Chapter 76 Misunderstood for Doing Good Deeds [Please Add to Bookshelf]

Su Zhong glanced at Zhou Ziyang and his gaze lingered on Chen Tang for a few seconds, furrowing his brows, "I've heard of Zhou Ziyang, indeed there's some relationship with the Zhou Family. But who is this Chen Tang? Could it be the Lin Family's good-for-nothing son-in-law?"

It was no secret in Yun City that Lin Chuxue's family had a good-for-nothing son-in-law living with them.

Su Ruoxuan's brows furrowed slightly, "Dad, please speak a bit quieter. Chen Tang was also actively helping just now!" Su Ruoxuan didn't object, which was akin to acknowledging Chen Tang's identity.

Su Zhong nodded and once again confirmed the identities of all the students present. When Su Ruoxuan first went to university and had her first parent-teacher meeting, Su Zhong had met the parents of these classmates. After some thought, he figured that only Zhou Ziyang's family might have that kind of influence, right?