throbbing intensified as you drew closer and closer as Mickie moans out and begins to do the dirty talk that really gets you going as you groaned out and grunted with every hard thrust before pushing in as deep as you could as you exploded inside of her, strands of cum filling her mature womb as she shuddered and orgasm part way through as she drenched your firing dick with orgasmic juices as you throbbed madly and pushed and pulled slowly in and out of her slowly as you coated her inner walls and watched as a small trickle of jizz seep out once your tip left get slit and she scoops at it as it drips down over her asshole and she tastes the cum and smiles happily as she moans and stretches like a cat as you smacked her ass and laid beside her as you both cuddled.

You eventually spent the better part of the next two hours telling her everything and she was bewildered by it all but not surprised as she said it was time. You asked her about Trish and what she had told you and she said she and Trish would handle it and would bring you in when everything got going. She then asked about how you and Noelle were doing and you went over everything and she giggled at the "let" thing and said if you had anyone picked out for the final pet. You said no and she giggled and said it should be and she whispered a few names into your ear that you had thought off. You chuckled and said you would think on it and she smacks your chest and gives you a kiss as she dresses and says she has to get back home before Nick does so that she can get her place ready for her kiddos coming home from her parents. You thanked her and she said she said she would end up having to thank you when everything was finally settled and you watched her leave as she blew you kisses and a wink. You armed the alarm and went and took a shower before laying in bed and thinking about the names she had said before smirking as one kept coming through your mind over and over and again. You sent them a text and asked if they wanted to meet up and they said of course and when they asked why you were honest. They seemed genuinely surprised by it and you felt a tinge of nervousness as they eventually texted back that they would love to be a part of it. You made plans to meet them at their place and eventually you were able to drift off to sleep with a big grin.

The next day came and you got your workout in and showered and dressed as you got updates from Renee that said shit was about to get real and that she was taking her kid and basically going into hiding while Mox was in rehab and wasn't able to be there to protect her and the kid. You asked what Cena and she would give you anything but that it would be edited and out tomorrow. You told her to be careful and to keep in touch and she promised she would as you arrived at the home and smiled as you knocked on the door. When it opened your heart fluttered as she jumped into your arms and you held her close to you as Io Shirai kissed you deeply as you walked inside and kicked the door shut behind you as it had to be Io. You had been through alot as friends, and your heart always had a special place for her. When you asked Noelle she was completely fine with it as she knew your history but also knew you were past that place and that it could be okay, and she gave you the blessing which was more valuable than you had thought. Io asked why her and you told her exactly what you felt and why and she wiped at her tears as you hugged and talked for a bit about what was going on before she took your hand and dragged you into her room as she threw you onto the bed and told you to get your clothes off as you didn't waste any time as she quickly stripped her clothes off and exposes her beautiful body before she climbs onto the bed and gets between your legs as she takes your hard dick and slowly sucks at the tip while she softly jerks you off as you move her hair to watch her face as she smiles and takes you down further and further as she moans and really gets into it as she stroked at what she couldn't get into her mouth as she gags and chokes herself to add more and more saliva along your rock hard dick as she eventually crawls up and rubs her slit against your hard dick as she places her knees against your side as she lowers herself down slowly as she yips and says your name as she immediately cums from the penetration as she was extremely tight even with how wet she was and you both moaned and groaned loudly as she got herself eight inches deep as you dug your heels into the bed and gripped her beautiful big ass as you asked if she was okay. She tells you your Japanese is rusty and you both chuckled as she kissed you and wrapped her arms around your neck as you rocked yourself upwards, the "fap" sound of skin crashing into skin fills the room quickly as her ass slapped against your thighs as your balls hit her ass while your dick plunged in and out with a furious speed as Io just moaned and yipped in your ear as you would slow down to let her orgasm subsided as she alternated between drenching your dick with her juices to tightening up to where you couldn't move and after the come down if each one you would go back to the wild and quick upward thrusts as you moved her up a bit and sucked at her tits as you got her to cry out and scream from a body shaking orgasm that pulls her off of your dick as she grinds herself against your lap while shuddering as you quickly rolled her onto her stomach and entered her in the prone bone position.

The padding of her ass made the sound of your hard thrusts even more arousing as Io just grips the bedsheets and yips with every shark thrust into her pussy and as you fucked her cunt for a few minutes without stopping she eventually tells out to you that you should fuck her ass and you slapped st her cheeks and eventually pulled out of her pussy as a small squirt drenched the sheets directly under her womanhood as you had felt the pressure build up before you pulled out and you pulled her hips up and spread her cheeks as you sucked and licked at her clit from behind and she moans your name and tells you to stop torturing her as you laugh and finger her pussy while you focused your tongue against her asshole which causes her to cry out and cum against your plunging finger as you pulled up and eventually inserted yourself deep into her rectum as seven inches sunk inside as she kept her cheeks spread to allow your easier thrusts to fill up her colon as she moans your name and orgasms again without even touching herself as her pussy was a spasming and dripping mess as you pumped your hips back and forth as your cock was a throbbing mess as you grunted and felt your balls swelling as Io hips out that you should cum inside her asshole and you told her you were as you grabbed her hips and rocked her back against your thrusting, adding more torque which causes you both to cry out in pleasure as your body felt the surge of heat as you thrusted wildly and slowed down as you began flooding her rectum with cum, spurt after spurt of hot seed coating her intestines as Io just moans happily and shudders as she reaches down and rubs an orgasm out of her cunt as you slowly pulled out once you're jerking and pulsating had slowly subsided and a glob not semen pours out of her ass and drips down in a long trail over her pussy and along her fingers as she was still rubbing herself as she just moans happily and rolls onto her side as she grabs you and kisses you aggressively and passionate as you laid down beside her and cuddled in a sweaty naked embrace.

You stayed over with Io and enjoyed a fun all day and night sex session where you went over things and got her full support as you awaited nervous for the alert of Renee's podcast. You texted anyone and everyone you knew to listen to it when they could and at 1230 eastern time, the podcast dropped. You translated for Io who listened with you and you were floored. Cena talked about Vince using Cena to hold others down, denying Cena to build up stars because Vince didn't see anyone on his level. He talks about some of the drama that surrounded him with Mickie back in the day and how Vince was known for being racially insensitive, verbally and emotionally abusive to female talents and even after the women's revolution, he backed off only for Kevin Dunn to pick up the mantle. He talked about Vince openly being spiteful and the firings lately we're all a sign of that. Cena admits he fell out of favor with Vince because Cena found success in Hollywood which was something openly admitted he never wanted or thought would happen. He was positive that the Cena's, Rock's and Austin's were his creations and their success anywhere outside of the WWE was maddening to him. He would play nice for the ratings when they would come back but he despised anyone who succeeded which was why AEW bugged him so much. The biggest bombshell came when he talked to Renee about an incident he had been told to never share about how Vince once told that he was glad to have sampled some of Cena's girlfriends in the past, alluding to him that Vince had slept with Mickie and Nikki Bella. When pressed by a shocked Renee, Cena admitted he didn't want to confirm which one he knew was true but that Vince was making talent sleep with him and other producers to secure their spots. You grinned wide as you knew you had the billionaire son of a bitch. So much more was about to come down on Vince's head and you squeezed Io's hand as you muttered three words. Down. With. Vince.

End of chapter.