Cherry Blossoms on a Spring Evening

Seeing Fujii in this state, Kazuma felt that if he were to confess now, she would definitely accept him.

However, when it came to love, the one who accepted the confession would have an upper hand. Between pursuing and being pursued, Kazuma chose the latter.

He firmly believed that there was no future for those who actively pursued love, so he had never dated any girl in his past life despite his decent personal background.

Of course, this also had something to do with the omnipresence of feminists in his previous life.

Occasionally, Kazuma would have a crush on some girls, but all of them believed in female empowerment without exception. When he checked their social media pages, he often saw them criticizing the chauvinistic views of some men.

Every time he finished reading their posts, Kazuma would sigh. 'What is wrong with this society? How far do they want to push us single young men? When can men walk with our heads held high?'

Angry, lonely, sad.

Therefore, Kazuma suppressed his urge to confess. He did not have the chance in his past life, but this time, he wanted to enjoy the feeling of being pursued.

However, on second thought, Kazuma felt that perhaps he should be more alpha. Maybe he could press Fujii on the wall and force a kiss. That way, it would seem like he was the one in control, so he shouldn't be considered as a pathetic pursuer.

Kazuma could not help but imagine how he would go about pressing Fujii on the wall. He had never done this in his past life, so he had to rehearse it in his head first.

At this moment, he was standing in the center of the dojo, several meters away from the nearest wall. To realize his fantasy, he would have to dash toward the wall and press Fujii against it before she could react.

To prevent her from falling during the sprint, he would have to grab her under the armpit, pick her up, and sprint again…

That's right. Kazuma seriously planned to carry Fujii while sprinting and then slam her against the wall.

That'd be so cool. Could any normal man do it? No!

Poor Fujii. She had managed to escape from the evil hands of the yakuza, but now she was facing the danger of having her ribs broken if Kazuma were to slam her against the wall.

Fortunately, Kazuma didn't put his fantasies into action. Otherwise, with his size, Fujii would end up integrated into the walls of the dojo.

Kazuma laughed as he imagined Fujii's terrified look as she was picked up.

Hearing Kazuma's laughter, Fujii, who was blushing with her head lowered, looked up and asked in confusion, "Why are you laughing?"

"I suddenly wanted to press you against the wall." Kazuma was an honest boy and had answered truthfully.

Fujii looked back at the wall of the dojo. "…At this distance?"

"Yeah, why not?"


"It's simple. I'll show you. First, I'll lift you up like this. Yes, just like this. Then, I'll sprint toward the wall…"

"Brother, what are you doing?" Chiyoko's voice interrupted Kazuma's demonstration.

She stood in front of the door that led from the dojo to the main house, frowning at Kazuma, who was hugging Fujii with both hands.

"Are you… lifting her into the air?" Chiyoko asked in confusion.

Kazuma glanced at Fujii, who was raised high by him.

The latter's face was as red as a ripe peach.

Kazuma laughed. "How is it, Fujii? Are you happy being raised this high?"

"Just kill me," Fujii whispered, covering her face.

Fujii's reaction suddenly made Kazuma want to tease her even more. However, Chiyoko was staring at him with eyes that could kill. Kazuma felt that if he did not put Fujii down right now, Chiyoko would be so jealous that she would start to add too much vinegar in Kazuma's food in the next few days to come.

Kazuma put Fujii down and explained to Chiyoko awkwardly, "I was just trying to show Fujii how to press a girl onto the wall and steal a kiss in this kind of place…"

Chiyoko turned to look at the wall next to her and asked the same question as Fujii, "Press against the wall? At this distance?"

"Yes, it can be done. I'd need to lift her up first, just like this, and then…"

"Kiryuu Kazuma, I'm going to kill you!" Fujii, who was once again lifted high up in the air, shouted hysterically because she was too embarrassed.

Chiyoko held her forehead. "Brother, sometimes, I feel that you are more suited to be a comedian instead of a kendo practitioner.

"By the way, I think you should grab Fujii-senpai under the arms and dash toward the wall instead of raising her up high.

"This way, she would be knocked out immediately and won't have to face the embarrassment that follows. Don't be so mean to her."

As soon as Chiyoko finished her sentence, the sound of police sirens came from outside.

Just like in the movies, the police would only appear after everything was over.


After sending Fujii Mikako to the police station for her statement, Kazuma and Chiyoko began to clean up the messy dojo.

"Just leave it to me," Chiyoko said. "I didn't do much just now."

"Alright, then." Kazuma dropped the broom immediately and walked out of the dojo. He went to the engawa facing the courtyard.

The so-called engawa was an open corridor that was commonly found in traditional Japanese houses. Japanese animes would often feature the main characters appreciating the scenery in the courtyard from this corridor.

Kazuma sat cross-legged on the edge of the engawa, looking at the big cherry blossom tree in the courtyard.

Just by looking at this cherry blossom tree, one could tell that the Kiryuu family had been rich before.

Ever since Kazuma had transmigrated to this world, he had been busy trying to persuade Chiyoko to sell the dojo. He did not even have time to admire this big cherry blossom tree.

In Japanese culture, there were four great pleasures in life: cherry blossoms on a spring evening, the starry night sky in summer, a full moon in autumn, and the first snow in winter.

Now, Kazuma had ticked the first one off the box.

Under such circumstances, it would be even better if there was good wine.

Kazuma looked at the cherry blossom tree. The night gave the pink petals a cold color, adding to them a unique vibe.

