Being the Bigger Dwarf

"How ironic..." Kano said with a mirthful chuckle. "A single moment of selfishness and greed cost him his credibility. Had he left the treasure as is, he would have sacrificed a large portion of it, but would have walked out of that whole trial with something of value."

A moment of realisation struck Kano and his eyes widened considerably, "Is that the moral of the story? Wait, this wasn't a real story?!"

Darvia smiled and said, "It is a true story, though it has been diluted over the ages. The original ballad goes into much detail about how he survived all on his own- well it WAS originally written by Durum the Shortsighted - the very protagonist of the ballad."

"So was there a dragon's hoard or not?" Kano asked expectantly, to which Darvia shrugged and responded, "Only Durum knows. Though no one else has seen it, the fact that the ballad can invoke the experience is reason enough for most to believe its existence."