BTR Part 152-The Statlander Workout

BTR 152-The Statlander Workout

Kris Statlander had been trying to get you to try one of her workouts she was always raving about for the last few months since her return, so much so that she eventually got your wife and Renee Pauqette to hound you mercilessly into inviting her to the home gym back in LA. Kris arrived early in the morning and was always her beamingly happy and joyful self, making small talk and eventual getting the layout of your gym moved about as she grabbed everything she needed and had you help her move the weight bench to a specific spot as she grabbed the white board and mapped out the workout. Which admittedly, was fucking insane. You asked her why she wanted to do this and she just turned her music on and began her reps while she told you what you could be doing as she began the workout.

Kris was doing her best to motivate you but this workout was kicking your ass. And you weren't even halfway through it before she allowed you to have a bit of a break as she eventually went and wrote "cardio" at the end of the workout which made you groan angrily as Kris laughs and says you'll probably like the cardio part of it a lot more. Still the break wasn't long enough and Kris was like a damn drill sergeant, but it was admittedly the only way it was going to get you through it as Kris was breezing through it, which made you decide that perhaps you were slacking in some sense with your own workouts, as she had had two intense ACL tears and yours wasn't nearly as bad comparatively. The last few phases was giving you a second wind and the two of you pushed through till the last thing on the board was merely the cardio, which Kris just grinned and chuckled at.

Though you were wiped from this insane workout Statlander wanted, as she grabbed your crotch and said the cardio portion was in order you weren't in much of a state to deny her. She immediately had your cock out from your workout shorts and was rubbing it along with both hands while telling you she was in charge still which you weren't gonna argue, having learned from Rhea that that wasn't something to take lightly. Even though she was working your cock she kicked her shoes off while keeping the socks on and eventually pulled her tight yoga pants completely off, putting you to your knees as she spread her legs and leaned over while turning around as you grabbed her thighs and started to lick at her pussy from behind. Whether it was sweat, her own vaginal juices or a mix of both, you gulped down wetness loudly while Kris had her hand on your hair and was pulling you against her nicely toned ass as she felt your tongue licking and darting along her cunt hungrily while your lips would then loudly suck away. She eventually leaned over and placed her hands on the weight bench and pushed her hips back while moaning in approval of your tongue skills as your hands roamed and caressed her ass and hips diligently.

You sucked at her pussy for minutes before she took her top off and turned around as you got to suck and massage those as she taunted and teased you while you stroke your cock,moaning at her demands as she pulled you up to kiss her before dropping down amd aggressively suckimt your dick, her hand moving up and along most of the length as she focused on your tip and the first inches, really drawing heavily and slurping along the sensitive area as she would also stop and smack them between her chest while listening to your moans as she would then stroke you really fast and then stop on a dime to suck on the tip. After a while she began to take you nearly all the way, showing off her impressive deepthroating skills while making you squirm and feel like you were utterly helpless though you'd turn that around when you decided you were ready. As Kris bobbed back and forth along most of your lengths for a few minutes she eventually stopped and made you sit down on the floor and lean against the weight bench as she got onto the weight bench on her knees and hovered her pussy down over your face/mouth and let you continue your sucking and licking that you had before.

Kris was enjoying this position immensely, constantly waffling between a reverse stance and a normal stance as she would move back and forth after each orgasm you slurped out of her as she was a wailing banshee of pleasure and desire and it soon became too much for her as she laid on the bench and made you get between her legs as she pushed and played with her tits while you teasingly rubbed your cock along her folds, Kris liking this as she then barked for you yo enter her which you did, causing her to shudder and orgasm from the penetration as you both remarked how tight she was and how hard you were, Kris grabbing your sweat drenched shirt and yanking on it as you pumped slow bit hard, making the entire weight bench buckle and scrape along the floor as you fucked Kris with powerful deep strokes that would cause her to groan and then scream, her body giving way to a large orgasm that nade her smack the rail of the weight bench hard as she pulled you down by the shirt and demanded you go faster, which you did, pumping eight and half inches deep and fast ad Statlander just laid there and cried out as you leaned forward and felt her breasts rubbing against your chests as your hands, which were balled into fists, were teetering on the edge of the weight bench to give you any stability as you pumped away.

Kris was losing it as you just kept humping, her entire body a spasming mess as she just "yes'd" and moaned and would stifle out little shrieks when she came as she would keep her legs wide and then curl them up around your legs and waist whenever her orgasm would approach and you two would occasionally lock lips for quick deep kisses while you pumped numerous orgasms out of the current champion's pussy. She pushed her breasts together at one point and pulled her legs back as you grabbed behind her knees and moved quickly back and forth as she just laid there and dirty talked you while you slammed her full and deep, before she decided she needed a change and pulled away while pushing you back, getting into doggy as she laid ones leg into the floor and curled the other onto the weight bench on her knees as you got behind her and lined up once she got the angle she liked and pushed back inside of her, wasting no time as you resumed the same wild fast pace as before which was met with loud screams and an immediate orgasm.

Kris would cum hard and then aggressively tell you not to stop, and so you listened and just pounded her cunt until she would lose coherent thought and scream out as she came, eventually finding the words to tell you again not to stop which you just grinned and continued to pump away as Kris would take a hand and hold one of her ass cheeks aside to let you really get in there as you commented how good her ass looked as she giggled and told you she'd think about it as you just plowed her cunt for a few more minutes before she pushed up with both hands and began to throw her ass back against you hard, adding more speed and torque to your thrusting as you both just moaned and yeah'd one another while she built up to an body shaking, ear splitting orgasm, pulling herself off once it had subsided to make you lay on the bench as she straddled you now, palming your chest as she placed on the floor and squatted herself up and down violently akong your achingly hard manhood. She would shift her stances from feet in the floor to curled in knees on the bench and a more grinding position but she never let you go comfortable as she would work herself faster and then slower depending on where she wanted to be. Your hands weren't allowed to touch her breasts as she would slap them away, though eventual she leaned in enough for you to suck at them while they hovered over your face as she kept her hips pushed down as your own hips were now bucking hard and violently.

Kris could feel the impending explosion and she kept herself in the position she was in as you pumped and thrusted with a reckless abandon as she just moaned and squealed and felt the throbbing intensify against her pulsation inner walls as she trembled and moaned that she needed and wanted it as you nodded and groaned as every passing second became better then the last, the way she kegeled up tightly right as you felt the dam burst only adding to you both screaming out in immense pleasure as she came right when you did, both of your crotches spasming messes as she felt her womb being entirely overfilled with your thick hot cum as the seed drizzled down in globby ropes along her inner walls as she just leaned down to kiss you to avoid saying anything as your hands caressed her ass and hips while your racing hearts eventually came to a steady beat along with the subsided orgasms as you both didn't want to move for a good while before Kris eventually peeled herself off of you and went to dress while you took another minute or so to collect yourself before doing the same.

You could barely move by the time Kris got redressed and you dressed and went into the kitchen to make some protein shakes and order a meal off of Door dash as the two of you talked about the upcoming schedule and how big the All In show was going to be, while you asked if she planned on ever leaving for WWE or elsewhere. She said she just wanted to make a good living and enjoy her life. Wherever that was, she would be content with it, though the current return of Vince to the E was a bit of a turn off for her. Kris flipped it on you and asked if you would ever go back and you said not as long as Vince was there, which made sense to her giving everything that happened. You eventually made it to the couch and just talked and told stories before the food arrived and you spent the rest of the early morning/afternoon enjoying one another's company.

End of chapter.