Kang Lei leapt between both of them and held a paw to his mouth. "Shh! You don't want to alert the Iron Fanged Clan of our presence!"
Fo Lau turned away from him. "Hmpf! Why should we listen to you? Even if the Iron Fanged Wolf Clan knows we're here, we'll still beat them and get the alpha!"
Mian Li nodded alongside of her.
Feng Hei Lang hissed as Xing leapt back into her shadow. "We're getting that wolf!" 'I can bind them if I need to! They're NOT getting the alpha wolf!'
Fo Lau lifted her paw up. "No, we are!" With a stomp of her paw, ice started spreading from she stood.
Feng Hei Lang instantly started used [Shadow Manipulation] to lift up Kirei, Kang Lei, and herself onto a tree. She shouted out, "Watch out, her ability is [Ice Field!]"
Fo Lau had an annoyed expression on her face. "Tch! So you have some appraisal and defense ability? Doesn't matter, we're getting those wolves."
Ge Xiao and Mian Li both vanished at that. Feng Hei Lang shouted again, "[Shapeshifting] and [Chameleon]! Watch out for anything besides you!"
She spread out her [Killing Intent Sense] to see where they were. She closed her eyes and sensed one of them slowly climbing up the tree.
Feng Hei Lang quickly used [Blood Slash] to where she sensed it.
[-10 HP]
The price of the skill has gone up since she leveled it up. Feng Hei Lang heard something fall onto the floor and the camouflage from Ge Xiao dispelled. . "I got the green fox! Try to find the yellow one!"
Kang Lei used his ability to create rain, but Fo Lau turned it to snow with a wave of her hand. He frowned. "Her ability counters mine, I can't do much."
Kirei gave him a thumbs-up. "But mine counters hers. Hell Fire: Annihilation." He pressed his paw against the branch of the tree.
Instantly, black fire sprung from the ground, melting all the ice that was there. Mian Li appeared a few seconds later, her fur covered in ash and smoke.
Fo Lau and Kirei were staring each other down when a howl alerted both of them. Feng Hei Lang glanced towards the Iron Fanged Clan dens. "Oh no! They got alerted by the smoke! We have to go now, they're many more of them than us, and we can't fight them head on!"
She used [Shadow Manipulation] to grab Kirei and Kang Lei along as she teleported from the scene.
Feng Hei Lang appeared a few moments a little while away. She placed down Kirei and Kang Lei as she wiped her head. "Be more careful, Kirei! The wolves are now on guard!"
He dipped his head. "My apologies, I didn't mean to alert them."
She sighed and looked back towards the smoke. "It's fine. Hopefully that other group of foxes can keep them busy." Feng Hei Lang turned back to the two of them and started telling them about the foxes and their abilities. "The white fox is Fo Lau, she has the ability [Ice Field]. Yellow fox is Mian Li, her ability is [Shapeshifting]. And the green fox is Ge Xiao, with the ability [Chameleon]. They're a perfect team for sneak attacks and such."
Kirei nodded in agreement. "If we want the alpha from the Iron Fanged Wolf Clan, we'll have to sneak around them somehow."
Kang Lei lifted up his paw. "Why don't we just kill the alpha wolf before them?"
Kirei hit him on the head. "Stupid water boy. We can't just go in. The wolves will stop us. Think about 20 to 30 wolves facing us all head-on! And then with that commotion, the other foxes will barge in too!"
Kang Lei rubbed the top of his head. "Then, why don't we sneak in? We have Hei Lang's special ability."
Kirei shook his head. "Even if we sneak in, the alpha wolf by himself is very powerful. We can defeat him, but with any other foxes or wolves in the way, it would be very difficult. The best way is to use the other foxes as bait. That way, we can sneak past them when they're causing a commotion and use that situation to kill the alpha."
Feng Hei Lang tilted her head. "That works, but won't the alpha call for its pack mates?"
Kirei pulled out a can from his spatial pouch. "I stole this from the assassin, Cha Li. It creates a soundproof smoke bomb. We can kill the alpha wolf quietly and quickly that way."
Kang Lei grinned. "Guess you aren't too dumb, fire child!"
Feng Hei Lang shifted back to human form and grabbed the smoke bomb. "We still need to find a way to get the foxes to run into the camp."
Kang Lei lifted his paw again. "Then, why don't we injure a few foxes, make it look like an accident and have them head back into the dens? That way, we can rush the other foxes by making it seem like the Iron Fanged Wolf Clan has slightly weakened!"
Kirei nodded. "Not bad, but we need something better than that. If we just injure a few wolves, it's not going to make a difference."
After talking for a bit and discussing a plan, all three of them came to a conclusion. Feng Hei Lang stood up and shifted back to fox form, holding the smoke bomb in her mouth. "Everyone ready?"
They both nodded.
Feng Hei Lang grinned. "Then, Operation: Kill the Alpha, start!"