
"you monkey, you finally came back, what is the situation between you and Xu Qing, that she will wait for you!"

"Yes, Zhou Xian your Xu Qing has waited for you for a long time! That's so strange!"

No wonder they were surprised. After all, Xu Qing was so indifferent to Zhou Xian in the past, and it was obvious to all of them.

Zhou Xian didn't want to mention it, so he just said casually: "It's nothing, it's just that I broke up with Xu Qing, so don't ask more about the rest." When the two heard this, they stopped wittily.

Dong Lei was even more afraid that Zhou Xian would feel uncomfortable, so he quickly changed the subject and said: "By the way, monkey, have you heard that there seems to be a hidden rich second generation in our school!"

Zhou Xian was stunned, and curiously said: "The hidden rich second generation? What's the situation?"

"You don't know this, I'll show you a picture." Li Feng answered the conversation, turned his head and took his mobile phone to the school post in wechat, and directly searched into the top post.

What he see is a snapshot of Lamborghini and a person . Zhou Xian glanced on it and was instantly become speechless.

What hidden the rich second generation...Isn't it his own image ! It's just that the poster of this post is probably afraid of getting into trouble, so he had mosaics his face!

In addition, because of the angle problem, this photo only captured him, but not Xu Qing and Bing Jing.

"I see it, lamborghini SVJ ROADSTER 63! I checked it online, and it's price is more than 10 million! The one who drove this car will only be a rich second generation!" Dong Lei looked envious.

Li Feng sighed even more: "It is said that people are more popular than others. If you look at someone who is driving a lamborghini , and I'm m riding a common car I will be very uncomfortable."

"Who said that's not that, this is a lamborghini, I really want to have one in my dream!"

"Don't say I had it, it's okay to let me sit on it, it's okay to let me live one day less!"

"What a day , if it's me even if it's for three days less I will still be okay !" The two sand sculptures seemed to sigh with emotion.

Zhou Xian rolled his eyes and said, "I said you two are a little prosperous, right ?"

"Please, we are all considered sane okay, you look at the comments in the post, those girls are cruel, even those who publicly call out to sit and sleep for a night!" Zhou Xian glanced casually and the following message was really as Dong Lei said.

Randomly flipped through twenty or thirty replies, three or four of them were vague comments of sitting and sleeping overnight.

"The current girl is really willing to go out." Zhou Xian curled his lips. He would never admit that he was a little proud!

Li Feng answered: "It's not all, but most of the girls will definitely not mind. If you are a local tyrant, you will definitely be in pleasure all day. "

Zhou xian suddenly gave him a funny look: "How do I think you want to sleep with a richman."

Li Feng said with emotion: "It's a pity that I am not a woman, otherwise I will give it a try."

Damn it!

This is indeed a great deal!

Is this going to be a man in women's clothing?

Zhou Yuan couldn't help rolling his eyes and said, "It's just a lamborghini , why do your look so overreacting ?"

Li Feng glanced at Zhou Xian immediately, and said with a face of convincion: "Monkey, do you know why I admire you the most?"

"what ? ? ! "

"A group of people who are obviously as poor as us, but pretend to be like a rich uncle."

"What is pretending like an uncle. To tell you the truth, the person in the post is me, and the bull is mine."

There's no concealment about the car, so Zhou Yuan didn't intend to cover it up either. As a result, he heard a sneer as soon as he finished speaking.

" say, why don't you go take a shit and look in the mirror to see what you look like! What else is the lamborghini is yours , and you had the ball's to bragged about it ."

With this sentence, the dormitory fell silent in an instant! Zhou Xian frowned instantly and looked at Xu Yang lying on the corner bed. Speaking of which, the two have a grudge, and it's not one day or two!

In the final couse, it was because of the theft of the dormitory. It was the freshman year when Xu Yang had accused him for stealing thousands of dollars in the dormitory.

And Zhou Xian family situation is not good at that time , and the dormitory knows it. So Xu Yang directly suspected that Zhou xian had stolen the money!

But because there is no evidence, even if it is reported to the police, it is still nothing. And because he din't steal it Zhou xian would naturally not be wronged by this, so he asked Xu Yang to apologize.

But Xu Yang not only refused, but hated Zhou xian for it. So after this incident, he began to deliberately slander Zhou Xian reputation, and everywhere in the forum he post it to promoted Zhou Xian as a thief, and as results everyone knew it. Zhou Xian also received cold accusations for this.

This situation lasted for more than two months, until another theft occurred in the boy's dormitory and the prisoner was caught on the spot! When the police interrogated the theft, the other party directly explained the old case and the new one.

However, even when the truth of the matter became clear, Xu Yang still insisted on not apologizing, and even directly and arrogantly attacked Zhou Xian in verbal abuse .

"I just don't to apologize, what can you do?"

"I just want to slander you, what's the matter?"

