BTR Part 114- Double or Nothing Weekend

BTR Part 114- Double or Nothing Weekend

You were happy to have your wife by your side as you kissed her and slapped at her bare ass as she and Nicola were cuddled together on the bed in your hotel room as double or nothing had finally come. Sasha was still at the house in California and the podcast and video with Renee and the former women had completely turned everything upside down. Federal investigation was launched, Nikki Bella came forward and corroborated Cena's claim's. She filed a report as it fell with the statute of the state of Connecticut and that allowed Tegan to come forward, and then Elektra to come forward and fill police reports on Kevin Dunn. At first WWE denied the allegations but the mountain of actual legal trouble became too much and Vince had to "suspend" Kevin until the investigations were completed. WWE stock fell sharply, USA and Fox were lambasted for their silence. The house of cards was finally beginning to tumble. You looked out of your window and felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist as Nicola laid her head against your back and breathed a heavy sigh as she said it was finally starting to happen. You turned around and saw the look in her eyes as you wiped a tear away and kissed her forehead as she hugged you and said she's thankful for everything you had done. You and Noelle had given her and Killian a loan to buy a new house and others had chipped in behind the scenes to help them replace what they lost. Nicola had her first title match against Anna Jay for the TBS title tonight and she was overwhelmed by the news, the match and everything else going on. You and Noelle made sure to spend the night with her and and as she hugged you you pulled her head up and kissed her deeply as she moans and shudders as she ran her hands down your hips and broke the kiss as she smiled and told Noelle she needed to wake up or else she was gonna have all the fun. Nicola squatted down and took your dick into her mouth as she bobbed her mouth quickly up and along and felt your hardening quickly against her bobbing and sucking as she swirled her tongue along the tip when she would suck nearly off before she would deepthroat you as she did this several times before slurping off and pumping your dick with both hands as she works her saliva all along your hard dick as Noelle stirs awake and looks over and smiled as she just nestled her pillow and tries to go back to sleep as Nicola goes and beds over at the side of the bed she was on as she hikes a leg up and twerks her ass cheeks together as you get behind her and pushed slowly into her juicy pussy as she shudders and cries out loudly as she grabs the bed sheets and rocks her hips back as you grabbed her hips and pushed in deep against her bucking back as Noelle just grins as she listens to Nicola getting louder and louder with every forward thrust.

You crashed deep and hard into Nicolas pussy as she pushed her hips back wildly as your dick crashed deep and hard before pulling out as she came hard and drenched your sliding dick with excessive wetness as you pulled out and lean down and licked and sucked at her cunt which makes her squirm as she pushes her hips back against your tongue before you grabbed her and flipped her onto her back as you pushed inside of her cunt and felt her legs drape around your knees as you grabbed her arms and pinned her to the bed as your hips moved up and down as you speared seven and a half inches in and out repeatedly as Nicola shudders and spasms against your cock as you continued to rock into her with a pleasured frenzy as you she grabs your arms and begs for your cum as you felt your throbbing increased more and more against her clenching walls as you gritted your teeth and slammed away more and more as Noelle bit her bottom lip and slyly rubbee herself as you slammed a few dozen more times as Nicola cries out and cums hard as you leaned down and kissed her as you pushed inside and let yourself go as you flooded her womb with thick spurts of hot jizz as she grabs your shoulders and rubs your arms as she throws her head back and cries out as she cums again near the end of your orgasm as you were still slowly pumping your hips in and out of her as Noelle whimpers and shivers as she jerks a bit and cums against her own hand as you Nicola look at her and giggle as you kiss one another as you slowly pulled out of Nicola and watched a nice little trickle of seed pulsate out of her swollen cunt.

