
My life was going as smooth as it could. I had a family ,a home, friends, everything that I want now.

I had a life.

Dad worked for a firm and usually came home late, often drunk. But mom never got angry on him because she understood his feelings and his frustration on him not being able to join the military. He loved me and my sister and mom loved him.

What still surprises me is that how could a man act for almost 10 years of being in love with someone.

He was having an affair with a girl named Rosalind for almost 8 years.

I still remember that day as if it had just happened yesterday."

"Who is she?", mom asked.

"I won't tell you anything about her.", he gave a stern reply .

"How long have you been seeing her?", she was not angry on him. Anger is the last thing that comes to your mind when you are heartbroken.

"I've told you once and for all that I am not telling you anything about her."

"Why ? ", she started crying ," don't you love us?"

He stayed silent with his back towards her.

"Why did you even marry me then? Why do so much for us if you did not mean any of that?"

"Look it's not like I had a choice. I was forced to do a deal with my family that if I'm not able join the military, then I have to marry someone and work in the same firm where my father worked."

He faced us after saying those words. He had a knife in his hands.

"I'm sorry you had to suffer because of me", he started approaching towards my sister," I should've done this a long time long ago."

Mom tried stopping him with all of her strength but was overpowered by him. He punched her twice in the face and forced her towards the ground. He grabbed my sister by the hair and pulled her up in the air. She screamed in pain. He did not hesitate on doing what he did. He stabbed her violently on the chest for more than 5 times and then let go of her hair.

She laid down on the floor, cold and lifeless, blood flowing down her.

I just stood there, watching, as he went towards mom. I just froze. I should've at least tried fighting but I was too scared to do anything. I was too scared to even cry. I was just a ten year old boy back then.

Mom did not say anything to him. She looked at me instead and said something. I was too scared to listen to her.

He stabbed her so violently that the knife flew out of his hands and landed right beside my feet. He did not stop even after that, just kept on hitting her as if he still had the knife.

I picked it up, the sight of blood made me puke right then and there.

I looked at my sister's body, my fear was suppressed by my anger in an instant after that.

I charged straight towards him. I don't remember what happened after that, all I saw was red at that time.

When I came back to my senses, I was in a room with three dead bodies. Dad had a knife stuck on his throat and three holes on his chest.

I did not run away. I just sat at the corner of that room looking at them till dawn broke.

When my neighbour came in the morning to ask for something, she saw me and ran away.

The police came about half an hour or so and took me with them. The statement i gave to the police was just considered a lie and I was sent to a juvenile prison.

Nobody believed my story and no one visited me there. I tried to take my life multiple times but all of it failed. The only one who believed me was uncle Francis. He took me in and did everything he could to help me get rid of my trauma along with Shinzo.

Life was still very harsh for me. Several news channels had aired my story and no matter where I went, they detested me and treated me like a pest.

I changed several schools because of that but no matter where i went, they would know my story and bulli


Led looked at the ceiling and sighed while tears flowed flowed his cheeks. He cleared his throat before speaking again .

"I saw her again today and all of the things I was running from confronted me again." , he wiped his tears,"I think about my sister sometimes. About what she would've become if she was still alive. She would have dreams of her own. She would.....", he broke down completely," she would've been a great dancer, a singer or an artist maybe. At least someone better than me. I should've been dead instead of her. I don't do anything to make my life better and just keep bitching about it. I shoul....."

The girl hugged him before he could finish his sentence. She wiped her tears off.

'I'm here for you now. Don't worry", she hugged him tighter '"I'm here for you now. I'll never let you be sad."

He cried his heart out that day. Everything that was holding him back like ropes on his hands and feet was breaking because of the girl. He did not want to be sad, not in that time and not forever.

"He has finally found someone he could rely on ", Shinzo picked an apple from the dining table.

"I'm happy that it happened in this lifetime", Francis laughed.