"A poor ghost from the countryside like you, Lao Tzu suspects that you deserve to be on horseback! Maybe you want to steal money too, but you're too scared and guilty!"

Originally Zhou Xian was too lazy to care about it at the time, but just because of this sentence, it went viral.

He contacted the school and the police, and finally Xu Yang had to apologize publicly to him at the school meeting.

But when he apologize, his hatred for him not only lessening but instead it's growing bigger.

From then on, as long as there was a chance, Xu Yang would find the fault just like now, and suddenly came up to mock and abuse him.

It can be said that it has become the norm! Even Zhou Xian was almost numb to it.

No way, Xu Yang this guy is very dark, and he just pretended to be dead and called for help. By the way, he called the police and lied about a concussion. Zhou xian had suffered twice.

If you move your mouth it's just a waste of saliva, because this guy will still scold you, so he will scold you to death


Zhou xian also realized how cheap people can be from Xu Yang! Originally, Zhou xian was too lazy to bother this time, and wanted to ignore it.

But this time the system popped out!

"There are currently optional opportunities."

"Option 1: just ignore it. Reward: Spirit 1 point, system treasure chest*1.

Option 2: Do not beep if you can. Reward: Strength 1 point, system treasure chest*1.

Option 3: If the opportunity is available , scold him. Reward: temperament 1 point, system treasure chest*2. "

People are cheap!

This is God let him clean up Xu Yang!

Zhou Xian glanced at Xu Yang, he deliberately did not speak, but secretly opened the system backpack and found the betting card.

Xu Yang thought that Zhou Xian was guilty of conscience , and he immediately mocked:

"What's the matter, isn't it a good one? Don't pretend to be dumb, if you are capable, just drive your big bull car! Pretend you step on the car and then pretend just like you said, if you can have a Lamborghini, I will eat shit in public ! What you are waiting for !! " Xu Yang said arrogantly.

Zhou Xian sneered in his heart and used the gambling card while he said . "This is what you said, if I have the lamborghini you will eat shit in public!"

"That's what Lao Tzu said! But if you don't have the lamborghini , you will kneel down and kowtow to me and call me that I'm your Dad in public!"

"of course !" As soon as the voice fell, the system also gave a notice .

"Congratulations to the host, the gambling card has been officially effective. If the host completes the gambling content and the other party does not follow, you can use this card to enforce it!"

When Zhou Xian was betting with Xu Yang, Dong Lei and Li Feng instantly changed their faces.

"Monkey are you crazy! What are you betting with him!"

"That's it, monkey, why are you so irrational, the surname Xu is obviously arousing you!"

The two secretly said to Zhou Xian with anxious expressions! The two of them knew Zhou Xian family situation too well, and to put it bluntly, they were not as good as ordinary families!

And this kind of family background, let alone the nearly tens of millions of Lamborghini , even a million-class car, it is impossible to afford it! In this case, Zhou Xian still bet with Xu Yang, isn't this asking for trouble ? !

"You two don't have to worry. Since I am betting on myself , I am sure I can win" Zhou Yuan patted the two and comforted.

When Xu Yang saw this, he immediately sneered: "The surname Zhou, stop the bullshit, the betting is also on, but you should hurry up and get your lamborghini !"

"Since you are so anxious to eat shit, then I will satisfy you!". Zhou Xian glanced at Xu Yang, then turned and left the dormitory.


You continue to pretend!

Even if you Eventually will lose , you still have a stubborn mouth, I will have to make you ugly this time! Xu Yang cursed secretly, and then he rolled his eyes and got an idea!

He casually put on a piece of clothing and hurried out of the dormitory. While going downstairs, he turned on his phone and clicked into the group of classmates in Wechat.

"Everyone everyone, comes downstairs in the boy's dormitory 7th building when you are free, there will be a large-scale kowtow recognition show right here!

Our professional classmate Zhou Xian said that he has a Lamborghini . And He had a bet with me that if he lied, he would kowtow to me and recognize me as a father! "

After sending this message, Xu Yang quickly sent the betting recording that was secretly recorded just now to the group! In the blink of an eye, the group of classmates exploded.

"Are you kidding? That Zhou Xian can drive lamborghini ?"

"The biggest joke of the year is born!"

"I used to be curious about what it means to be overpowered, but today I really understand it!"

"The new solution to the toad wants to eat swan meat: Zhou Xian has a lamborghini !"

"That's not what pretends to be an uncle. Some people are really crazy and are not afraid of being struck by lightning."

"Don't worry about it, Lao xu, wait for me, I'll go over to watch the excitement!"

"And me and me, I will go downstairs!"

"Count me in!"

A group of people in the group who had made friends with Xu Yang expressed their ridicule, and there were many others who were not too troubled to watch the excitement, and even hurried out of the dormitory!

A few minutes later, about 20 people gathered in the 7th building.

