Chapter 40: Whoever saves my grandfather, I'll be his woman

Chen Tang's words took Wang Cheng and a group of doctors by complete surprise, and with a shocked face, Wang Cheng said, "Mr. Chen, do you also practice medicine?"

Chen Tang replied with a somewhat shy smile, "Well, not really, just learned a bit of acupuncture from the village doctor when I was younger. Seeing the elderly gentleman in such pain, I wanted to give it a try!"

Is that so?

Xu Yun watched Chen Tang from the side with a face full of skepticism.

This Chen Tang was becoming more and more enigmatic!

Wang Cheng hesitated. Normally, as per the regulations, since Chen Tang didn't have any medical license, the hospital would definitely not let him take action.

But Chen Tang had a special status, and even the big shot Liu Tianxiong treated Chen Tang with great respect, so Wang Cheng didn't feel it right to refuse Chen Tang. "Does anyone here have a silver needle?" Wang Cheng asked the group of doctors behind him.