Keep everyone calm till I come back.

"What are you doing out? Why didn't you come in?" I asked Alexandra

"Umm... I don't know. It's rather loud and I'm nervous for no reason at all. I don't do this, this is not my scene. I'm the sort of person who sits in her PJs and cuddles up with a book and some hot cocoa. I have no clue what I'm doing, Wearing a mini-dress? High-pump heels? I am... In no way... Thinking straight. I'm just going to leave." She said.

"WOAH! WOAH! WOAH! Calm down! You are freaking out over nothing. You look really good tonight ok-"

*My phone rings*

"Oye Atlas! Where you at? We got cops in here." Ryder called up and told me.

"Bullocks! I'm on my way-- Where on earth did u go?" I reply

"I'm right here!" Ryder said

"Not you," I say cutting the call." I look around and start to run away from the house and I find her walking down a road. I scream at the top of my lungs, "ALEXANDRA!" She turns back, in slow motion, I may add, at least that's how I see it, her hair flips as we lock eyes and she smiles a little... Anyway, I run towards her...

"Where did you disappear?" I say panting, catching my knees.

"What are you doing here?" Alexandra replied.

"I'm here to take you back, duh! I'm not gonna just let you leave your first party without even going in... so let's go..." I take her hand and start running

"Yeah ok...." She replied "Also I'm sorry for just leaving you standing there," she said at the same time as a passing car went by honking...

"WHAT?" I yell...

"NOTHING!" She yelled back smiling

We reach the house a little breathless... Just a little... It seemed rather quiet, so I open the door and I see the boys in blue... There were two of them.

"Officers! Can I help you?" I ask

"We got a noise complaint." They replied

"Can we take this outside?" I ask them...

"Yeah sure, after you."

"Don't leave my side tonight," I tell Alexandra looking into her eyes while I went and held her hand... She nodded. "Oye Ryder!" I call him out.

"Yeah man?"

"Keep everyone calm till I come back," I say heading for the door.

We close the door behind us.

"Ok, what's up Ric? There is no way you could have a noise complaint because this block is filled with campus students and sorority houses." I ask the tall and thin cop on the right. He doesn't reply... "Micky?" No reply from the short and fat cop on the left either..."Ok, what's up? You"ll are scaring me."

"Um... There was a liquor shop that got robbed earlier and the description matches a college kid." Micky replied

"There's no alcohol there than the kegs of beer that I brought.. here are the receipts. You can go in the house and check too." I replied

"We'll take your word for it Atlas if anything pops up lets us know okay? Enjoy your party. Sorry for the trouble." Ricciardo replied.

"No problem man. You'll are just doing your job." I reply and head in.