Teleportation Array

Feng Hei Lang panted as she flopped down onto the ground underneath a bush. They were at the bottom of the mountain they spotted earlier.

The men chasing them were finally gone. Kang Lei shakily stood up and sighed. "Finally! They're gone! Persistent bastards..."

She took a few deep breaths and said, "They're gone, but it's getting dark. Should we find a place to sleep for the night?"

Exactly when she said that, Kirei appeared. He lifted a paw and pointed to a hole in the ground. "Already did that. Hurry and rest. We'll get back to Hu Li University early in the morning."

Kang Lei grinned and went inside the deep, dug-out hole. "Yes, yes~ Thanks, fire child!" He quickly curled up into a ball on the side.

Kirei also curled up into a ball next to him, but noticed that Feng Hei Lang wasn't getting in. He lifted his snout up. "Are you not coming Hei Lang?"

She frowned. 'How does he expect to respond?! It's not like I can sleep with two boys!' Feng Hei Lang gave a small smile. "I already found somewhere myself. Don't worry about me."

Kirei tucked his head back into a ball. "If you say so. See you in the morning."

She quickly went away from the hole that Kirei and Kang Lei were sleeping. Feng Hei Lang could dig out another hole, but that would probably take too long. Instead, she curled up in a dry spot and used [Shadow Manipulation] to cover herself in a dome. She closed her eyes and let out a small smile as she fell asleep


Feng Hei Lang awoke as the sun shone down on her. She uncurled herself and yawned. "Huh...What time is it?" She looked up and saw Kirei looking down at her. She blinked once, twice then leapt up. "Ah! Kirei!"

He beckoned to her with his head. "We better head off now, we should get back to the university soon."

Feng Hei Lang gave him a nod. "Alright, but shouldn't we stop for some food?"

He shook his head and passed her some meat from a rabbit. "I caught it this morning. We can go once you're done eating."

She quickly finished it in a few bits. "Yup! I'm done, we can head off now!"

Kang Lei bounced right up to her. "Morning, Hei Lang! How did you sleep?"

She gave him a smile. "Well, thank you. How long will it take us to get to Hu Li University?"

He thought for a moment. "It should take around the whole day. If there are detours, maybe even longer. But you have Xing, so it might be shorter."

Kirei shook his head. "We don't want to risk people finding out about Xing in broad daylight. If he's seen flying, it's obvious that he's a dragon. Instead, we should head out right now and walk all they way there."

Kang Lei let out a long sigh. "Fine...let's follow fire child, Hei Lang."

Feng Hei Lang nodded as Kirei brought them away from the trees. When she stepped out into open view, she didn't recognize anything. She frowned. "Where are we Kirei?"

He also looked around, identifying any potential dangers. "It seems we're actually closer Hu Li University than we thought. This is Wu Luan mountain. It has a lot of fog, but it's the fastest way back."

She nodded. "Then, lead the way Kirei."


As they started walking through the mountain, fog soon covered their view entirely. Kang Lei tried to wave them away, but nothing happened. He frowned and called out, "Kirei! Are you sure we're going the right way? We can't even see anything!"

Kirei called back, "We are! Just follow me, water boy!"

Feng Hei Lang shivered as she felt cold wind brush past her. They had been walking for quite a while now, but there was no sign of the fog lessening.

Kirei noticed her shivering and conjured a black flame on his paw. He quickly shifted into his human form. "We can see a bit farther into the fog if we shift into human form. And I'll have an easier time keeping you warm too."

Kang Lei and Feng Hei Lang both shifted. She wrapped her cloak tightly around herself, trying not to let any cold air get inside. 'Why is it SO COLD?! I should see if there's a skill to regulate my body temperature!'

Right when she was about to open the Skill Credit shop, warm air rushed over her. Feng Hei Lang stopped shivering and sighed in relief. She saw Kirei holding up a palm of black fire. "I'll keep us warm. Just try not to get lost."

She was now warm, but she still only see white fog around her. Kang Lei groaned. "Why is the fog so thick? I would think they were trying to make clouds or something!"

Kirei cleared his throat. "We're here." Kang Lei whipped his head around and frowned. "We're where? There's nothing here! Just admit that you're lost!"

Kirei grabbed Kang Lei. "We are NOT lost! Look on the ground before you say that!"

There was an array hidden underneath the fog and some rocks. He placed a hand on it. "This is a teleportation array. Before you say anything else, we are NOT lost."

Kang Lei grinned. "Well, you certainly found it. But how long has it been? This certainly didn't take a day!"

Kirei cleared his throat and looked away. "About that...I almost brought you on a longer walk to a farther teleportation array by accident. Just go through!"

He pushed Kang Lei through, as he vanished. Kirei turned to Feng Hei Lang. "Do you want to go first, or should I?"

She smiled and waved her hand. "You can go in first." 'I want to copy that array into my archive!' He nodded and waved, standing onto the array. With a flash, he disappeared.

Feng Hei Lang used [Appraisal] on the array.

[Teleportation Array]

[Multiple beast cores needed per use]

[Would you like to save to archive? Yes/No]

Feng Hei Lang clicked "Yes" then went and stood onto the array. She closed her eyes and a bright flash of light came. When she opened her eyes, Feng Hei Lang could see Hu Li University once more.