Nishikiyama-san, I Have a Poem for You

Kazuma first assessed the strength of this group of people. In this situation, he didn't feel confident no matter how he dealt with it. He could only rely on his cheat.

Putting aside how much stronger his cheat could help him become, it could at least allow Kazuma to see his enemies' strength accurately.

Kazuma remembered all five yakuza men before him. They were the guys who came to "greet" them two days ago.

All of them were wearing the family emblem, which meant they were all official yakuza members.

Their strength seemed to be of a reasonable level too. They all had a note above them, but the note itself was a little strange.

'What the hell is Street Brawl 8?'

Did they level up because they were so experienced in street fights?

Kazuma stared at the bald man who was at Street Brawl 8 for a few more seconds, trying to see if his cheat would expand on this note in greater detail.

Unexpectedly, it actually worked. The description of Street Brawl 8 was: "Self-taught survival skills, able to turn everything in his hands into a weapon. Takes full advantage of the surroundings, especially good at fighting against multiple targets weaker than himself. Tip: Fight him alone in an open field with no tools."

Kazuma was shocked. This tip sounded like it should be used to fight against Jackie Chan!

The yakuza baldy noticed that Kazuma was staring at him. He misunderstood his intentions and shouted angrily, "What are you staring at…"

Kazuma almost blurted out, "What's wrong with looking at you?"

The man in the floral suit, who was the leader of the group, raised his hand. The bald man immediately shut up and bowed to the leader before stepping behind him.

Kazuma muttered in his heart, 'Impressive. Is this how it's like being a yakuza boss?'

The man in the floral suit said to Kazuma, "We're not in the habit of handing out business cards. Let me introduce myself. I am Nishikiyama Heita, the boss of the Nishikiyama Family."

Kazuma took the opportunity to size up Nishikiyama Heita, mainly to check his "combat power."

Street Brawl 11, Kendo Muryu Style 5. What a tough man.

This person had a buff called "Demon Face." Kazuma focused his attention on the words and the description went: "The name of 'Heita the Demon' has shaken the Kanto region. Showing his demon face tattoo can deter low-rank gangsters and enhance his own martial arts skills."

Kazuma raised his eyebrows in surprise. He had always known that yakuza members liked to strip their shirts to reveal their tattoos before a spar, but he didn't know that this action served practical and strategic purposes.

Casting away these irrelevant thoughts, Kazuma decided to let them in.

These men were all skilled in street fights, so it was obvious that he should not fight them head-on on the street.

In comparison, the dojo was spacious and empty. Firstly, there was nothing in the surrounding environment to take advantage of, and secondly, there were no tools that could be used as weapons. Even Jackie Chan would have a hard time fighting there.

Hence, Kazuma took a step back and opened the door. He gestured to welcome Nishikiyama and his men into the house.

Unexpectedly, Nishikiyama Heita, the big shot from the yakuza, actually thanked Kazuma.

If it were not for his flamboyant red shirt, his martial arts strength, and the note "Demon Face" that Kazuma had seen directly, he might have really thought that he was a good person.

After entering the dojo, Kazuma invited his guests to sit down. Before the guests could say anything, Chiyoko came in with tea.

She kept a straight face, not intending to hide her hostility at all. However, she still knelt down politely in front of him. Japanese women had a low social status, and they had to kneel when serving their guests. Chiyoko knelt down and served a cup of tea to Nishikiyama.

After that, Chiyoko went behind Kazuma. She took a cushion and knelt down a distance away.

Kazuma did not touch the tea at all. He asked directly, "What did you do to Mikako?"

"Nothing. Not yet." Nishikiyama stared at Kazuma. "But I will not be so sure about that in a moment. It all depends on how much you care about that girl."

With that, he took out a contract from the inner pocket of his suit and spread it out in front of Kazuma. Then, he took out a pen and removed the cap. He placed the pen next to the contract.

"If I don't sign it, are you going to lock her inside a gasoline tank and throw it into Tokyo Bay?" Kazuma continued to ask.

"Of course not. That will get the police involved. Even if the police fail to find any evidence against us, it will interfere with our business to have policemen loitering around in this area all day." Nishikiyama smiled at Kazuma and continued, "So we have a more effective and cheaper method.

"Nowadays, there are plenty of delinquents who are full fantasies about the yakuza. They will do anything to join the yakuza, and their lips are tight.

"At the same time, these delinquents are also impulsive and full of desire. Even without orders, they will occasionally kidnap a beautiful high school girl on the street. They will then throw her out after they've had enough fun.

"There are so many delinquents who get sent to the juvenile detention center every year for doing things like that. Young Master Kiryuu is a smart man. I think you probably understand what I mean."

Kazuma said, "If I don't sign, Mikako will be gang-raped by delinquents. Is that what you mean?"

Nishikiyama smiled without saying anything.

Kazuma guessed that he was trying to prevent his words from being recorded.

Kazuma cursed, "Shameless!"

Nishikiyama smiled and said, "Thank you for your compliment. However, as long as you sign it, I can get my underlings to find those delinquents and make them return your Mikako, untarnished."

Kazuma rebutted, "Oh? How can you be sure that she'll be untarnished? You just said that the delinquents will have their way with her immediately the moment they get their hands on her. How can you be certain that they will wait for the orders from your underlings?"

