One-Tap Fox

Feng Hei Lang tilted her head once more at the training puppet. 'Surely I don't need force to break this! However, it took Mei Wang four hits to break it, so maybe around six taps?"

She brought up her finger and tapped it very lightly. It wasn't even a tap. She merely brushed her finger against the training puppet.

Almost instantly, the training puppet broke into dust and crumbled away. Feng Hei Lang almost lost it. 'Eh?! I barely even touched it!'

A holographic 1 could be seen. Feng Hei Lang rubbed her eyes. 'Am I seeing things?' She called over the instructor. "Instructor Zhou Fan, I have a question!"

He immediately walked over. "Yes, Student Hei Lang?"

She pointed at the number. "Instructor, I barely touched the training puppet, and yet it crumbled away instantly! Are you sure there isn't any mistake?"

Instructor Zhou Fan had a surprised expression on his face. "The puppet may have been damaged beforehand. Even the founder of Hu Li University took two blows to break it. Come here, I'll get another puppet for you."

All the foxes in the gym were subtly glancing at her, waiting to see how she would break the training puppet.

Instructor Zhou Fan picked one up and placed it in front of her. "Here. Try again."

Feng Hei Lang lifted her finger and merely brushed it again. It broke instantaneously once more. She gasped again. 'EHHH? They are SO FRAGILE!'

Instructor Zhou Fan was now gaping. He waved a hand to the rest of the foxes. "All students! Pick up your training puppet and place it in front of Student Hei Lang."

All the foxes complied and waited to see what would happen.

He gave her a curt nod. "Once more, Student Hei Lang."

Feng Hei Lang pointed at the row of puppets. "All of them?" He nodded again.

She brought up a hand a merely brushed it against all of them. They all crumbled to dust. Feng Hei Lang felt like giggling now. 'HAH! Look at this! The system provides me UNLIMITED POTENTIAL TO GROW!'

Instructor Zhou Fan rubbed his eyes and muttered, "I'm not seeing things right..." He sighed and pulled out a slip of yellow paper. With a few strokes of his fingers, words automatically appeared on top. He rubbed his temple and handed the paper to her. "Student Hei Lang, go to the main building and pass this to the assistant that is working there."

Feng Hei Lang picked it up and nodded. "Oh, okay. Thank you, Instructor!" She hurried out of the gym, running from the other student's gazes. She sighed in relief once she was outside. 'I thought he was going to murder me for breaking every single one of his puppets like that! But HA! Look at my POTENTIAL!' She grinned in happiness and looked at the yellow slip.

She saw that it was written in some weird language. 'Huh? I can't read this...Whatever, I'll just bring it to the main building.'

Feng Hei Lang quickly found the main building and used [Shadow Manipulation] to travel near there. She entered and found an office-like space. She was glad she entered in human form, because everyone there was already in human form.

Feng Hei Lang walked up to the front desk and saw that there was no one there. She pressed the little bell that was sitting on top of the desk.

A few minutes later, a girl voice could be heard from behind her. "O-Oh! Were you waiting for me? I'm so sorry! Give me a minute, I accidentally dropped my papers!"

Feng Hei Lang turned around to see a girl that looked slightly older than her. She was wearing big, round glasses, and picking up files from the floor.

Feng Hei Lang reached down and helped her pick some up. 'So foxes in this world can get myopia too? That's strange!'

She handed the girl the files and the girl brushed herself off. "O-Oh, thank you! I'm the A-Attendant in Training, Yan Baizhou! Are you here for assistance?"

Feng Hei Lang nodded. "Yes, I have this yellow slip that my instructor told me to bring." Yan Baizhou took it from her hand and examined the note on it. "Hm...I think this means headmaster...Oh! If I remember correctly this says, 'Please bring this dear student to the headmaster. The headmaster will know what to when she sees this slip. Sincerely, Instructor Zhou Fan. Also, Little Baizhou, don't read this aloud like you always do!'"

Yan Baizhou covered her mouth at that. "Oh no! I did it again! I'm sorry, Instructor Zhou Fan!" She accidentally tripped once more and dropped all the files in her hand, including the yellow slip. "AH!"

Feng Hei Lang really wanted to facepalm. 'This girl...she's quite clumsy! Even more than me!' She reached down and helped Yan Baizhou pick up her papers once more.

Yan Baizhou dipped her head in thanks. "Thank you! I'm sorry, I'm always tripping! Anyways, I'll lead you to the headmaster right now! Follow me!"

She led Feng Hei Lang down a hallway and then knocked on one of the doors. "Headmaster, may I please come in?"

A deep voice echoed from within the room. "Yes you may, Attendant Baizhou." Yan Baizhou pushed the door open and Feng Hei Lang saw a huge room with a single wooden desk in the middle.

Sitting at the desk was a navy blue fox. He instantly switched to human form and sat in the chair. His silver hair was mesmerizing with his fox mask.

Yan Baizhou bowed and quickly motioned for her to do it too. Feng Hei Lang followed Yan Baizhou's lead and watched her stand back up.

Yan Baizhou cleared her throat and said, "Headmaster Zhong Qiu, I have a yellow slip delivered to you from Instructor Zhou Fan."

Feng Hei Lang subconsciously activated [Appraisal] when she couldn't tell how good the headmaster was.


[Appraisal Level Up!]


[Zhong Qiu]

Species: Royal Marine Fox

Beast Level: ????

Feng Hei Lang grinned slightly when she saw her skill level up. 'I can now see the species! Before, with Instructor Le Yi, all I saw were question marks!'

She turned back to see Headmaster Zhong Qiu reading the yellow slip. He nodded a few times and then closed it again. "Alright, I got it. Attendant Yan Baizhou, you may leave."

Yan Baizhou bowed once more than quietly exited the room. Feng Hei Lang was now alone with the headmaster. He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Student Hei Lang, I was told by Instructor Zhou Fan that you broke the training puppet in one hit. Is that right?"