BTR Part 147-The Eyes of Madusa (Alundra Blayze)

BTR Part 147- The Eyes of Madusa (Alundra Blayze)

Your match with Jay went off well but you tweaked your back in a way that made it painful to walk but you got an ice bath and let Doc know as he sent you a painkiller prescription you could pick up. You had to tell Noelle who was adamantly against painkillers but she said she let you have them but you'd have to take a picture of the bottle, how many were in it and every time you took it. She was about as serious as she could be about this and you decided not to push it as you flew out the following morning to meet up with Mick at a convention as you were gonna drive him around for a few days before meeting up with Noelle and the kiddo.

You enjoyed the sights and sounds though you were moving pretty stiffly as you would stop and take pictures with some fans before heading to the vip area where you found Mick and came up behind him and hugged him as he laughed and hugged you as you talked a bit before he introduced you to some other older wrestlers including the beautiful former Madusa, aka Alundra Blayze who was super excited to meet you as she hugged you and talked your ear off as you chatted with her until you had to take Mick out to the stage to let him do his Q&A. Madusa asked rather sweetly if she could stop by your room later to continue the conversation and you chuckled and thought about it before saying why now as you watched her light up as you and Mick headed off while you texted Noelle to let her know which made her giggle as she said Alundra was always really nice and sweet to her so you needed to be the same. You said that wouldn't be a problem and hung out with Mick and surprised some fans as you hung out for hours before going to dinner with your father in law and heading back to your room you got Alundra's number from Mick and called her to let her know you were near your room and she came out a few doors down from where you staying and smiled as she was bubbling with excited as you headed into your room and made small talk before she kissed you and apologized as she laughed and said she had been wanting to get you to herself for so long and you smirked and said that you were sorry it took so long as you kissed her back and felt her melt happily into the kiss.

You sat at the edge of the bed as Alundra got between your legs while on her knees and helped take your jeans and boxers down as she hastily grabbed your dick and exclaimed happily that she was finally getting you to herself as she falls you sexy and admits she may not stack up to these younger newer girls but she has some skill as she takes hoi hungrily into her mature mouth as she sucked down five inches easily, rubbing your base and balls and moaning with more arousal the more she bobbed her mouth down along, taking you deeper and easier as she would occasionally stop and lick from the balls to your tip while keeping one hand still firmly placed on your length as she paid attention to your balls and then would stroke all the way up to where her mouth was as she would then focus on on sucking along the first few inches as she would dart her tongue along her mouth. The faster she sucked the louder she moaned as she could feel you getting harder and she would stop to jerk you off while teasing your tip work her tongue and asking how she was doing so far before taking you further down before she stood up and pulled her shirt up over her breasts as she rubbed her large bra covered boobs as you quickly took your shirt off and pulled your bottoms completely off as she peeled the shirt off and let you stand as you started to kiss at the tops of her chest as she stepped out of her denim skirt and showed you the matching black bra and panties as she kept her bra on and just pulled her breasts from the tops as you kissed at her legs and then pulled her to the bed as she giggled happily as she said she had been waiting a long time for this.

You peeled her panties off and as she worked her shoes and socks off at the same time before you spread her legs and began to lick at her pussy, Alundra shuddering as she moans happily while exclaiming she wasn't expecting it as you sucked at her surprisingly tight looking cunt as her folds were wetter then expected too as you stroked yourself while darting your tongue along her slit as she would rub her clit and then move her fingers when your tongue would reach up to the area. She would start to get louder as she cursed up a storm as you began to work a finger inside while licking and sucking at her clit as you rolled your finger along the top and felt her writhing as she was feeling an orgasm building as she shouted out and winced as she came against your finger and tongue before you moved up and put your dick to get slit, pushing in deeply as she took you eight inches easily while you moaned out loudly and she cursed loudly grabbing the back of her head as she felt thrusting at a steady pace before she twisted herself to where she was more on her side. You got her legs pressed together and held your hands under ass cheek as your dick stayed buried inside of her cunt and she watched your face while saying you were better than she could have dreamed as you rocked into her with quick sharp thrusts, making her entire body shake as the bed began to squeak and rock as she just curses and threw out omg's often and happily as you used your knees to generate your power.

Alundra would occasionally hold her leg up and play with her breasts as you focused on getting as many orgasms out of her as you could and by the time her fourth one caused her pussy to lock up tightly around your dick as she screamed out in pleasure you leaned down and kissed her while still pumping your hips as she would move from her side to her neck to her side again, trying to find an angle that would make her orgasm quickly but nothing was working as she would have body shaking orgasms that would make her jerk about until she finally pulled away and grabbed you into a kiss whole placing you on your neck as she made out with you while rubbing both hands along your manhood as she tossed her hair back and leaned down to suck you off for a good while, stroking and sucking in a nice tandem as she rubbed her breasts along your leg as she did this, only stopping to admire your dick and to catch her breath as she eventually crawled up more into your lap and placed herself in cowgirl on pushed up onto her feet as she was leaning back, grabbing your thighs as you placed your hands under her own to help her keep balance as she crashed down hard along seven and half inches as she just exclaimed happily as your hands moved from her thighs to under her ass but she never let up her pace even when she orgasmed which happened in quick succession after a matter of minutes.

Alundra was leaned forward kore and had a hand on the pillow your head was under as she had the other hand on her ass as she kept her legs steady as your arms were hooked around her legs and your waist was driving upwards now, delivering hard fast strokes that Alundra just cried out and moaned loudly for as she was lost in a sexual haze of your own doing as you felt her pussy perpetually spasm as you had sexually broken her, at least that's what she was saying as she couldn't let up until her legs finally gave up following another tightening up orgasm that made her switch up and turn herself around as she dropped down in reverse cowgirl and felt your hands grab her hips as she just pushed up again onto her feet and placed her arms back and onto your pecs as you thrusted hard and wild, Alundra screaming out as she couldn't stop her orgasms as you just fucked through them, never letting up as she just kegeled and kept her vaginal muscles tightened as she was gonna squeeze every drop of cum out of you as she let out a loud moaning scream as she felt your throbbing intensifying as she just matched good thrusting with her own downward hip thrusts as she felt you reaching a boiling point as you grunted and groaned louder and louder as she just kept dropping herself down until she felt your hands trash around and grab her chest as hoi squeezed her breasts and held her down as she grinded her hips back and forth as you began firing thick hot ropes of seed deep into her pussy as she moaned out happily and giggled as she felt her spasming inner walls being drenched with your hot seed as you pumped a few times and made Alundra yip and moan as you made sure she had a nicely full womb of jizz as she moaned and cooed as you rubbed her chest while you started deep inside of her until the last drop was now firmly planted in her womanhood.

She laid in a blissful haze as she moaned and laughed as you winced a bit as you felt the strain in your back worsen but you hid as you laid beside her and let her cuddle up as she regaled you with stories of her own wilder days and how she was enjoying the talent around the NWA and that you needed to come by and meet some of the guys and girls, giving you the wink as you said you would definitely come by and you both spent the rest of the evening trading stories and talking the industry.

End of chapter.