BTR Part 139- Class Is In Session (Serena Deeb)

BTR Part 139- Class Is In Session (Serena Deeb)

Serena Deeb had come to stay a few days with you and Noelle as she wanted to provide the two of you a professional session. Mick and Collette were watching the child for the week/weekend and the two of you spent your week off together for the first time in a month and a half just sleeping, getting stuff done and trying to have as much time together as possible. Some of the pets like Nicola and Shayna/Dakota came and hung out and you went and had dinner with Noelle's Agent and hung out with Miz and Maryse. You even got to hang out with Cody and Brandi and their beautiful daughter for a bit with the Miz before Serena had texted that she was in LA for a local show and wanted to come and offer her professor services to you and Noelle. Noelle was intrigued and so you invited her over and after a few hours she arrived and was barking orders at you two with a firmness that was arousing to you both. She dropped to her knees and told Noelle to follow her every instruction as she took your cock out and ran her hands along it as it was hardening quickly. She told Noelle about how she wanted her to suck it and she watched with intense eyes as Noelle followed her instructions to the tee as Serena would tell you where to place your hands and how to hold her hair. She would let Noelle suck for several minutes, showing her different speeds and ways to lick before she would take over and lead by example, often doing a surprisingly better job then you had ever had with a blowjob. It took everything in you not to cum and Serena knew as much and would stop and give your balls a nice little slap that would send a pain through your scrotum and yet even that felt amazing when she would start back up and have Noelle massage at your balls. Soon it was becoming uneasy to not cum and as Noelle was sucking you down, Serena forcing her to go faster as she held your wives hair and forced her to gag and deepthroat you, you closed your eyes and bellowed loudly as you came deep down your wives throat, Serena forcing Noelle to hold you down deep as seven inches was down your wives throat as you blasted your thick creamy load deep into her mouth as Noelle relaxed her throat swallowed up every drop as Serena slowly moved her head off and inspected your cock and then Noelle's mouth before she told Noelle to strip nude as she stood and grabbed your dick and jerked it as she kissed you and then told you you would have to perform at your absolute best tonight. You simply groaned and nodded as she took you by your cock and lead you upstairs to your master bedroom as she barked for Noelle to follow.

Noelle held her legs to the side with her hands under her knees as Serena and yourself were laying your heads against her inner thighs as you took turns eating her out, Serena showing you some of her fingering techniques as Noelle would scream kt mouth a loud "oh shit" as you would feel her pussy spasm as her orgasms caused her legs to shake as Serena let you suck on your wife's beautiful toes as Serena would take over for a long stretch and really make your wife scream and moan as you would stop her after a bit and show her your own skills while still implementing what Serena had shown you as to not piss her off. Eventually Serena moved off of the bed and got onto her knees as she started to suck you off as she got you slick and hard as you forced a few more orgasms out of your wife's beautiful pink pussy as Serena snapped her fingers and told you to stop as she got onto the bed and spread her legs, telling you to show her your tongue as you moved off of Noelle who closed her legs and turned to the side with her hands over her cunt as she shook and spasmed as her pussy was a throbbing mess. You felt Serena grab the back of your head and smush your mouth against her clit as she moaned loudly as you quickly slipped two fingers in and started to work them the way she told you she liked it as you used your tongue to lash at her clit as your wife watched in a sweaty heap. The lashing and finger combined caused Serena to spasm and orgasm after a few minutes and she eventually demanded to be fucked as she pulled your face up and squeezed your cheeks together as she pulls you up and got you between her legs as she reached down and strokes your off while telling you exactly the pace and speed she wanted as the demanding tone and the intense locking of eye contact made your dick throb as Noelle got closer and began to lick and swirl her tongue along Serena's right nipple as Serena moaned but kept the she contact as she pulled you to her opening and let you push inside as you began to sink your dick into her mature but wet cunt.