"What the fuck is going on, Lao Xu, isn't it about acknowledging a father, the silly Zhou?"

"Yeah, you won't let the surname Zhou play anymore?"

"Old Xu, stop pestering, go to the group@, let him get back quickly!"

A group of people who came to watch the excitement were a little impatient and rushed.

However, at this moment, a sound of engine sound came over!

The sound moved from far to near, and it only took a dozen breaths before it came close!

"My god, look! It looks like the lamborghini on the forum!"

"My god, this car owner is really a student of our school?!"

"it's a Local tyrant! Hurry up and take a look!"

Accompanied by the roar of engine, the handsome and domineering lamborghini turned the corner and appeared in sight.

With a kick of the accelerator, the car stopped directly in front of Xu Yang and the others.

A group of people stepped back subconsciously in fright, for fear of having a collision with the lamborghini .

With this effort, Daniel's car door opened handsomely. With a glance, Xu Yang's face turned pale!

More than a dozen people around who came to see the excitement were shocked and confused!

Zhou Xian!

It was Zhou Xian who got off the car!

How can it be? ! !

"Impossible!...impossible! must be a fake! How can you, you are so poor, you can afford this kind of car!" Xu Yang immediately woke up, and yelled.

The group of people next to him came bakc to their senses with a startled expression. Several of them who played with Xu Yang and looked down on Zhou Xian also got startles .

"The surname Zhou, you are less bluffing here. How can you buy this car for a guy like you!"

"Yes, you might be renting or borrowing this car!"

" are you able to come up with an evidence to prove that this car is yours!"

Xu Yang reacted in the blink of an eye, and immediately yelled: " yes, They are right! Only the ghost knows if you rented or borrowed this car! Unless you show evidence that this car is yours! "

"I knew you would not see the coffin without crying, and I will convince you to lose this time!" Zhou Xian sneered, turned around and took out the vehicle registration certificate from the car.

"I don't need to say what this thing is. Take it and see for yourself. If you still don't believe it, there is a vehicle identification number on it, just check it online!"

Looking at these books, the group of people who had just been hard-mouthed panicked instantly!

Zhou Xian dared to take this thing out, that means this car must be his! This car... this is a tens of millions of lamborghini !

If you can afford to drive this car, why can't it be worth hundreds of millions? ! Isn't the surname Zhou a poor ghost? ! When did he become so rich? !

The more people think about it, the more they are surprised. But at the same time, some people suddenly became active!

Since Zhou Xian is so rich, there must be a big companies in his family! If they could make a good relationship with him maybe you can have a good future and a good job in the future!

There were a few people whose minds were turning fast, and they reacted in an instant, without saying a word, leaning over to Zhou Yuan's side.

"Brother Zhou, this surnamed Xu is too much of a thing. He was taunting you in the group just now! I must not spare him this time!"

"Yes, Brother Zhou, this grandson is always scolding you! He must be your enemy !"

"I'm sorry, Brother Zhou, I was quick to speak just now. I'm saying something that shouldn't be said. I want to apologize to you."

"My mouth was drifting just now, Brother Zhou, don't be mad with the younger brother."

"Surnamed Xu, you are blind and dare to provoke Brother Zhou! Now that the bet has been lost, you still don't rush to fulfill your contract!"

"Don't pretend to be a fool, hurry up and apologize to Brother Zhou, and then follow the bet!"

In the blink of an eye, a group of people turned their faces and turned their heads at Xu Yang! Xu Yang was dumbfounded instantly!

Zhou Xian glanced at the group of people, ignored them, and then sneered at Xu Yang.

"The surname Xu, I have already driven the car. Next, it's up to you to fulfill the bet!"

"I... I.. " Xu Yang's expression froze instantly!

Fulfill the bet? Isn't that just letting him eat shit in public? ! If he did such a shameful thing, how would he stay in the school in the future?

"Why, do you still want to break the contract?" Seeing Xu Yang not speaking, Zhou Xian spoke again.

"Surname Zhou, don't deceive people too much!"

"So you are breaking the contract?"

"I don't know what you said, anyway I never promised you anything!"

Xu Yang was already determined to demote the promise so he threw the registration card to Zhou Yuan, and left without a word!

"I wanted to let you go, but you just wanted to die by yourself."

Zhou Yuan actually didn't want Xu Yang to eat shit in public. After all, this punishment was really ugly.

He originally planned that as long as Xu Yang was willing to bow his head in public, he would spare this guy once.

It's a pity that Xu Yang didn't mean to be soft from the beginning to the end, and even called himself "Lao zhu, Lao Zhu" in the end!Then you can't blame him for being cruel!

Thinking of this, Zhou Xian directly used the betting card! Along with the system's "effective" reminder, the next second, Xu Yang suddenly twitched nervously!

In the blink of an eye, this guy just took off his pants in public and squatted at the floor ...