Hold on to my waist not my shoulder and hold me tight!

I pull the cover off the bike after almost half a month, I really need to ride more often! Picking up this bike was probably the best thing I did other than the 2 accidents I had, I think it's fine, but we don't talk about those and we definitely don't mention it in front of the entire group.

"You sure about this?" Alexandra asked me. 

"Not even a little bit, but I didn't ride in while and this sounds like the perfect time to go for a ride." I replied

"WHAT?!!! There's no way I'm-"

"Relax, relax I'm kidding. Nothing's gonna happen, just take a deep breath, put the helmet on and hold me tight, I'm not gonna let anything happen to you." I replied.

After there was just a moment of silence, nothing but silence and yet out eyes were having a conversation, but nobody but the two of us would understand. It was one of the deepest conversations I think I've ever had with anyone.

"Alright." She replied.

"Alright?" I asked her.

"Yeah, let's do it. You never gave me a moment not to trust you. So yeah, Let's do it." She replied back.

I just look at her for a moment, with nothing but admiration in my eyes and I smile so hard it makes a certain person with green hair, white makeup and red lipstick's smile look small in comparison. Of course she couldn't see that because I had my helmet on my head.

"My lady?" I ask for her hand, to help her get on the bike. She holds my hand and climbs on the bike. Alexandra takes a deep breathe and starts praying.

"Our father, who art in heav-" 

"Oh shut up!" I say interrupting her. After an awkward silence we both burst out laughing.

I finally start the bike and to my surprise, it started in one go and I for got to open the damn garage door. So I put the bike on the stand, get off, open the door, get back on while Alexandra is just laughing her ass off in the background.

"Its not the funny!!" I say.

"Yes it is!!" She replied giggling.

I started the bike, again might I add and starting riding. 

"Looking at the bike, I thought it would go way faster." Alexandra stated.

"What?! Did?! You?! Say?!" I replied a little pissed off. Now you're you've done it. I aggressively down shift from sixth to third while rev matching, of course.

"Is your bike supposed to make that sound?" Alexandra asked with a bit of concern in her voice.

"Oh yeah! That's totally normal." I reply with a bit of a smirk and go full throttle.

"Atlas, Atlas, ATLAS!!!!!! Slow down! that's too fast." She said really, really loud.

She almost loses her seat at the back so I brake almost immediately, "I told you from the start, hold on to my waist not my shoulder and hold me tight!" I replied.

"Relax, I promised we aren't going above eighty, and I like to keep my promises."