Chapter 19

It has been two months now since Josh passing. I cried so hard during his funeral that I passed out. My sanity left me that day. I had not left my room ever since; day and night merged into one.

I lied on my bed for most of the day. I stopped eating and drinking. Henry had to put me on drips to keep me from fainting. I was also on sleeping and anti-depressant pills due to my unstable emotion. The whole family was very worried.

Aunt Helen and Master Lim came to visit me every day. They would sit beside me in silent while holding my hands. Tears would flow down my cheeks endlessly every time.

Things changed one night, I am not sure whether it was a dream or was it real.

It was a hot and stuffy night.

I was awaken in the middle of the night by a familiar voice, "Sabrina....Sabrina..."

When I opened my eyes it was Josh.

He was sitting by my bedside. I rubbed my eyes to make sure that it wasn't a dream.

When I opened my eyes again, he was still there.

"Josh! Is it really you? I miss you so much..," I told him. Tears started flowing down my cheek.

I quickly sat up on my bed.

He smiled and slowly moved his hand towards my face and wiped away my tears. Then he took hold both my hands in his.

"Sabrina it hurts me deeply to see you living like this. Please do not give up on life like this. You had a bright future ahead. I want you to live your life to the fullest."

"If possible open up your heart. You may one day meet someone whom will love you as much as I do. You never know where life will bring you."

"We will meet again someday. I hope when that day comes, I will be able to meet the outgoing and happy Sabrina whom I knew."

"Please take good care of yourself. Remember that I will always love you. Now and forever...I promise," said Josh while slowly disappearing from my sight.

"No! Josh, please don't go!" I called out to him in tears.

He just waved and smiled at me. Then there was nothing.

Was it a dream or was it Josh's spirit? I never really can explain but everything changes after that night.

I started to come out of the room and eating again as well as interact with the other family members.

I visited Josh's grave every weekend and sat there talking to him for hours.

Slowly, I started to live again. I believe Josh was watching over me from heaven. I do not want him to worry about me.

Every one in the household seemed to be relieve to see me coming out of my depression. I stopped taking sleeping and anti-depressant pills.

I was lucky that the principal of my old primary school actually reserved the teaching position for me.

Day by day, month by month with the support of everyone, my strength to live on came back.

I really enjoyed teaching. Able to look at the happy faces of my students and having Josh in my heart made my life meaningful.

After Josh passed away, Master Lim handed over his business to Chen while he and Aunt Helen went traveling.

As for Henry, he was always busy at the hospital. He was now the head surgeon.

One day after my morning class, I was called into the office by the principal.

"Sabrina, please have a seat," said Ms. Teresa who was the principal.

After I was seated she continued, "A friend of mine who is the principal of a small grammar school in Rye, East Sussex in England actually contacted me about a vacancy for an English literature teacher last month and I recommended you."

"A telegram just came. It seems the school's board of directors had decided to hire you. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. You should consider this position."

"Thank you, Ms. Teresa for giving me this chance. Alright I will consider and let you know as soon as possible," I replied.

After considering it for a few days, I decided to take on the new job. I had always wanted to see the world and it was a good chance for me to start a new life.

I discussed it over with Chen. He did not object as he knew that it was going to be a good opportunity for me.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Henry asked when I discussed this matter with him.

"No. You have your work and life here. Please don't give it up for me. I can take care of myself," I assured Henry.

"Still I am worried about you being there all by yourself. The weather over there could get very cold. What if you fall sick? Who would take care of you then?"

"It takes month to get there by ship. Not being by your side worries me," said Henry in a concern voice.

"Henry, please do not worry. I could take care of myself. You have helped me through my lowest point in life."

"Help me to take care of Master Lim and Aunt Helen. You can come to visit during the holidays." I explained to him with a gentle smile on my face.

"I will support your decision as long as it makes you happy. I want nothing more in my life than to see you happy, Sabrina."

"Thank you, Henry." I said gratefully.

"Maybe some day I could have a space in your heart." said Henry.