Nishikiyama laughed even harder. He lowered his voice and said, "Young Master Kiryuu, so you do know that delinquents have very little patience. Then you should act quickly. As you are debating with me, perhaps the cute Mikako has already…"

Nishikiyama continued, "Girls are like wines. Once the seal is open, their value will drop drastically."

Kazuma gritted his teeth.

He had no doubt that this bunch of yakuza men would really do what they said. He was even worried that Fujii had already been tainted.

It seemed like the only way to save her was to sign the contract in front of him and accept the price that was as good as robbery.

At this moment, Kazuma's thoughts were very clear.

In this era, communication technologies were not yet developed. As long as he could defeat the five people in front of him without letting any information out, there was still a chance that he could rescue Fujii unharmed.

However, out of the five of them, two were stronger than him in terms of martial arts ranking, and one of them even had a "Demon Face" note.

Kazuma had no idea how much strength enhancement this Demon Face buff could give him.

This was the first time that Kazuma was up against this kind of "elite monster" with his own buff. He could not figure out how much power the special buff could provide.

Even if he ignored the buff effects, there were still two people whose street brawl ranks far exceeded the level of his and Chiyoko's kendo.

Kazuma glanced at the tea that Chiyoko had just served—'Damn, if only Chiyoko had added laxatives into the tea.'

However, it was too late now. They would definitely get suspicious if Chiyoko deliberately changed the tea now.

'I wonder if there's any pepper spray at home.'

Kazuma considered how to win by trickery.

Unfortunately, after searching through his memory, he found that when the siblings sorted the belongings in the house after their father died, there were no pepper sprays or stun guns.

There was no way to defeat them by force, and no possible tricks either.

The thought of temporarily giving in to them flashed across Kazuma's mind. After all, he could try to get into the police department after graduating from a prestigious school. By then, it wouldn't be too late to seek revenge.

However, this thought was immediately abandoned.

Kazuma was furious.

In Kazuma's previous life, his youth coincided with the time when the movie "Young and Dangerous" was popular all over the country. A group of delinquents in his school were influenced by the style. Not only did they bully their classmates, but they also bullied their teachers.

At that time, the chain reaction caused by the Asian financial crisis led to a series of consequences. One of them was the deterioration of public security.

In that era, you might even run into a robber when riding a long-distance bus.

Fortunately, before long, China decided to crack down on them and wipe out all criminal organizations.

However, those school bullies still left some extremely aggrieved memories for the young Kazuma.

That was why Kazuma had decided to practice kendo and keep up with a workout regime. This way, he would be able to defend himself if he encountered the same situation again.

After practicing kendo for so many years, how could he lower his head again in the face of evil-doers?

Then what's the point of expending so much effort in practicing martial arts?

'I am a transmigrator, and I have a cheat!'

'If I choose to endure the unfairness now and sign the contract, I will be a disgrace to all the transmigrators!'

However, if he did not win the fight, he would probably be forced to sign the unjust agreement. Then, as a punishment for his disobedience, Fujii Mikako would most likely be tainted. Perhaps he would even have to sacrifice his sister as well.

Kazuma's rationality was trying very hard to suppress his anger that was about to go out of control.

A voice was getting louder in his head. "Sign it. Endure it for a while. Everything will be alright. Take a step back and make life easier for all of you."

However, this did not extinguish his anger. Instead, it made him even more furious.


'Why do I have to endure and give in? Why do I have to be submissive to the monster called life? Why do I have to bow down to reality?'

'Why can't I take control over my f*cking fate and strangle whoever's behind it to death?'

'Huh? Fujii and my sister? They will be tarnished if I fight on? But if I give in today, how can I be sure that the same situation will not happen again?'

'Perhaps before long, Chiyoko, my good sister, will go and work in a nightclub just to pay for my college tuition fees.'

'And she will probably keep it a secret.'

'And Fujii may feel disappointed in me and think that I'm a coward. Then, she may date someone else.'

'What's the point of backing down? How will that change the final outcome?'

'Besides, even if it's true that it's never too late to take revenge, I can do my best to fight back first! If I fail, then I will need to worry about getting revenge.'

At this moment, Kazuma finally thought it through. His mind was crystal clear.

'To hell with the consequences. To hell with strategies. To hell with the strong and the weak. Sometimes, a man has to fight to his heart's content.'

He grabbed his teacup and finished the tea in one gulp.

Actually, the temperature of the tea had not been controlled well. It was too hot, but Kazuma did not feel like he was scalded at all.

His chest was burning.

He looked at Nishikiyama Heita. His voice was trembling due to excitement. "Do you know why I practice kendo, Nishikiyama-san?"

Before Nishikiyama could answer, Kazuma raised his right hand, extended his fingers, and slowly clenched them. Then, he said word by word in Chinese, "I have a poem for you. Why do we fight? To protect home and family. To preserve balance and bring harmony!"

Yes, Kazuma said it in Chinese.

Nishikiyama frowned in confusion. "What the hell?"

In the next second, Kiryuu Kazuma grabbed the teapot left by Chiyoko and splashed the scalding tea at Nishikiyama and his men.

  1. The cinematic opening theme for World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria