Chapter 10

I woke up early the next day; washed up and changed into my school uniform. Then I went down to the dining room for breakfast.

Usually it would be quiet in the dining room but today I can hear laughter coming from it.

When I reached there, I can see Aunt Helen talking happily with Henry and Master Lim. On the other end, Josh was sitting sulkily at the dining table.

"Good morning, Sabrina" Henry wished me with a big smile on his face.

"Good morning." I replied smiling back at Henry and looking at everyone else.

"Did you have a good rest yesterday?" Henry asked.

"Yes, I did." I replied while sitting down next to Aunt Helen.

Aunt Helen turned around to look at me.

"It was a lovely party yesterday. I hope you like it, Sabrina," said Aunt Helen.

"Yes, I did. Thank you very much," I replied while giving her a kiss on her cheek.

I started to eat my breakfast when Josh started talking.

"We better hurry up or we will be late for school," said Josh while looking sharply at me.

I looked back at him and rolled my eyes.

Why was Josh acting so strangely this morning?

He never cared if we were late or early for school. Why was he in such a rush today?

Must be off to see one of his new girlfriend.

He then stood up, walked over to me and lifted up my school bag from the floor and walked towards the front door where the driver was waiting for us.

"Hey! My bag!", I shouted at Josh.

I quickly swallowed a big spoonful of rice noodle and gulped down a glass of orange juice.

Then I stood up and said goodbye to everyone and ran after him.

"What is wrong with you Josh?"

"Did you break up with your girlfriend again?" I asked sarcastically when I got into the car.

He just kept quiet and threw my bag at me. We did not say a word to each other in the car. I was lost in my own thoughts while looking out of the car window and so was Josh.

After we reached the school compound, we went on our own way.

It was a busy day at school today. When the last bell rang, I was exhausted.

There were tons of homework and assignments to complete. Luckily it was Friday. I had the whole weekend to complete it.

As I was walking towards the front gate of the school, I saw a familiar face waving and smiling at me from a distant. It was Henry.

"How was school today?" he asked me when I got to him.

"It was fine but I had a lot of homework for the weekend." I replied

"Why are you here?" I asked him curiously.

"I have a lot of free time, so I thought it would be fun to surprise you and Josh." he replied while smiling at me.

I was so happy. I can't help myself but smiled back at him. He looks gorgeous when he smiled.

After a few minutes, Josh walked over to both of us. He seemed to be more quiet than usual but not in a bad mood. He might be tired too after a long day at school. I guess he must be loaded with homework too as his university entrance exam was just around the corner.

We got into the car;Josh and Henry seated at the front while I was at the back. Josh's mood got better when he started talking to Henry. I smiled listening to both of them from behind.