BTR Part 125- Black Dried Up Heart

BTR Part 125- Black Dried Up Heart

Rhea was laying flat on the bed as you were reaming her asshole prone bone style. Rhea gripped the sheets and she tossed her ass up to match your thrusting as you were fucking her with the intensity she requires she was in a mood. Rhea had been having issues with booking since Mania but was more concerned about being lost into the shuffle even more so than when Vince was running things but you did what you could to assuage her fears because you knew how high Hunter was on her. Still she want wanting to hear it and so sex became the only thing you could use to calm her down. She flew out to California to stay the weekend with you and Noelle and you were in the guest room where she was sleeping as Rhea lifted her head but you pushed it back down and made her moan with a stifled giggle as she moans and let's you ream her ass with more and more brutal force as she encouraged you and could hear the sound of your body slamming down against her ass cheeks as she moans out loudly and cums, hands free, from the violent force being exerted into her anal canal as you fucked her ass with a growing animalistic fury which made your throbbing increase as she reached between her legs and rubbed her clit as she came again, and in doing so her body twitched and shuddered as she seizes up her anal muscles and feels you slam into her chasm a few more times before holding yourself inside and cumming deep into her colon as she bites the bedsheets and moans and coos as she can feel the load blasting her intestines as you laid against her and kissed at her broad and beautiful shoulders.

The two of you laid in a cuddle together as you regaled her with the story about your time with Kayla Rossi a week ago which made her laugh as she admits she was a bit jealous as she hadn't ever done that to you but not from a lack of trying. You asked her about what else was going on and she dodged the question and tried to change the subject but you wouldn't let her. She eventually turns the tables and moves away from you as she runs her feet along your cock and starts to stroke you off with a footjob to get you hard again. You told her you weren't taking her off the hook but she said you need to fuck her into submission as her black dried up heart was in need of restarting. You raised an eyebrow and moaned as she bit her bottom lip and rubbed her nipples as she feels you getting harder and harder as she eventually spreads her legs and watched as you crawl over her and enter her cunt as she shudders and you moaned out loudly as her pussy was surprisingly tight as you looked at her face and caressed her cheek but she slaps your hand away and tells you she needs to be fucked. You grabbed her arms and pinned them above her head as she nods and encourages you as you take your other hand and grab her throat and choke her hard as she tries to talk but can't as you start to slam your hips into her mound as you were balls deep as nearly every inch was moving in and out of her pussy with an aggression you knew she wanted as you started to ease up as her face was turning a dark red as her air supply was cut off and as she took a deep breath you slapped her and slammed deep as she screams and moans louder before you slapped her again and choked her as you kept her arms pinned as her tits clapped together as you were giving her your all, your hips pistoning away as you fucked her cunt with every ounce of vigor you could mister, her body a spasming and shaking mess as you were getting off with orgasm after orgasm between the violent fucking, choking and keeping her arms pinned. After another few more minutes of this frantic pace you pushed inside with all your throbbing achingness as you started firing strand after strand of hot seed deep into her pulsating and spasming cunt as her womb was filled to the brim with your load as she shakes and moans while your handprint was clearly marked red in her throat as she coughs and moans as she curls up and can barely speak as you laid beside her and just basked in the after sex glory of doing what she needed and wanted from you as she scoots closer and drapes a keg and arm over you as you could feel her pussy leaking with a mix of her juices and your semen.

Rhea eventually stirs to a more coherent state as she looks at you and rubs your chest as she nods and closes her eyes as she thanks you for that. You smacked her ass and made her yelp weakly as she takes some deep breaths and says she thinks you choked her into euphoria, but you countered that she came a tremendous amount of times too and she giggled and shrugs as she loved not giving you any credit. You wipe some hair from her sweaty brow as she she touched your face and you could see some sadness as she lets a tear fall and curses as she gets up and sits up as she hides her face as you moved up and rubbed her back as you asked what was going on and she turns and hugs you to her, crying as you didn't say a word as you just told her close and let her get it all out. A few minutes passed and she eventually got her composure as you asked again what was going on. She says the stuff about the booking was part of it but the closer that Noelle was getting to the delivery date, and knowing about Jessamyn and Io, she was starting to regret not getting knocked up, or at the very least falling for this attachment because she knew she wasn't going to get to spend much time with you as you were world champion and a soon to be father. There wouldn't be time for her. You stopped her and made her look at you as you and Noelle were committed to make what you both started work, she was Aunt Rhea, and was expected to be a big loving part of the family. She smiled and nodded as she laid her head against your chest as you held her tightly and hummed in her ear as she smiled and relaxed, thanking you for making her feel important. You tell her she is important and she looks at you and smiles a genuine smile that makes your heart melt as you cuddle together for the rest of the night, in a happy content state.

End of chapter