BTR Part 155-All In London Pt.2

BTR Part 155- All In London Pt.2

You had gone out to dinner with Toni, Jay and Juice and hit up some local pubs around town before calling it a night. The following day you and Noelle got up early, suffering from minor hangovers as you ventured out to do some sightseeing and shopping while getting the alerts that everyone was starting to check in and arrive. Noelle grins after a series of texts and asks if you'd be willing to help out an actual pet or hers and not a prospective pet like Toni. You asked who and why and she giggled and said it would be better to just go to the room and find out when you got back from lunch. You were starting to feel used a bit but it was a minor gripe, brought on by the growing nerves of how the match was gonna go. You'd have your walkthrough later on Saturday, and Noelle was gonna be out and about with some of her friends that were coming to the show as well. You took a cab back to the hotel as Noelle stayed out as she was gonna meet up with some friends and fans to continue shopping as you were to help her pet with their release.

You texted Joe some details about the match on the way back and made plans to go out for dinner with Adam and Britt, James and some others in a group chat. When you got back to the hotel you dropped off some of the stuff you bought back at your room and went to the room that was texted you to by Noelle right as you got there. You were happy to see Saraya Jade and she hugged you crying as she said Tony Khan had confirmed she was gonna take the title at the show. You congratulated her and hugged her for several minutes as she sobbed as she was overwhelmed and couldn't believe she would be back let alone winning the title in front of such a large crowd of her countrymen with her family being able to be there in full support. Still she eventually broke the hug to get a long passionate kiss on you as she said she had a very stressful flight and had been a ball of nerves since getting the call from Tony earlier during the ride over. She took off her baggy shirt and jeans to reveal she was already completely nude and fingered form you to come join her as she drew closer to the large open window pane.

Saraya needed the "release" and had gotten Noelle's blessing to get it as she was Noelle's pet, and not your own. Saraya was rubbing her clit as she stood by the large window pane of her hotel room as she grinned and watched as you quickly stripped your clothes off and approached her as she rubbed her tits and pussy before turning around and shaking her nicely formed ass as she feels your hands caress and rub along her cheeks as she moans happily, asking cheekily if she had a nicer ass than Noelle's or Toni's. You grinned and said of course and she scoffed but giggled as your hands continued to caress and slap and rub her cheeks as she moaned happily as Saraya turned around and squatted down taking the base of your cock into a firm grip as she slowly began to bob her head back and forth along the first five inches as she kept her grip steady as she wasn't willing to suck further then that, her other hand running along her clit as she moaned loudly, keeping her lips parted and wrapped around your tick as she would bob to where her hand was and then slurp loudly back, drooling saliva all the way to the tip before she would roll her tongue along the tip before she would bob slowly back down. Saraya's hand slowly beginning to jerk at the rest of your cock while she fixated on the first five inches, her hand moving from her clit to her breasts as you just watched her and enjoyed the sight of the beautiful brit giving her all as she began to suck and stroke in a more rapid tandem as she could you hardening within her grasp and mouth.

Saraya eventually removed her hands and placed one against your knee and the other against the window as you looked out and were thankfully to be so high up as the sight was amazing as Wembley looked majestic but looking down to see Saraya bobbing her neck and taking six inches now over and over and over again, her mouth dangling strands of saliva as she would slurp off and then quickly jerk and smear the wetness all along your length before she went to the bed and quickly spread her legs as she started to work her fingers quickly into her pussy before she would stick them into her ass as she told you she wanted it in the ass since you fucked Toni in the ass. You didn't complained as she motioned for you to come to her and you got between her legs and kept them spread as you lined up with her balloon knot and began to slowly push inside of her anal chasm, Saraya crying out as she closed her eyes and winced as she began to finger herself, thrashing two fingers into her cunt as you slowly worked five and a half inches into her ass as she hooked her other hand under her breasts as she steadied them as they were starting to away and move from your thrusts as her ass had begun to relax around your driving length as there was still a nice constricted tightness as Saraya cried out loudly and began to orgasm as she pushed her fingers in deep and came against her fingers while you continued to pound her ass with quicker strokes.