You, Noelle and Nicola showered together and got ready for the day as you and Nicola headed to the venue as Noelle was going to meet up with Brandi Rhodes and Jade who were the ones hosting the orgy for tonight's after the show festivities. You got to the arena and ran into Miro and Ethan as y'all yucked it up and and eventually talked about your matches as Miro was set to drop the AEW Championship belt to Bryan Danielson and Ethan and Scorpio were taking on the Lucha Brothers for the tag titles. Jessamyn and Shayna were defending the women's tag teams belts against The Bunny and Penelope Ford as Saraya Jade was dropping the title to Thunder Rosa. Kenny Omega and Adam Cole were going one in one in the opener and you went and talked with them about making sure they didn't bring the house down. Keku was gearing up for his title defense against Malaki Black which was playing into the real life narrative with his wife Thea which probably was the hottest angle in the industry. You and Cody talked for a while about everything that was happening before you weren't and got yourself changed into your gear and took some promo photos and hung out backstage before Jessamyn grabbed your hand and pulled you away quickly towards a bathroom as she was having a match after the Kenny and Adam Cole match as the kick-off show was starting with Hangman against Ricky Starks. Jessamyn quickly stepped out of her MMA style trunks and you did the same as she hopped up onto the sink counter and wrapped her long legs around your waist as you made out passionately while pushing yourself inside of her as she shudders and bites your bottom lip and pulls as she looks into your eyes and feels your power almost immediately as you thrusted inside of her cunt as you asked if Sonya was okay with everything going on and she just cooed and nodded and continued to take you deep inside as her cunt locked up and squeezed your dick tightly as she shudders and groans and hooks her finger into the back of your neck as you worked faster inside, feeling her wetness seize up around your driving dick as she would cry out and orgasm hard against your dick as you kissed her and felt your throbbing start to expand against her tightened inner walls as she coos happily and smiled her cheesier cat grin as she tells you to cum and you continued to stroke yourself in and out as you began to thrust in sharp quick bursts before working in hard and this added combination causes Jessamyn to scream in bloody murder from an orgasm that milks your driving manhood to completion as you groaned and gritted her name out through clenched teeth as you bucked into her wildly and started spraying her womanhood down with hot and thick globs of seed as Jessamyn kisses all over her face and lips as you left your jerking rod inside of her pulsing pussy as you slowly pulled out as Jessamyn quickly pulls her MMA trunks up and grins as she says she loves the tradition but not to tell Noelle as she hasn't asked permission. She winked and headed out as you collected yourself and pulled yourself together before heading out to watch some of the card before getting yourself ready for your match.

You found Noelle hanging around with Mickie and Jade as Mickie was listening to Noelle praise her for the podcast and for coming forward. You smiled and got hugs and kisses before Noelle makes out with you and tells you to kill it. Kenny and Cole brought the energy with Cole going over as Jessamyn and Shayna had a surprisingly strong match against the Bunny and Penelope with them retaining but they were attacked after the match by Cassie and Jessica, the Inspiration from Impact. Keku and Malaki had a war and Thea couldn't pull the trigger to cheat against her husband but the Lucha Brothers and Andrade helped him retain and the inquisition stood tall even though Thea didn't seem happy about it. Nicola went over Anna for the TBS title which has you smiling from ear to ear as you knew Noelle was going nuts from her spot. Charlotte came up and hugged you from behind as she wished you a good match as they were lowering the cage and playing the video package. You got the shakes and slaps as your music hit and you went into focus mode as you came out to a nice heel pop as you strutted to the ring and got inside the cage as Darby came out to a huge pop and immediately scaled the cage and did a body splash onto you to start the match as the crowd was hooked from the beginning as you traded back and forth momentum shots as you eventually took the upper hand and began to slam and throw Darby about like a ragdoll as the crowd jeers at you as the you land a top rope meteora and then a back to back Palaces Burn but you don't pin Darby as you toy with him and lift him up for another Palaces Burn but Darby counters with a flipping stunner and then runs and launches himself between the ropes against you as you were pinned between the ropes and cage and Darby does this suicide dice three straight times and you didn't understand what happened as you felt your vision blur as his full body slammed against your head and your head snapped against the steel bar plating. Referee Bryce Remsburg checks on you and you say you can continue even though you were seeing blurs. Darby does a shotgun dropkick and sends you into the cage again as he sets you up for a coffin drop which he lands but not satisfied he goes to the top of the cage and misses the coffin drop. You quickly pick him up and land the Final Judgement pinning him for the one...two...thr...and he kicked out, the crowd going wild as you shook your head and tried to get some vision back but wasn't as you were trying to keep yourself calm as you went into the finish and licked him up and screamed at him that he was nothing within these walls. He slapped you in defiance and you hit him with a Final judgement again, picking him up as you lawn darted him into the cage, hit another Final Judgement, and got the one, two, three. The crowd erupts in boos as you smirked and let the ref hold your hand up in victory as you gloated over Darby and showed up the crowd as you headed to the back selling the battle you went through. As you got through gorilla and saw your friends and producers clapping and giving congratulations as you thanked them and felt yourself getting very heavy all of a sudden as your vision completely blurred and all of sudden everything went black as you collapsed onto the floor and hit your head hard as everyone screamed in shock and horror as all you could hear was the shrill screams of panicked people.

End of chapter.