
Feng Hei Lang quickly shifted back to human form when she went out of her shadow. Leaving the fox behind on the ground, she picked up Xing. "Would you like to be out of my shadow for now? You could walk besides me in that form~"

He gently licked her cheek and leapt to the ground. 'Yes, Mommy!'

She started heading towards the cafeteria, looking for Kang Lei and Kirei. Soon after, she spotted them both in front. Kang Lei looked exhausted while Kirei had a smirk on his face. He waved when he saw her.

Feng Hei Lang quickly ran over. "Heya Kirei. Why does Kang Lei look so exhausted?"

Kang Lei was panting, his hands on his knees. "Y-You...Bas...Bastard."

Kirei shrugged. "I don't know, he's weird."

Kang Lei glared at him. "You clearly made me run five laps around the whole courtyard just for making you buy lunch for me. I'm never going to owe you anything again!"

Feng Hei Lang giggled. "At least you got food. Anyways, I'm going to head back to room to prepare."

Kirei nodded. "I'll see you in the morning tomorrow, at sunrise."

They all started heading back to their own rooms, getting ready for the tournament.

Feng Hei Lang entered her room and sat onto the ground, pulling up her stat window. Testing her new skills and old ones, the rest of the day flew by.


Feng Hei Lang stretched as the morning sun peeked through the gaps of her window curtains.

She yawned and rubbed her eyes. 'Oh, I forgot to switch back to fox form last night. But it's sunrise now! The tournament is today!'

She quickly ran out of her dorm and down towards where the cafeteria was. The line was starting to grow, so she hurriedly got in line. Kirei and Kang Lei were a few spots of ahead of her. They both waved, as she did the same.

After she bought herself and Xing some food, Feng Hei Lang sat down next to Kirei and Kang Lei. Kang Lei grinned, "You ready?"

She nodded and smiled. "I'm excited. I can't wait to see what happens!"

Kirei had already finished his meal. "I spent the night preparing. Hopefully this time I can win the tournament."

Feng Hei Lang looked up from her meal. "You participated before?"

He nodded. "For a few years now. I've never won though."

Kang Lei nudged him. "You won't win again this year, I will!"

Kirei smirked. "I'll see about that."

She quickly finished her meal and made sure Xing had too. Feng Hei Lang stood up and waved to them. "I'll go to the courtyard first."

Kirei stood up as Kang Lei quickly finished his meal. "Wait for me!"

All three of them headed out of the cafeteria and found themselves on the courtyard a few moments later. The courtyard was filled with all kinds of different foxes.

Kang Lei frowned. "Isn't this unfair? Don't the older foxes have an advantage?"

Kirei murmured, "You'll have an advantage too once you get older."

Feng Hei Lang looked around and quickly spotted many foxes among the crowd. Headmaster Zhong Qiu was standing on the side, getting ready to head on stage. Instructor Le Yi was wearing some sort of wrist band, while Instructor Zhou Fan was holding some flag.

Headmaster Zhong Qiu cleared his throat and yelled, "GREETINGS ALL STUDENTS!"

His voice wasn't loud enough to carry across the whole courtyard, so some foxes continued talking. He quickly turned to an instructor. "Instructor Hikaru Zhang. Could you use your ability on me?"

A female instructor nodded and blue waves floated out of her hands. Headmaster Zhong Qiu cleared his throat once more. "Greetings all students!" This time, his voice was amplified and carried across the entire courtyard. "Welcome to Hu Li University's annual tournament! I'm glad everyone is here on time! This year, we have visitor's from other places. Please welcome Kitsune High and Fox Academy!"

Many different foxes came into the courtyard as if out of nowhere. Applause rumbled through the crowd as the foxes took a seat onto the ground.

Headmaster Zhong Qiu welcomed a female fox onto the stage. She gave everyone a smile before talking. "Hello, this is the principal of Fox Academy. My name is Principal Feanne, and we are pleased to be invited to this tournament."

Another female fox walked up. "Greetings, I am the director of Kitsune High. You shall call me Director Kei. We announce our thanks to Headmaster Zhong Qiu for inviting us."

The rest of the foxes dipped their head along with their instructor.

Kang Lei raised his eyebrows. "How fancy."

Headmaster Zhong Qiu smiled. "We are grateful that you were able to make it. Shall we open up the arena now?"

Instructor Hikaru Zhang nodded and closed her eyes. A rumbling started happening as the ground around them rose, crumbling away.

Feng Hei Lang gasped as an entire arena started coming out of the ground. Kirei smiled. "They always do this. The set it up beforehand and then they simply activate it when the time comes. This is all thanks to Princess Wang Hua's ability."

She was not impressed anymore. 'Of course it's the princess.'

The arena completely appeared, putting the foxes on the very bottom. They were currently in the arena. Feng Hei Lang could see that the first area was a forest. Around her, there was a very deep lake, a desert, and snow.

Headmaster Zhong Qiu spread his arms. "Welcome all foxes, to Hu Li University's annual tournament!"


Sorry for the late chapter~ School started last week and it's been super hectic with Covid going on~ Don't worry, I'll still update every other day:)

The answer for the last question was Boba/Bubble milk tea^^ Congratulations Tang_Alson and val_0!

Question of the Chapter: What do you think I enjoy doing in my free time (besides writing ofc~):