BTR Part 116- Public Enemy.

BTR Part 116- Public Enemy.

You were Public Enemy number one to a majority of wrestling fans right now, but thankfully your name was being cleared by the police. The hospital you were at had turned over footage, including footage in the room which the police saw and immediately contacted all parties involved. Carmella, through WWE released a statement apologizing for her unfortunate use of words about a consensual act and was just upset that she had made a poor decision to cheat on Corey. She was now getting dragged and had pulled from WWE tv while you now dealt with people who didn't know about your and Noelle's relationship and are now calling you a cheater on top of those who won't accept that you're not a rapist now. You released a statement thanking the police and apologizing to your wife (even though you didn't actually have to, it still had to be done for the public) and basically said you were just happy to have your name cleared and that you didn't blame Carmella. AEW and Tony had to issue statements and you were going to be off tv for a while to let the outside heat die down a bit. You eventually flew out to California and decided to stay with Noelle who still crestfallen by the venom she was getting in what was suppose to be the happiest time of her life as she had these distractions now between your stuff and even with Sasha's investigation heating up and the various police that were coming to the house to talk to her. This sucked. And you were a despondent mess for the next several days as the heat was dying down and more people were starting to come to your defense about the Carmella allegations and correlating that with what was happening at WWE. Soon there was a huge hashtag going around with your name and ones who were fearing for their jobs like Tegan and such were coming out in support of you. There was still The hardcore stans now that weren't going to hear it but you were starting to feel less and less alienated.

Sasha kisses you on the couch as the two of you were talking about everything coming to a head as you both expressed your fears and sadness about it all. Eventually your need for comfort won out and she was in your lap, grinding softly and slowly as you made out with her as she said she would always have you and Noelle's back forever after everything you've done. You smiled and she wiped the single tear that you couldn't hold back from your cheek as she kisses you passionately again and rubs her hands under your shirt before she takes it off and kisses and licks at your neck and chest, as your hands grabbed her ass and squeezed her booty shorts as she giggled and moved her top off as you grinned and licked and sucked at her breasts as she just caressed your neck and pulled your head to her as she moans happily and shudders as she eventually pulls herself away and onto her knees as she gets your shorts and underwear off takes hold of your throbbing manhood as you watched her take you into her mouth as she slowly bobbed herself up and along your shaft as she played with your balls while stroking at what she couldn't fit down as she decided to focus on sucking along the tip and first few inches while the intense combination of the fondling, sucking and stroking brought your orgasm closer and closer together as you groaned and felt yourself throbbing as she didn't let up and the added eye contact was enough to make you want to cum right then and there but you held out and moaned loudly as she knew what she was doing and when she increased all three motions at once you didn't stand a chance as you let loose and bucked against her as she relaxed her throat and deepthroats you as you blasted her mouth with cum as you felt your load firing hot thick strands of seed deep into her throat as she just moans and keeps herself down along your spasming rod before she pulls her mouth off slowly and shows you that every drop had been swallowed as she giggled and wipes at her lips before asking if you wanted to keep going. You just smiled and nodded sheepishly as she just grins.

She had stripped her booty shorts off as she was on her backside and was rubbing her soles against your manhood as she worked you back into being achingly hard with a nice long footjob which gets you off the couch and between her legs as she giggled and felt your dick rubbing against the outside of her slit as you pressed her legs together and placed them against your left shoulder as you pushed inside of her using just the forward push of your hips as she moans out loudly as you sunk nearly eight inches of her and felt her shudder as she orgasmed from the penetration as you had her lower half folded up slightly against her frame as you speared eight inches deep and fast as she moaned out your name name and spasmed around your pistoning manhood as your thickness was coated in her excessive juices as you continued to slowly thrust madly and roughly inside of her as she cries out repeatedly with every accompanying orgasm as you kissed at her ankles and eventually spread her legs and palmed the floor by her head as she wrapped her legs around your knees and grabbed at your arms as she encouraged you with some very sexy dirty talk as you shook your head and grunted loudly as you continued to push repeatedly inside of her clenched up pussy as she groans and tossed her head back for a loud shriek as you pushed inside deep and held your hips in as you laid against her and kissed her sloppily as she just moans and shivers from the intense orgasm as you pulled out of her and pulled her over and got her ass up into the air as you slapped at it repeatedly while leaning down and licking at her sopping wet cunt before getting to your knees and pushing yourself back inside of her.

Sasha just moaned loudly as she shudders and locks up around your driving dick as you slammed in and out with a heathen like fury as she just mutters and groans in ecstasy as you were slamming into her doggystyle with quick bursts of frantic speed before you would slow down and plunge nearly balls deep which would make her scream and Yelp loudly as you kept up this hard and slow pace for a good while as each slammed thrust inwards would causes her cunt to spasm and locked up tightly as she keeps her muscle clenched up as you felt heard her giggle as she starts to beg and demand your orgasm deep inside of her as you shuddered and grunted with every slow and hard push inside as your balls swung about and churned with your brewing seed as you moaned louder and louder and Sasha screamed and orgasmed hard as you slapped her ass and buried inside deep as your eruption fired deep into her womb immediately overfilling her womanhood after the first two thick globs of cum pooled inside deep as you gripped her ass and squeezed the flesh tightly as you slowly pumped yourself in and out of her pussy as her spasming inner walls were coated with your hot jizz as Sasha just breaths heavily as she reached back and rubbed at her clit as you slowly pulled out of her after your orgasm subsided as she quickly pushed two fingers inside and makes sure none of your cum gets out as you just rubbed and kissed at her ass before pulling her up and grabbing her into a cuddle against the couch as you both just listen to each other's heavy breathing as you sigh contently.

The next few days were a crazy whirlwind. You got the okay from Tony to come back to work and you and Noelle celebrated with Sasha as word had reached everyone that Kevin Dunn and several former and current producers were going to be charged with various sex related crimes and extortion. But that wasn't the biggest shock as Stephanie McMahon had come forward in a blistering statement against her father, detailing many many things he had done and said to various women and how he, Kevin Dunn, Fabulous Moolah and many others covered up crimes, used wrestlers for prostitution and other horrible things. The most heartbreaking and troubling of her Revelations and the thousands of documents she had to supply to law enforcement and the FBI was that the rumor about Stephanie and Macho Man was started by her father who was mad at Macho Man after he stopped a then seventeen year old Stephanie from being sexually assaulted by a producer for USA Network whom Vince was trying to woo for a better tv deal as WCW was on the rise. She apologized for the many years of silence and for the hurt and pain she had allowed to happen and that she was stepping down as chief brand officer to focus on helping change the culture of WWE and to cooperate in any way that she can with the investigations going forward. You and Noelle were completely floored by this as you knew nothing was ever gonna be the same. Stephanie then signed off with a tearful apology and Noelle gripped your hand as you got dozens of messages with people exclaiming in shock that you really did just change the world. D.W.V was also being thrown about, and you couldn't believe what you had just heard and the dirt sheets and all major networks were talking about it for hours. You had no idea what was going to happen now. But this was undeniable. You, and everyone who stood up for and with you...had won.

End of chapter.