1. Meeting her again

Led wore his jacket, bought bread from a bakery & then went off to the park.

He had not been to school for the past 6 months & did not have any intention to go there.

All he did was going to the park & feeding the pigeons there. Doing that made him somewhat happy.

He would stay there for the rest of the day & then come back to his apartment by the evening.

This day, though, was different. He was being followed for the whole day.

He knew it from the moment he left his apartment that day. But decided to let it go and face the consequences, if there is one.

And luckily, nothing happened. The whole day went as smoothly as it could go.

He sat on the bench that he regularly sat on, the bench with the best view of the park, fed the pigeons, looked at the clouds & the really hot girl walking her really expensive dog.

Everything was normal.

He stopped at a silent alley on his way back home.

"Are you going to kill me or something?", he decided to break the silence between him & his follower.

"Why would I?", the voice asked.

"A girls voice, probably a teenager like me." , he deduced.

"How are you?", the girl asked.

"I've been diagnosed by a rare blood disease that could give me a heart attack anytime if a large amount of the bad blood enters my heart. But I've been worse.", he answered back.

The girl did not reply back

"Why are you following me?", he questioned her.

"I just wanted to make sure you are okay."

"Why do you even care?"

"Why shouldn't I? ", she questioned him back, "I saved your life once after all."

He turned back as soon as he heard those words.

Blue hair and an incredibly cute face. There was no doubt that she was her.

"Why did you save me that day?"

"You won't remember", she paused for a bit, "but you helped me a lot back then."

Led was a smart guy. He was very confident in his memory.

"When did I help you?"

"You won't remember.", the same answer as before.

"Umm okay...", he said with an awkward tone in his voice, " what's your na....."

"No time to talk", she interrupted him," we shall meet next ti....OWW!"

She turned back to run but slipped and fell into a puddle of water, hurting her knees in the process.

Silence, awkward silence.

"Are you going to stay like that?", he asked her.

She had stayed in that position for the past 5 minutes. Probably too embarrassed to face him.

After hearing him say that, she tried getting up with all of her strength.

But failed horribly. Both of her knees were injured when she fell down.

"I can't believe I was saved by this girl."

, he sighed while thinking, "guess I've gotta do something."

He sat down while facing his back towards her.

"Hop on"

"I won't. I saved your life once. I should be the one you should rely on."

"Do you have any other choice?".

"She resisted a few times, but agreed ultimately

"Dont you think about doing something ill just because you are carrying me."

"Do you think that I'm a child predator?"

"What makes you think that I'm a child?"

"Well aren't you like 13?"

"No! I'm 17!", he felt as if he blew both of his eardrums on hearing those words.

"Don't get angry now. We haven't even introduced ourselves."

I know that your name is Led. And you don't need to know my name."

"I don't wanna know how you found my name out.", he said nervously,"and you won't tell me yours. So how about I guess your name out?"

"Do whatever you want."

"Okay so let's go Lillie."

"My name is not Lillie ."








"Who names their child Elie?"

They went on rambling for a long time.