Chapter 5 Well, I won't pretend anymore! I'm a rich second generation!

Looking at Lin Chuxue's gaze, Chen Tang was also taken aback!

Has it been exposed?

Discovered? Was his wife that smart?

Then no more pretending!

"Yeah, I am a super-rich second generation! In fact, my family is super wealthy, my pocket money alone could buy a hundred of your family's companies with no problem... when it comes to wealth, definitely no one has more than me!" Chen Tang took a deep breath and earnestly said to Lin Chuxue.

Originally, Chen Tang planned to keep it low-key, but now that he had been found out, he might as well be honest. In any case, Lin Chuxue was his wife, and she was bound to find out this secret sooner or later.

Lin Chuxue looked at Chen Tang's earnest expression, stared for three seconds, and suddenly let out a burst of laughter, "You? A super-rich second generation, a scion of a great household? Stop joking! However, I'm still surprised you actually managed to contact a wealthy classmate to invest in the company, I appreciate it. In a while, let's treat your classmate to a meal to give them thanks!"

She doesn't believe?

Chen Tang felt somewhat dejected as he touched his nose; he was telling the truth!

As Earth's Strongest Family Clan, Chen Tang was the legitimate young master of the Chen Family, even though he had an older brother. But his brother was naive, and grandfather had long said the family was not suitable to be entrusted to him.

Thus, Chen Tang was effectively the Chen Family Clan's sole heir.

50 billion in pocket money was just a temporary allowance!

To tell the truth and not be believed?

Alright then!

It seems he would have to continue pretending to be poor!

"Alright, stop daydreaming! Since the company's financial crisis is resolved, accompany me to buy a couple of clothes! But let me make it clear upfront, don't spend more than ten thousand. Even though we have gotten over the hurdle for now, we shouldn't be wasteful," said Lin Chuxue, her mood lifted by the company crisis being resolved, unconsciously taking the initiative to hook her arm in Chen Tang's.

This was an unprecedented first!

Although Lin Chuxue had lived under the same roof with Chen Tang since she was fifteen, in close contact day and night, she couldn't say she liked Chen Tang very much.

Marrying Chen Tang was also due to her grandfather's wishes.

In the three years of marriage, Chen Tang never forced Lin Chuxue to do anything, nor had Lin Chuxue taken any initiative in engaging in intimate activities with him!

On this point, Chen Tang fully respected Lin Chuxue!

"Uh, Chu Xue, your gesture?" Chen Tang stopped in his tracks, his gaze hinting towards his own arm.

Lin Chuxue's face turned a shade of crimson, and with a coy reprimand she said, "What, can't I hook arms with my own husband?" She paused for a moment, then turned her head and looked at Chen Tang sincerely, "Chen Tang, thank you! That time at the KTV, the way you protected me, it really moved me, and it even cost you your job... How about you come to work at the company starting tomorrow?"

Women are a strange creature, difficult to fathom, where a small thing might touch their hearts deeply.

But a tiny matter might also provoke their profound anger!

Seeing Lin Chuxue's expression, Chen Tang knew that the gate to her heart, which had kept others at a distance, had finally cracked open. He needed to keep up the effort, striving to capture Lin Chuxue's heart completely as soon as possible.

"No need, I feel more accustomed to the work at that KTV! Don't worry, I'll ask my classmate to speak to the KTV boss for me, I should be able to keep working there!" Chen Tang said gently to Lin Chuxue.

Lin Chuxue didn't insist any further, "Well then, as you wish!"

The two of them picked out two dresses for Lin Chuxue at the mall, and Lin Chuxue also bought two T-shirts for Chen Tang, walking hand in hand as they left the mall.

Chen Tang carried clothes in his left hand and earrings pendants for Grandma with his right, as they prepared to head to the parking lot.

Suddenly, a man wearing a cap and a mask charged from the side, swinging a steel pipe towards Lin Chuxue.

Chen Tang's eyes narrowed sharply, and he quickly turned around to shield Lin Chuxue in his arms, ready to block the man's attack with his back, "Be careful, wife!"

The steel pipe grazed Lin Chuxue's body as it came down, but fortunately, she wasn't hurt. The cap-wearing man, having missed his target, proudly flipped the middle finger at Chen Tang and Lin Chuxue, and in the blink of an eye, he jumped into an unlicensed van by the road and vanished without a trace.

"Crazy bastard!" Chen Tang released Lin Chuxue and cursed, "Wife, are you okay?"

This was the second time Chen Tang had risked his life to save her; Lin Chuxue looked into Chen Tang's eyes, which seemed to be filled with moisture, "I'm fine, husband!"

Actually, Lin Chuxue wasn't willing to marry Chen Tang from the bottom of her heart.

Chen Tang was average-looking and an orphan with no real skills, the type of person who'd go unnoticed in a crowd. Marrying Chen Tang, Lin Chuxue initially felt quite aggrieved.

But today, Chen Tang's repeated life-threatening rescues deeply moved her.

For three years of marriage, Lin Chuxue hadn't let Chen Tang lay a finger on her, and he never complained. Now, she realized how unfair it was to Chen Tang.

She should be nicer to him!

"As long as you're okay!" Chen Tang let go of Lin Chuxue and straightened up the shopping bags, then suddenly noticed the dropped gift bag on the ground, his face turning pale, "Damn, Grandma's gift!"

Lin Chuxue's brows also furrowed!

That was eighty thousand yuan!

Now Lin Chuxue had only a little over two hundred thousand in savings and couldn't take out another eighty thousand to buy a new pair of earrings!

The once elegant gift box was now battered to pieces.

At this moment, Chen Tang and Lin Chuxue understood that the man's attack on Lin Chuxue was a façade; his true intent was to destroy the earrings.

Chen Tang reached out to open the battered box, and inside, a bunch of exquisite jade pendants had been smashed into fragments—not a single piece was intact.

"Damn it, it must be Lin Feng, that bastard's doing!" Lin Chuxue, infuriated by the sight of the shattered earrings in the box, stamped her foot on the ground.

A flash of ruthlessness crossed Chen Tang's eyes. This Lin Feng was truly despicable.

Before Chen Tang could respond, there was the sound of a screech, and a blue BMW pulled over to the curb.

Lin Feng leaned out from the car window, feigning surprise at the broken box in Chen Tang's hands, "Oh, brother-in-law, what a pity, the earrings you just bought are broken? Alas, what to do? I just called grandmother saying you bought her a pair of eighty-thousand yuan earrings. You were too careless, grandmother will definitely be sad tomorrow..."

"You... despicable, shameless, you must have arranged for someone to break the earrings, right?" Lin Chuxue's face turned pale with anger.

Even a foot's toe could guess it must be Lin Feng. Otherwise, who would attack a gift box for no reason?

Lin Feng tapped his fingers on the car door, "Sister, how can you slander your brother like this? I was just concerned about you... haha, isn't it just eighty thousand? Sister, aren't you the CEO of the company? Better hustle and make a few more deals, otherwise, you won't have the chance later..."

As his words ended, Lin Feng stepped on the gas, and the car roared away!

Leaving Chen Tang to frown beside him, "Wife, there's a hidden meaning in Lin Feng's words! Hasn't the company crisis been resolved? Why does he say you can't be the CEO anymore?"