
The world was never prepared for The Conversion.

Not America, not Germany, not China not even Russia understood what was happening when the sky suddenly faded into an array of northern lights. No one foretold this would happen, but it did.

And it took the whole world by storm.

It didn't matter what area of the world you were currently in, whether it was night time or day, winter or summer, the sky was one, all people where one in that moment as we looked at it in absolute wonder. It was beautiful, it was unearthly, otherworldly but how it looked didn't matter, beauty could never disguise what it did.

Only ten percent world population at that time were selected and converted, from every race, religion and country of the world people began to have supernatural abilities. These were called The Converted.

A month after The Conversion, the whole world was emerged into chaos, crime had seen an all-time high and all governments were forced to declare every convert a threat to the survival of humanity, ordered to be killed on sight.

Many fell on both sides through the next five years….then came Kingsland, the mysterious NGO that appeared out of the blue.

Working hand in hand with governments they took converts through their various programs, taught and trained them how to control and master their powers before releasing them back into the public.

It is now mandatory for every convert to go to Kingsland and when they return they are given rights and incorporated back into most societies governed by new laws and restrictions on the use of their powers. Those that refuse are considered threats and eliminated.

No one knows where Kingsland is located, not even the converts that return. 17 years after the conversion, Kingsland is still known by one face, Miss Akhana Amir.