BTR Part 112-Scare Tactics

BTR Part 112- Scare Tactics

You were taking a flight in the morning for a few hour ride to the next dynamite taping but a lot had happened in the few days since you came home from Seattle. WWE was starting to put the squeeze on the talent they didn't feel was loyal and was now harassing the former talent that were speaking out. Killian Dain and Nicola had their house firebombed by someone, Sonya was starting to get stalkers again and WWE denied her request for a leave it for any kind of stipend for protection. Karrion and Scarlett were accosted by a "fan" who, thankfully, didn't get his hands on Scarlett as Karrion and Ec3 beat the living hell out of him. Tegan refused to sleep with Kevin Dunn and refused to show up to work but they weren't firing her they were instead putting her checks in escrow and fining her. A few of the others were helping her out and James Fatality was now being booked to lose every single match and he had been caught saying to a fan in camera "you know why I'm losing" which garnered more heat. Mitch got into a fight with Finn Balor and won that one at a restaurant when Balor saw him and gave him a hug while basically calling him a traitor with a smirk on his face. Mitch didn't take that lightly. Damien Swift, whom you hated with a passion, was getting into Vince's ear and telling Vince that Becky and Seth weren't loyal. That Monday following him getting into Vince's ear, Seth lost a match randomly killing his momentum and Becky dropped the belt to Bianca Belair who was all backstage along with Lacey Evans, Toni Storm who was being used finally and had flipped her original stance and claimed to be just frustrated. Charlotte said it was getting worse and that Kevin even accosted her and said she wasn't above getting herself whored out if that's what he and Vince decided. You felt helpless but everyone was speaking out more and more. Bryan Danielson finally said some pretty harsh things on behalf of his wife even with the family dynamic as John Laurentiis was his father in law. Some of the older school guys that were still with us were speaking out about stuff they heard and saw but it just still wasn't enough. Not yet. That was going to change.

Stephanie had come by and she was on her back, moaning loudly as her breasts slapped together as you had her rocking against your thrusting manhood as eight inches crashed deep and hard as she was holding onto the back of your neck as her smooth and toned legs draped around your waist as she was leaning her hips up and letting you plunge deep into her milfy cunt as she places her forehead to yours and tells you she's gonna cum and you just jaw back and continue the onslaught against her cunt as she locked up and came hard as she threw her head back and screamed a curse while you licked and kissed at her neck as you laid your body on top of her and continued to push your hips into her with a quick flirty that causes her to grab your ass and squeeze as she begs for you to fuck her and you oblige and pick up the pace as your mounds slap together loudly as she pulled you to her and held her hands against your head as she just moaned and groaned into your ears as you kept up a wild pace and pushed in deep as you felt her pussy spasm and lock up tightly as she shuddered and held you tightly as you let her enjoy her orgasm before she moaned and bit at your ear and rolled her hips as she gets you onto your back and palms at your chest as she starts to quickly grind her hips back and forth as she feels your hands grab at her ass and squeeze as you just held on and let the billion dollar princess ride you as hard or fast as she wanted as she groaned and giggled happily as she was stirring your dick balls deep inside of her as her brow was a sweaty mess as her hair stuck to her face before she moves it and and digs her nails into your chest as she slows down and cries out as she cums hard. Eventually slowing her wild pace and beginning to move at a deliberately slower pace.

You had eventually taken back over as you had Stephanie's arms pinned behind her back as you were crashing upwards with hard quick thrusts as your balls slapped up against her large ass cheeks as your heels were dug into the bed as you sucked Stephanie's left breast and the combination of holding her arms back and sucking at her tits while crashing balls deep was just too much stimulation and she was a screaming and orgasming mess that eventually pulled her arms from your grasp and pushed against you as she pulled herself to her feet and began to crash down while locking her cunt up with a tight kegel and demanding your cum as she grabbed your face and squeezed your cheeks while calming your chest as she stopped sharply with hard, deep bounced that speared your dick violently inside of her and you both became groaning loud beasts as your crotches pulsated together as your throbbing expanded against her purposely locked up cunt and as she slammed herself down a few more times, the sight of her "O" face and the scream of your name was all it took and you grunted loudly and pushed up against held down hips as you began flooding her pussy with an enormous amount of cum as she just screams and shivers as her spasming womanhood soaks your dick with her juices which immediately created a overflow of your semen between your crotches as her inner walls were so wet that your cum wasn't sticking inside of her and you could feel your cum seeking between your dick and her cunt as you kept yourself buried as deep inside of her as you could but after a few moments once your manhood had slowly subsided she pulled herself straight up and watched as a huge wet slosh of cum and juices falls out and splashes against your mound but she quickly laid on her stomach and licked at it and slurped it up hungrily as you ran your hand through her hair and just moaned as you watched her softly suck at your softening dick while still cleaning the excessive cum that had spilled on your lap.

The Two of you showered together and dressed and eventually went downstairs to talk as she sat at the bar top as you made her a drink and gave her all the information that you knew. She listened and wrote in her phone and said that she had everything she thinks she needs to know as she has a look on her face as you watched her down the drink you made her and when you asked what was on her mind she said she has something that will ruin everything her father built. But she knows things needs to change but that when she comes cleans about this there's gonna be a lot of backlash from her family and shame when she faces her daughters who are old enough to know about some of the stuff that's being said about her family and father. Everything was hard and horrible and she doesn't understand why it had to get to this point. She began to sob and you grabbed her hand and looked at her and said it was time to change. The world was different, and if her daughters wanted to feel safe and be a part of this business, then the culture had to change. The toxicity was from the head and you had to get rid of it if the WWE was going to survive and be what it was always meant to be. She nods and wipes her eyes as she knows your right but she still has to come to terms with it. You understood that and she got an alert a few minutes later that her limo was here and she said she would see you on the other side of this. You shook hands and then pulled her into a hug as you knew it would be a long time before you saw Stephanie again as things were about to come to a head. She stopped at the door and turned and looked at you as she said D.W.V and walked out. You knew what that meant and to hear it from Stephanie was all then assurance you needed that she was going to come through.

End of chapter.