At this moment, he finally felt that he was in Japan.

Kazuma didn't know how long he had been looking at the cherry blossoms when, suddenly, he heard some noise beside him. He turned to see Chiyoko coming over with tea and snacks.

Chiyoko put the tray with tea and snacks beside Kazuma and sat down.

As a girl, she could not sit cross-legged—that's not lady-like.

So she closed her legs and sat sideways on the edge of the engawa.

"I haven't really taken care of this old cherry blossom tree, but it's still blooming so brightly after so many years," Chiyoko said gently.

Kazuma smiled. Chiyoko's words reminded him of those anecdotes he had read in anime games in his past life, so he replied, "What this big cherry blossom tree absorbs is by no means ordinary nutrients. It is said that under every cherry blossom tree is buried…"

"Brother, those are urban legends."

Kazuma glanced at Chiyoko and confirmed that she was afraid of ghosts.

Kazuma took a mental note of that and prepared to give Chiyoko a little surprise when he found the right opportunity in the future.

Chiyoko said, "Brother, are you trying to find an opportunity to scare me by pretending to be a ghost? I shall make myself clear. When I'm scared, I'm very strong. I can kill a Hokkaido brown bear with one punch in that state. Think before you act."

"Really? So scary." Kazuma grinned and replied, "Then I would like to see it."

"Hmph." Chiyoko turned her head and decided to ignore Kazuma.

Kazuma took a piece of snack and continued to admire the cherry blossoms flying in the sky.

Chiyoko suddenly said, "Brother, about the way you fought just now, how should I put it? You looked more like a kendo master than Kamiizumi Nobutsuna from the TV shows."

Kazuma replied, "Of course, I single-handedly defeated five yakuza members, after all. How many can the actor who starred as Kamiizumi Nobutsuna defeat?"

"That's true." Chiyoko paused and asked again, "Brother, when did you become so powerful? I remember when I sparred with you last time, I could have easily won or lost as I wished…"

"When you get enough practice, you'll achieve a breakthrough. That's all." Kazuma came up with an excuse.

Chiyoko was apparently not very satisfied with this answer. She looked up at the cherry blossom tree and continued, "Who is your Shinto Style teacher? I want to learn from him too."

Kazuma thought to himself, 'You can't. My master might not have been born yet.'

He reckoned that when he met his teacher in his previous life, Master Hasegawa was only in his early thirties. Hence, in 1980, even Hasegawa's embryo had not been formed yet.

Just when Kazuma was thinking about how to change the topic, Chiyoko gave up first. "If you don't want to tell me, I won't ask anymore."

'Awesome! It's great to have such a sensible sister.'

Chiyoko changed the topic. "Do you still want to sell the dojo?"

"Of course," Kazuma replied firmly. "We need the money for university tuition fees."

Chiyoko nodded and did not raise any objections. Looking at her current state, it was hard to imagine that she was still strongly against the idea of selling the dojo just a few days ago.

"Brother, about university… Do you really want to get into a police academy through kendo?"

There were specialized police academies in Japan that could be considered as universities too. However, graduates from such schools would face limited career opportunities.

Only graduates from prestigious schools like Tokyo University could be promoted to a high position such as Superintendent or above.

Moreover, with a qualification from a top school like Tokyo University, there would be many choices in life. No matter what, those graduates would join the upper class of Japanese society.

Kazuma shook his head decisively. "No, I'm not going to do that."

"Huh?" Chiyoko looked at Kazuma in surprise. "Then… what are you going to do? You're not going to join the yakuza, are you?"

"Of course not. I want to apply to Tokyo University and become successful."

Chiyoko opened her mouth in shock. "Brother, are you dreaming?"

"I'm wide awake." Kazuma looked at Chiyoko and smiled. "Do you want to bet with me?"

Chiyoko shook her head. "No, I believe you can do it. No wonder you want to sell the dojo…"

Although Tokyo University was a state school, the four-year tuition fee was not low. At the very least, it was not something the Kiryuu family could afford now.

Chiyoko seemed to have taken this as the reason for Kazuma's insistence on selling the dojo.

However, Kazuma actually wanted to use the money for investments.

He was too lazy to explain it in detail, but he was glad that Chiyoko misunderstood.

However, the conversation with Chiyoko brought Kazuma back to reality.

His dojo had not been sold yet, and he still had to face the threat of other yakuza groups.

'F*ck, how can I sell the dojo at its original price?'

'Do I really have to beat up all the yakuza groups that come knocking at my door?'

'Firstly, I may not be able to defeat all of them, and secondly, it would not be fun when I become so well-known for beating up the yakuza. The police may even mistake me for a yakuza member!'

Kazuma could not help but sigh.

Chiyoko watched as he suddenly sighed. For some reason, she did not dare to speak.

Kazuma was still deep in his thought. 'If Sumitomo Construction refuses to buy at the original price, then I will have to wait until I reach the legal age and then go to the bank to get a loan.'

As Kazuma was still underage, the investment manager would not even be bothered to meet him.

However, in Japan, the legal age was 20 years old. They only changed it to 18 in 2018…

Kazuma held his forehead in frustration.

'Forget it, I won't think about it anymore. I shall focus on increasing my strength first. After thinking about it, the cheat is the most reliable tool I have now.'

So Kazuma stood up.

Chiyoko asked, "What's wrong?"

"I'll go and practice sword swings," Kazuma said.

  1. This is a Chinese pun, where the literal meaning of the phrase "getting jealous" in Chinese is "eating vinegar"