Serena felt her body shaking as you were stroking deep and hard, not going to fast but definitely not going slow as your hands were placed against the side of her shoulders as her hands were wrapped around arms as you pumped eight inches in and out with the timing she liked, Noelle laying beside her as the two would kiss and Serena would explain why she enjoyed the pace before barking orders about when to slow down or speed up to prolong and increase her pleasure as she told Noelle to be vocal and to dictate the pace as you were the tool for her desires. She seemed to like this and you raised an eyebrow while Serena came and then caught herself to explain it was a give and take and each session should be different and mixed and if Noelle wanted to use you however she saw fit, she would need to be used the same way when you wanted. You both agreed to do that and asked how to balance that with the pets which Serena said that the pets were outside the marriage and therefore were only meant to be used as you both saw fit. You were told to go faster and did so, slamming with quicker shark thrusts as Serena demanded you cum inside her as Noelle was pulled by her hair to go down by her clit and use her tongue which she did as the added constriction from this caused Serena to orgasm so hard that her entire body spasmed as she clenched up so tightly that it immediately milked your load as you could barely push inside when you held your hips forward and felt the eruption from your balls pour deep into Serena's womanhood as she moaned happily as she felt you filling her up with every drop your body could produce while she orgasmed again as Noelle hadn't let up with her tongue on her clit as your muscles strained and your head felt dizzy from the intensity of it all.

Eventually you pulled out and Noelle was asked how she or the other women continue to use your cock after consecutive loads. She shows her the footjob technique she used and Serena nodded and took note as she asked if she could try as she didn't do this often and Noelle was more then happy to show her. The back and forth didn't help your sensitive cock very much but after a bit Serena took control and as always was quick and astute as she got your dick rock solid again with a fine footjob as she tells Noelle to get on all fours as she wanted to see how you ass fuck. Noelle does as she's told and Serena moved and sucks you off for a few moments to get your dick nice and slick again before she moved and began to eat Noelle's pussy from behind, every now and again dipping her fingers into your wifes cunt when she would orgasm and use the orgasmic juices as a lubricant when she would push the wet fingers into Noelle's asshole. You got onto your knees behind your wife as Serena eventually moved to the side and spread your wife's ass as she told you how she wanted you to start and you did as you were told as she watched you enter into your wife's asshole slowly. Serena moans at the penetration and she says she loves watching women get their asses fucked but that after a experience she doesn't try anal anymore. You said that was too bad and maybe she would let you try but she laughed and said she will think about it. You took her direction and began to go at the pace Serena wanted which was instantly making Noelle cry out more and more loudly as Serena reached a hand under as she let one of her cheeks go and began to run her pussy as you fucked her ass and the two actions send pleasure after pleasurable wave through out her body as you grabbed her ass cheeks and held firm as Serena told you to go faster, Serena using her mouth on your wife's cunt as she massages your balls with her hands and had you both groaning out as she would occilate your pacing and tell you when you speed up and slow down and how hard to go and the random shifts was getting Noelle off in ways you hadn't gotten her off before with anal and Serena had stopped licking at her cunt to show you that it was indeed your actions causing her orgasms now and not her added tongue action. Serena gets behind your and bites at your ear while whispering to cum into Noelle's asshole and the way she rubbed your chest and bit and tugged at your ear, as she quietly and sternly told you to orgasm was doing the trick. You gritted your teeth and bellowed a loud groan as you pushed in deep and started flooding your wife's ass with your final large load of the night as hot globs of seed spilled into Noelle's colon as Serena cooed happily and kisses your cheek as she pulled you off after a minute and latched her mouth to your wife's asshole as she fulched the load into her mouth and drank down your load as Noelle buckled and collapsed as she was lost in a sexual haze.

The three of you eventually dipped into the pool and hung out in the hot tub as Serena told stories and explained why she was the way she was and Noelle was beaming and so grateful. You expressed the same gratitudes and told her she was always welcome to come and teach and she smirked and said she didn't teach anything you both didn't know but she was glad she could remind you about the way to please each other and others. The three of you then spent the rest of the evening talking and enjoying one another's company.

End of chapter.