Girls' Week Out

Shuri had to physically hold herself back from reading the book she'd marketed to Marie. It was an absolute page-turner, and with each page turned the gears of her mind turned at a feverish pace. For most, it was a good thing. But for Shuri in particular, this was the absolute worst outcome. After all, her mind was like a sticky fly trap. Once an idea or thought snuck its way in there, it wouldn't leave until it was taken to fruition.

The reason why she had to physically hold herself back was because her inspiration and motivation were sneaking into the project work she was undertaking with her team.

"This isn't part of the project scope!" Tes exclaimed in frustration. "This will require a complete rework of the transient memory architecture. And we will have to somehow quadruple the number of cores being used to facilitate so many parallel computations!"