Darkness Surrounds Part 2

Lena shook her head and got up, picking up her dishes to put in the sink. She didn't have time to wallow in one of her darker moments. One that marked the end of her happy life. Because of her mom's work, she didn't know what was going on in Lena's life anymore. Liliana didn't know that she was bullied at school.

She had endured for two years that there had not been any physical things done to her that didn't start until their third year of high school when one of the teachers had tried to intervene when they noticed the bullying. The teacher had been teaching at the school for a year and got fired because she wanted to help her. Lena knew that it had something to do with Stacy and her group. She was not aware of the details, but she knew.

After the teacher was fired, Stacy and Cristal's group beat her up, and whenever they got the opportunity to get her by herself, they would smack her around. For the last few years, she had gone home with bruises all over her body. Only once during the previous three years that she had been bullied did her mom ask her about a bruise that was healing did she ask. Lena remembered that she had told her mother that she had hit herself at school. Liliana had just told her to be more careful and walked back into her office that she had made in the guest bedroom that they had upstairs. Lena had just nodded and walked away.

Lena pulled her school bag off the floor near the door, where she placed it every day after school and pulled on her jacket. It was still chilly out in the mornings. The sun started shining almost lunchtime, which didn't guarantee the weather would turn warm.

It was a 15-minute walk to the school, which she made daily. Her mother didn't pay much attention to Lena and the fact that it would be more convenient if she got her license, but since they lived only 15 minutes away from school, she didn't see the need for Lena to drive. Lena didn't see the point of getting her driver's license either. It was not like she went out anyway. She focused on finishing the school year, getting out of town, and attending college. She needed to finish the next couple of months without any significant accidents, and she would make it out alive. 

 * * * * *

Adrian POv

Adrian was getting out of the car; his mom and dad had decided to come back to his dad's hometown after his grandfather had passed away, leaving his grandmother all alone. He looked at his grandparent's house. The house had been well-kept by his grandfather, and it was not a tiny house by any means. His grandmother came out of the house.

"I am so glad to have you guys here," Grandma Clair said as she opened her arms and pulled Adrian into a big hug.

Adrian couldn't help but smile at the small woman who pulled him into a tight hug. He couldn't help himself and lift her as he turned her around, getting a laugh out of her. "Now, Adrian, put me down," Grandma Clair said as she hit him on the arm.

Adrian laughed and put her down; he kissed her on the cheek, "It is good to see you, Grand," Adrian said as he pulled away to allow his mother and father to greet Clair.

"How was the drive?" Grandma Clair asked as she motioned for them to come inside the house.

"Long," Adrian said as he took his grandmother's hand and walked up the stairs into the house.

"It was not that bad, Mom," Adrian's father, David, said as she followed behind his wife, Rebecca.

"What about you, Rebecca? What did you think?" Grandma Clair asked.

"I agree with Adrian. It was long but not that bad; I think we had a pretty good time getting here," Rebecca said as she looked at her mother-in-law. Since Rebecca met her mother-in-law, she had always liked her; she treated her like her real mother, and Clair had always treated her like a real daughter. Sometimes, so much so that David would complain that his mother liked her more than she liked him. Rebecca's mother had passed away in high school, so meeting Clair and welcoming her with open arms made it feel like she also had a mother, not just a mother-in-law.

Clair laughed and walked them into the living room. "I know that I didn't tell you, guys, much when we talked over the phone, but I think it's time that we talk about what your father and I had wanted to happen to the house after either him, me, or both of us pass away," Clair said.

"Mom, we can wait and talk about that later," David said, sitting on one of the couches as Adrian helped his grandmother into a chair.

"Now that you are here. This is the plan. I will not take any disagreements about this, okay," Clair said, looking at David and Rebecca, waiting for their acknowledgment before continuing. "Okay, the house will go to both of you; I want Rebecca to make any changes she wants to feel comfortable here. This is her home as well now."

"Mom, that is not necessary the house is fine like it is," Rebecca said, leaning forward and taking Clair's hand in hers. Clair squeezed Rebecca's hand.

"Adrian, you still have three weeks before school starts, so you will get a chance to get accustomed to life here," Clair said, smiling at Adrian. 

"Don't worry about Adrian's mom. Charlie and his bunch are going to be here this weekend; we are hoping that the boys can show Adrian around," David said, getting up from his seat, "Adrian, come and help me unload the things from the car so we can get settled in."

Adrian hugged his grandmother and got up to follow his dad out the door. Adrian had met Uncle Charlie over the years, call him as he liked to, as he and David would occasionally get together. "When did Uncle Charlie and the gang move here?" Adrian asked as he came up behind his dad at the car's trunk. 

David looked up from the boxes he was pulling and smiled at him, "Charlie moved back two years ago. He told me the twins are getting along very well in the school," David said.

"At least I will have some familiar face on my last year of high school," Adrian said, "and since we made the move, am I still going to be able to get that bike we talked about?" Adrian asked. 

"Your mother and I will talk about it, and we will give you an answer before you get to school," David said as he placed a box in Adrian's hands. 

Adrian knew it was pointless to get an answer from his father's words when he said that, so he brought the box and started moving things into the house. 

The weekend was finally here. Adrian had been messaging the twins and making plans to go into the town after they had dinner later today. Adrian had been placing plates and cups on the table in the backyard when he saw Seth and Logan walking out the sliding door. 

"Hey, man," Seth said as he approached Adrian and hugged him.

"Long time no see," Adrian said as he pulled away and took a look at him, "you have grown into those ears, I see." Adrian laughed as Seth punched him in the arm. 

"Now, come on, Adrian, he not only grew into those ears, but my baby brother also became almost as handsome as me," Logan said, hugging Adrian.

"We are identical twins, your ass; if he is calling me an ugly child, that means you were ugly as well," Seth said, giving Logan a Are you a serious look.

Adrian laughed, "Man, I did miss you two," Adrian said. 

"So, did your parents get you the bike?" Seth asked. One of the things the three of them liked was motorcycles, and they were going to try to get one for their last year of high school. So far as Adrian knew, the twins had successfully convinced their parents they got bikes for their 18th birthday in August, which had been last month. 

"No word jet have to wait," Adrian said, looking toward his Dad, who was talking to Charlie standing next to the grill. 

"You can always ride with me," Logan said, making eyes at Adrian. 

Seth laughed, and Adrian joined him, "I am good, man, thanks," Adrian said.