You pulled Saraya legs up a bit to have her feet dangle near your face as she grinned and then threw her head back and orgasmed with a shriek as she thanked you happily while trailing off with British slang as she continued to finger herself while keeping a hand under her tits as you began to pound her ass harder, her body rocking to the rhythm of your harder strikes as she pulled her fingers free and sucked on them as she tells you to go faster as you pound her anal canal with furious strikes and watched as she began to moan and shriek louder and louder as she orgasmed again without touching her cunt as the force from your anal thrusting was enough to send her over the edge as she shuddered and plugged her fingers back into her cunt as you eventually pulled out and let her rub and finger herself wildly as she screamed and orgasmed hard again as you stepped forward and sucked at her toes while smacking at her inner thighs as she begs for you to be back inside of her. You held her left ankle and moved her leg up as you pushed back into her asshole as you started thrusting at the same hard and wild pace as before, listening to the bed shake as Saraya squealed out a curse word as she orgasmed again.

Saraya was on her hands and knees nowz her ass hanging off of the bed as you were rocking in and out of her pussy now, her vice like grip clinging tightly around six inches as you drove over and over again into her cunt as she gripped the bed and threw her as back as you grabbed a handful of her dark hair and placed a hand at the small of her back as you pounded her cunt for several minutes, getting her to orgasm rapidly while never slowing down as she shudders and squeaks loudly as her pussy was becoming more loose from the degree of wetness that was building up as you kept spearing into her cunt over and over again, her pale body smacking against your body as you groaned loudly and started to feel the churn of your own orgasm which had you slow down, pulling out as you'd place two fingers of your own into her pussy, curling and rocking them back and forth until she was on the verge, taking your fingers out as you placed your cock back inside and continued to pound away at her juicy slit for another few minutes, getting another three orgasms out of her before she pulled off after the third one, rubbing her thighs as she was covered with wetness and sweat as she moaned she needed a moment to collect her thoughts.

You turned her around again and sucked at her clit, making her squirm and moan as you eventually placed her legs together and pushed her knees into her chest as you started fucking her pussy, placing her toes into your mouth as she calls you a dirty man and rubs her chest and then grips the bed as you frantically fucked her, letting seven inches rock in and out with powerful strokes as Saraya just rocks and moves to your wild pace as she feels you alternate between her pussy and ass, slamming into her until she orgasms before switching to the other hole, keeping one of her toes from each foot in yohr mouth before you pushed into her thighs and pinned her legs wide as you pounded away for a few minutes before she said she wanted to ride you when you came.

Saraya sucked at your cock as you laid out on the bed and eventually she moved up and instead of going reverse cowgirl or regular cowgirl, she decided to move to the side and she gets into a proper angle before placing you inside of her pussy as she begins to twerk her hips down as she lets seven inches move up and down repeatedly as she could feel your throbbing intensifying inside of her as she moved her hips up and down, your hand smacking at her ass as she moans louder and louder as she pumps herself down with reckless abandon as she begins to beg and preach for your cum as she orgasmed after she felt your throbbing reach its zenith, her eyes rolling as she grinded herself along as she felt the large spools of seed pumping inside of her as you rubbed at her ass as she groans happily, exclaiming she was very satisfied with her releases as she pulls off after the final drop had subsided inside of her, Saraya turning quickly as she lays across your chest and sighs happily as she caressed your face and chest while taken deep and content breaths.

The two of you eventually dressed and went and stood out by the window pane looking at Wembley as she asked how you were feeling about the show and your match. Having wrestled a huge match at WrestleMania it was surreal to be doing such a large show again, but one of this magnitude not in the states. She smiled and took your hand as she said it was gonna be an amazing experience for everyone, while you both commented on the dirt sheet gossip about the show and the following weekend's All Out show too, a show you were ready to tear down as the slow build towards your match James was still cooking. You remembered to invite MJF as he and Cole had become actually really close friends and you invited Saraya to join but she wouldn't be free until early tomorrow as she had a lot of family stuff to square away. You gave her a kiss and said you'd see her around this weekend while heading back to your hotel room to get a much needed nap as the weight of the weekend was starting to settle in.

End of chapter.