BTR Part 159-Shazza McKenzie

BTR Part 159-Shazza McKenzie

Shazza rubbed her large ass against your growing cock as you rubbed and massaged at her cheeks as her pink lingerie set covered most things but she had taken her panties off as she moaned and asked how you liked a big ass like hers and your wives and she winked at you as she turned herself around and spread your legs as she maneuvered herself and got her feet pressed to the side of your cock as she began to stroke her toes along the side of your dick before leaning over and tossing her hair back as she took the first few inches into her mouth and began to suck you off while moving her toes at the same time, creating a dueling sensation that you had rock hard almost immediately as Shazza slurped off and said she had been practicing this and you just nodded and thanked her as she kept moving her toes along and sucking at your rock hard dick, focusing along the tip before she attempts a deepthroat and nearly achieved it before she had to quickly gag herself off as she let the diva strands coat between her lips and your cock as she jerks them against your shaft and then runs her feet along it and really begins to give you a footjob, watching your face as you groaned and writhed happily as she giggled and takes her time.

A lot had happened since coming back from London following the All In Show. Jade had decided to leave and go to WWE which was not something you agreed with and it really strained your relationship though Noelle has eased that by making the two of you talk it out and reach a better understanding. Injuries were cropping up for everyone and the shows were constantly having to change. Tony and Paul Levesque were having some disagreements about where to take the company after Vince's return seemed to buoy WWE, though the forming of TKO seemed to have Shawn Michaels acquiring more power in creative, which seemed to motivate Paul in a way that wasn't motivating Tony.

As things were coming down to the end of the year you were feeling the burn out, taking more dates and matches to fill the voids but your body was starting to feel it, and Noelle and Delilah were usually out and about more and more lately as Noelle was working more and also traveling, causing the two of you to not spend as much time together in the last few months. Still, Noelle was always good for a surprise and coming out of the Full Gear weekend, you arrived at the Florida home and was surprised by one Shazza McKenzie, an indie wrestler from Australia who was starting to catch on more and more following her own debut with the company not so long ago. Noelle had given her the code for the security and had arranged a little surprise for you which was apparently in the form of Shazza who was already nude by the time you found her in your bedroom. It didn't take long to get to where you were currently as she continued to give you a footjob.

Eventually she took her feet away and moved up as she took her bra off and unveiled her nicely shaped natural breasts as the indie darling was an absolute dime piece, though you knew some body shamers didn't like that she was a slightly hefty gal, though she was as fit as probably 90 percent of even the male wrestlers. Watching Shazza take her time as she sucked at your cock and then wrapped her tits around your length, using her breastplate and her hands to keep a solid pressure around your cock as she leaned her face to your and dirty talked you while you moved your hips and fucked her breasts as she moaned and giggled as she asked if you were ready to fuck her, your head rn I'ma eagerly as she smiled as you grabbed her and tossed her into her back as she yelled out in a giggle and moaned as she rubbed at her pussy as you spread her legs and pushed your hands under her knees as you lined your cock up to her slit and just held it there until she couldn't wait anymore and grabbed at your shaft as she pulled you inside of her and felt you push in deep, both of you crying out loudly as sank seven inches into her velvety warm womanly chasm.

Shazza had her arms around her legs to keep them pinned as you slammed yourself mercilessly into her cunt, seven and a half inches spearing her cunt as the Australian cries out over and and over again as her voice would break and you would slam in deep and hold yourself as her pussy would then spasm and then she'd let out a loud groan as she felt her pussy seizing up around your dick as her orgasm would force her entire body to shake as she would then rub at her clit and get another little push that sent the orgasm over the top even more. You let her enjoy it and then go back to the same wild and deep pace, and after three more repeat orgasms this way you pulled out and smacked your cock against her clit to make her squirm before you pulled her left foot up and sucked at her toes before turning her around as she pushed up onto her elbows and held her ass up as you leaned down and started to lick at her pussy from behind, Shazza groaning out happily as she moans and groans, feeling your tongue lapping at her cunt as your hands rubbed and smacked at her ass which would cause her to whimper and jump.

You moved up and pushed into pussy from behind, slamming wildly as you got eight inches to sink back and forth, gliding deep as her ass smacked loudly against your mound as she grabbed the bedsheets and shuddered as her orgasms can more and more frequently, Shazza asking for you to I pull her hair as you rolled her hair within your hand and yanked her head back hard as you grabbed her ass and spread her cheeks as you pounded into her with sharp animal like thrusts, Shazza rolling her eyes as her body seized up tighter than before following the hair pull, her entire frame racking with pleasure as you eventually had to slow down to conserve your energy as you let go of her hair as she collapsed, moaning as she was more in a head down, ass up position. She turns her head to the side and said her ass was open if you wanted it. Smiling as you pulled out and smacked your cock against her cheeks as your achingly hard dick was coated with vaginal wetness and you used that to push into her anal chasm, Shazza cooing and sucking her teeth as you slowly began to work six inches into her asshole.

You had your hands on her ass and was pulling her hips against you as six inches worked in and out of her rectum, Shazza having one hand reaching under her legs and rubbing at her clit as the other was just grabbing the sheets as the "fap" noise fills the room along with your moans. Shazza throwing her hip back as she jammed your dick further into her anal walls as she shudders and cums hard against her fingers as you pounded into her asshole for a good while, making sure she got her fill before you slowed down and took a few hard slaps at her cheeks, Shazza turning over as you laid down beside her and rubbed at her breasts and made out with her as she quickly rolled her hips over and climbed on top of you, locking her knees against your thighs as she leans down and pulls you cock to her folds and slides herself down, Shazza moaning with a large grin as she palmed the bed by your head and leaned herself to the side as her breasts were in your face as you grabbed her ass and squeezed and rubbed all over it as she started to twerk herself up and down, gliding her pussy up and down along eight inches as she moans and cums hard as the deep strokes from her own twerking and the attention to her breasts that your mouth was giving was too much and overloading her pleasure centers.

Eventually she moved her front up and pushed against your chest as she began to just grind and ride your cock, your hands smacking and grabbing her ass and sides as she starts to whimper and beg for you to cum as she can feel you throbbing, your cock swelling against her tightened inner walls as she asks if Noelle was okay with you cumming inside of others and you said you were both fixed up and it was fine, which only makes Shazza giddy as she began to rock her hips back and forth fast, the way her pussy seized up around your dick as she scratched your chest and told you to let go, begging and whimpering from your cum as she rocks harder and faster, the bed shaking and creaking violently as she screams out as she orgasms, tightening so much that she practically milked your orgasm out of your as the gradual build up all of a sudden turned into an immediate eruption upon her orgasm and your entire body bucked up wildly and squirmed as you wrapped yourself around her and brought her down into a hard clenching bear hug as you started firing rope after thick hot ropes of seed deep into her pussy as she just grinded slowly as her pulsating inner walls stayed locked up tightly around your throbbing thickness as you could feel her womb overflow with your jizz as she found your face and kissed all over it before finding your lips as you made out while you achingly hard cock stayed buried inside of her even after the last drop had long left you and was now drizzling out slowly between your still combined crotches.

As Shazza was knocked out following all of that you called Noelle and thanked her for the surprise while saying you were gonna have to get her back for this. She just said she loved you and was happy to be heading out that way tomorrow and that you'd get to spend some quality time together as a family. You said you couldn't agree more and as you got off of the phone with her you just looked out at the night sky and took everything in. There was still so much left to happen.

End of chapter.