Joyful Trouble

Kazuma stared at his sister suspiciously. "Really?"

"Really." Chiyoko nodded solemnly, her chin touching Kazuma's bamboo sword.

"No regrets?" Kazuma confirmed again.

"No." Chiyoko became even more serious.

Kazuma took back his bamboo sword and asked seriously, "Why?"

Chiyoko was shocked. "Y-You beat me up and then ask me why? My hand is swollen thanks to you."

Kazuma looked at Chiyoko's hand. "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, just a small injury." Chiyoko paused and looked at Kazuma. "Brother, you seem to have progressed further away behind my back."

'No, no, your brother is no longer here. I am an imposter.'

But he could not say that. Kazuma smiled and changed the topic. "After signing the contract tomorrow, let's think about where we want our new house to be."

"New house… If possible, I want somewhere with a sea view…"

Chiyoko seemed to have really agreed to sell the dojo. Now, she was seriously considering Kazuma's suggestion, and there was a slight expression of yearning on her face.

Kazuma clicked his tongue. "Houses with a good sea view aren't cheap, unless it's near a harbor. We still have to pay taxes after selling the dojo, so we can't afford to buy anything too expensive. If you really want to see the sea, I'm afraid we'll have to move to Kamakura."

"Why Kamakura?" Chiyoko's eyes widened in confusion.

Kazuma was at a loss for words. The truth was that he still could not recall the names of all the places in Tokyo. He said Kamakura because he vaguely recalled that the female lead in "Biblia Used Bookstore Casebook" owned a used bookshop there.

He quite liked the lifestyle described by the Biblia Used Bookstore Casebook series. When he was reading it, he could not help but imagine how it would be like to live in the same place.

Seeing that Kazuma did not answer, Chiyoko continued, "Kamakura is very far away, isn't it? It's just beside Kanagawa!"

"You are right… It's a little far." Kazuma scratched his head. "But the scenery over there is nice. We can buy a house on the hillside next to the beach road. From there we can see the Etajima islands in the distance…"

"Etajima? Isn't that near Kure?"

"Enoshima! Yes, I was talking about Enoshima!" Kazuma quickly corrected himself. He had said Etajima because the movie "Ah! Kaigun!" took place there. It was a popular movie in his previous life, and any people of his time would have watched it.

Chiyoko looked at Kazuma suspiciously. In the end, she decided not to fuss over her brother's consecutive mistakes. She sighed softly. "Buying a seaside house in Kamakura sounds like a good idea. But after we move there, how are we going to go to school? We'd have to cross the entire Miura Peninsula. If we were in the Edo period, we would have to cross the territory border of two lords!"

Kazuma scratched his head. "I'm just speaking nonsense, don't mind me. After selling the dojo, we can just look for a suitable house in Katsushika. If possible, I'd like to go to Shibamata too…"

Confused, Chiyoko asked again, "Why?"

"I also want to grow up drinking Sakra water," Kazuma quipped.

Chiyoko smiled at once.

It was a Japanese meme adapted from a Japanese comedy series called "It's Tough Being A Man."

At the beginning of the movie, the main character, Tora-san, said, "I am Tora. I was born in Shibamata Town, Katsushika City, Tokyo Metropolis, and I grew up drinking Sakra water."

This movie was a real national movie in Japan. Even shows like Detective Conan could not be compared to it. It spanned across 26 years and there were 48 installments in total. Every time a new movie was released, every Japanese citizen, men and women, old and young, would drag their whole families to watch it.

Not surprisingly, Chiyoko had watched it too with her family, which included Kazuma.

Of course, she understood his joke.

"Brother, don't become someone like Tora-san."

"What's wrong with Tora-san? Didn't he bring laughter to the whole of Japan?" Kazuma teased.

"But he's a vagabond. He wanders around all day. Even when he returns home, he only causes trouble for his sister Sakura."

Kazuma laughed awkwardly and changed the topic. "After selling the dojo, we can only practice kendo in school."

"Right… We can't spar again like just now, right?"

"If you really want to fight, we can go to the club room of the neighborhood office." Kazuma reached out and touched Chiyoko's head.

"Although we have decided to sell it, we will not be moving out immediately. Let's treasure our time here and bid a proper goodbye to the dojo."

Chiyoko nodded. "Sure."

Seeing that the matter had been settled, Kazuma stretched his arms. "I'll go and prepare the bath."

It should have been a woman's job. Men didn't have to do anything. They would only need to enjoy the bath.

However, since Chiyoko was so obedient today and agreed to sell the dojo, Kazuma did not mind sharing some of the housework.

Even if it was only for today.

But Chiyoko stopped him. "Brother! How did you do it just now?"

"Do what?" Kazuma asked. He knew exactly what his sister wanted to ask.

Chiyoko said, "W-well, how you integrated your emotions and willpower into your sword, like what Dad said…"

"I don't know." Kazuma shrugged. "Was there a problem with my sword skill just now?"

Kazuma's question made Chiyoko hesitate as well. "I'm not sure either. I just feel that… there was a cold aura around you. And when you swung your sword, how should I put it? You seemed special, full of energy and confidence."

Kazuma raised his eyebrows. "What do you mean? I don't remember seeing anything like the Skyward Crescent when I used my sword."

'Wait, Skyward Crescent is a move that would only appear in comics decades from now. At this time, I should say Soaring Dragon Flash. No, this is also something that only appeared in the 1990s…'

Kazuma thought for a long time and realized that all the movies, animes, and games that he was familiar with had not even been released in 1980. For a moment, he could not find the right words to describe sword energy.

Chiyoko asked, "What is Skyward Crescent?"

"A type of sword energy that is produced by swinging a sword. It can cut distant targets like an extended blade," Kazuma explained seriously.

However, Chiyoko gave him a suspicious look.

"Brother, you've read too many comics, haven't you? Sword energy… Why don't you say that you can shoot cross rays like Ultraman by crossing two swords?"

Kazuma scratched the back of his head and smiled awkwardly.

'It's not my fault,' he muttered to himself. 'It's not like I'm particularly sure what the young people in 1980 are watching.'

Chiyoko sighed and picked up the bamboo sword that Kazuma had knocked to the ground earlier. She threw it to Kazuma and said, "You polish the sword. I'll prepare the bath."

"Alright." Kazuma nodded without hesitation.

Chiyoko left the dojo at once.

Kazuma held the bamboo sword and sat down in a corner of the dojo to begin the maintenance work.

He would be able to sell the dojo tomorrow. After earning his starting fund, he could use his knowledge of the future world to reach the peak of his life.

Kazuma thought happily while polishing his bamboo saber, 'Should I invest in Nintendo or buy some Sony shares?'

Well, Sony would only start to thrive in the 1990s, whereas Nintendo would soon release their revolutionary Famicom. Investing in Nintendo would return more profits faster.

However, the problem was that the Nintendo Group was a family business. It was not listed, so it would be troublesome to buy their shares…

Thinking about these things that wouldn't even be happening in the near future, Kazuma felt the joy of being a transmigrator.