3.Saved...... again - I I

Led found himself in a large room with no windows & walls. Painted all white on the inside.

A woman stood in the right corner of the room looking at him, smiling.

"She looks familiar. ", he thought.

He suddenly remembered who she was. He started running towards her.

Black hands started emerging from the white walls & started pulling her towards her.

"Mama! mama!!", he started screaming.

He tried his best to save her, but could not do so in time.

He fell down on his knees, panting.

He looked at his hands which were now red, blood dripping from both of them.

He started hyperventilating. He wanted to scream his lungs out.

The white room was no longer white now. Tons of blood started flowing from the walls & flooded the room.

He opened his eyes while being on his bed. Tears flowing down his eyes . He felt as if he was the most lonely person in this world.

"What happened?", the girl entered his room in a hurried manner,"Why are you crying? "

"What? I'm not.....", he touched his eyes. He was not aware of his tears.

"A nightmare?"

"I....don't remember.", he paused for a moment, "What's the time right now? "

"It's 3 in the morning. Just go back to sleep. "

He gave a slight nod & then closed his eyes back again.

He opened them again at 7, being all wet. She poured down a bucket full of water on him.

"Wake up. You need to go to school."

He scratched his head, " Ugh don't want to "

" Did you just say something " , she held a knife in her right hand. The expression on her face signalled a single word -> DEATH

" Oh no ! ! ! I'm getting late for school ! ! "

He expected a good breakfast but had to resort to toast.

"I don't know why I'm letting her stay here or why I listen to her", he thought on his way to school.

She had stayed with him ever since that day.

"I feel like I've known her for a long time now. Like we have a connection", he reached his school.

"I haven't been here in such a long time that I've forgotten why I hate this place so much. ", he thought to himself.

He entered the gates & found out that he was late.


He entered his class. There were a lot of new students and a new teacher .

He looked around for an empty place. The front seat was vacant.

"Just.... great", he thought.

"Are you new here? ", the teacher asked him.

"No. I've not actually been here for the past six months. "

"Oh may I know the reason why? "

"I just hate this place"

Everyone in the class started whispering things to each other and the teacher was more amused than shocked by his response.

"Im no one to judge you on that. Have a seat. ", he pointed towards the vacant table.

School was boring, as expected, the best part of the school was the lunch that she had packed.

"The new teacher seems to be a good guy", he thought while eating.

He thought of a million more things. Like the time he went on a trip to a really expensive place with his family to a place that he had long forgotten the name of and the time he would go fishing with his uncle Francis every once in a while.

"Hey Led!", a voice called him from behind. It was a boy who had been his classmate for the past 3 years. He had not talked to him before though.

"How have you been man! you were not here for such a long time that most of us thought you were dead"

He just gave him a smile. His best response to anything that he could respond to in words.

"Yeah well we decided to arrange a party for you in the small storage. So let's go! ", he dragged him before he could give an answer.

They stormed through the hallway. The small storage was a bit far away from the main school building.

It was a part of the original school plan before it was replanned. But it was not taken down and it became a popular bunk spot for the students there.

The guy gave a knock on the old rusted iron door.

The door opened, revealing 3 girls and two boys waiting inside for him.

He knew them.

The one outside pushed him inside. Someone punched him on the gut and forced him down on his knees, he then proceeded to kick him in the face.

"Didn't see tell you to leave this place. Your presence alone makes me sick. "

All of them started beating him now.

All of it came back to him. They were the main reason he hated this place. He remembered all the times he cried because of them. Even if he made friends with someone, they'd bully them too and soon because of that, no one came close to him.

"You know that everyone hates you here. Why even bother coming here you murd.."

"Shut up", he interrupted the girl speaking while still laying on the floor,"you people think that you are doing something good just because you get to act all mighty about it. "

Everyone was silent.

"These guys don't even care. They are doing it so that you girls would give them a chance to bang you...."

They started beating him again.

The door opened suddenly. A small girl a muscular guy & another girl appeared with some things in their hands.

"What's going on?", the small girl asked.

"Nothing that should concern you guys", a boy answered.

"Well it does", the muscular guy said, "you see we want this space for us now"

"Well bad for you guys, get out now."

"Hey this isn't fair! we had told everyone about this.", the little girl replied back.

"Listen little girl", a girl from the group approached towards her, "we are a bit busy here so just leave before anything bad happens to you."

She was about to touch her head when the other girl from the trio grabbed her wrist twisted it & then pulled a knife on her throat.

"Touch her & you die. ", she said coldly.

"We don't need to get physical now okay.", the muscular guy said, "leave and you won't be harmed."

They did not think about anything & left in an instant.

"Are you okay?", the muscular guy helped Led get up.

"Yeah. Thank you for the help."

"What happened anyway?", the girl asked

"I'd rather not tell you the reason. "

"Well that's upto you. I'm Pekora", they shook hands, "this guy right here is Trevor and our little mistresses right here", she patted her head, "is Korone"

"Can I ask you guys a question?"

"Sure why not."

"Who exactly are you guys & how old is she."

"Well...you see..."

"I'm nine and these are my bodyguards. ", Korone interrupted her.

"Bodyguards? ", he asked nervously.

"Because my dad is a gangst...", Trevor put his hand on her lips.

"He is a businessman", he laughed nervously while saying that.

Pekora laughed nervously on hearing that.

Led too laughed nervously.

All of them laughed nervously.

Trevor grappled him & Pekora pulled out her knife again.

"I won't say this to anyone I promise."

"How can we be so sure of that? ", Trevor asked him.

"I have an idea", Pekora touched his face,"how about we give this beautiful face a nice little scar so that he will remember not to tell anyone."

"Hey! n...no!", Led was legit scared now.

Korone, who was witnessing all this couldn't restrain herself.

"If you guys do something to him I'll tell papa you guys went on a date once while being on duty! "

Both of them bowed down to him on their knees.

"We're sorry!", they yelled in unison.

"It's okay I'm gonna go now. " , he tried to sound cool.

"Hey we're having a party here. How about you stay with us for a while here?", Pekora as ked him.

"I think I'll go now. I've had enough action for the day."

"I'm gonna be sad you know.", Korone said, "and papa does not like it when I'm sad."

"Let's party!", he changed his colors in an instant.

"Yay! Trevor made a cake today.", Korone said

"He makes the best cakes.", Pekora praise him.

Trevor blushed, "Thank you guys."

"Here have some juice..."

He made some interesting friends that day.