Chapter 6 Taoist Master Zhong

The offer of her body was, of course, just a lighthearted joke from Qin Luoyin.

But at this moment, on such a quiet night, this little joke did make the atmosphere a bit heated.

"I don't even know your name yet, can you tell me?" Qin Luoyin asked, her voice as warm and comforting as spring sunshine.

"My name is Chen Feng." Chen Feng replied with a smile.

"Let's be friends. I'll treat you to dinner one day to properly thank you."

Qin Luoyin took out her phone.

"An invitation from a beauty is an honor."

Chen Feng also took out his phone.

After they added each other, Chen Feng prepared to leave.

However, Qin Luoyin surprisingly hugged Chen Feng as they said their farewells.

The unexpected embrace, full of sweetness, caught Chen Feng off guard.

"Don't misunderstand." Qin Luoyin said softly, "I just wanted to hug you. Earlier today, when everyone thought that it was all my fault Mr. Xu Hu's daughter was in such a serious condition, and everyone was cursing and insulting me, only you stepped forward to speak up for me. I was deeply touched."

"I understand. Then, I'll gladly accept this sweet hug. Till we meet again."

Chen Feng waved and quickly walked away.

Qin Luoyin watched as Chen Feng's silhouette gradually disappeared. A captivating smile involuntarily played at the corner of her mouth. Her curiosity about Chen Feng had grown stronger.

However, neither Qin Luoyin nor the already departed Chen Feng noticed that thirty meters away, inside a white Mercedes, Ye Qingqing, who was out for a drive, had witnessed everything.

At this moment, Ye Qingqing's face was extremely cold. From her perspective, it seemed like Chen Feng had a woman behind her back. Moreover, this woman appeared equally, if not more, attractive.

Ye Qingqing felt a mix of emotions, which left her feeling uncomfortable.

Although she and Chen Feng had no marital relationship, and they were not particularly close, she couldn't help but feel a sense of betrayal.

"You scumbag, you just wait for me." Ye Qingqing hissed through clenched teeth.


Unaware of all this, Chen Feng had arrived at Xu Hu's house.

Xu Hu and his wife warmly welcomed Chen Feng, setting up a table with good food and fine wine.

During dinner, Lingling climbed into Chen Feng's arms, pulling his ear while laughing adorably, her innocence in full display.

"Lingling, get down. It's not polite to Uncle Chen." Mother Lingling hurriedly said.

"I won't…" Lingling said, her lips pursed up.

"It's fine, children should be lively and naughty." Chen Feng reassured them, pinching Lingling's tiny nose.

"Uncle Chen is so nice." Lingling nestled into Chen Feng's arms, refusing to get up.

Xu Hu and his wife were resigned. They only had one daughter and treasured her immensely.

"Brother Chen, I…"


Xu Hu hadn't even finished speaking when the doorbell rang.

"I'll go get the door." Mother Lingling stood up to open the door.

A man and a woman came in shortly after. The woman was slightly overweight, and from her attire, one could tell that she came from a well-to-do family.

The man was dressed in a Taoist robe, with long hair, clutching a feather duster in his hand. He seemed to possess an aura of a Taoist scholar.

"Brother, Sister-in-law, let me introduce you. This is Taoist Master Zhong from Maoshan, who is very skilled at exorcising demons. I specifically invited him here to treat Lingling." said the woman, full of smiles. Her name was Xu Yan, Xu Hu's sister.

"Sister, don't you think you're being…" Xu Hu frowned and started to object.

Xu Yan interjected, "I've already told you before, Lingling's condition isn't normal. It seems a little nefarious and we need someone skilled to counter it."

"But sister, we have already found a Divine Doctor to treat Lingling, and it has been very effective. It's this Brother Chen, Chen Feng here." Mother Lingling said slowly.

"Him?" Xu Yan sized up Chen Feng and couldn't help but laugh. "Sister-in-law, I hate to say it, but you can't be desperate to the point of recruiting anyone who claims to be a doctor, right? He's clearly a juvenile, claiming to be a Divine Doctor… Isn't it absurd?"

Xu Hu's face sank. "Sister, please don't disrespect Brother Chen."

"Xu Hu, your wife is being foolish. Surely you're not about to become senseless from desperation as well?" Xu Yan snapped.

"Ahem, since the opinions here seem to be divided, I think it's best if I take my leave first." Taoist Master Zhong stood up, prepared to leave.

"No, no, please stay." Xu Yan hurriedly stopped him. "We've already come this far. Taoist Master Zhong, you can't leave. Rest assured, if you can heal Lingling and rid her of the evil spirits tormenting her, we will certainly give you the promised five million RMB."

"Five million? For exorcism?" Xu Hu was taken aback.

Mother Lingling also looked uncomfortable but refrained from commenting.

Right at that moment, Chen Feng stepped forward. "Why don't we let Taoist Master Zhong have a look?" he suggested gently.

"Good, at least the kid knows his place!" Xu Yan could barely contain her laughter.

"Fine, just look." Xu Hu waved his hand dismissively.

After Xu Hu consented, Taoist Master Zhong slowly approached and placed his two fingers on Lingling's forehead while softly reciting something.

After a moment, Taoist Master Zhong's face looked grave.

"Taoist Master Zhong, how is she?" Xu Yan anxiously inquired.

"The situation is very grim. The spirit of a hanged ghost seems to be clinging onto her, showing signs of consuming her soul. If this phantom is not destroyed soon, I fear she may not escape unscathed." Taoist Master Zhong replied gravely.

Xu Hu and his wife were stunned by his explanation, their anger bubbling up. What nonsense about a hanged ghost lingering around their daughter!

Before they could say anything, Xu Yan immediately pleaded, "Taoist Master Zhong, please hurry up and exorcise the ghost from our little girl. We can discuss the expense."

"I can cure her, but it will consume a lot of my Origin Energy, and as for the fee…" Taoist Master Zhong began but didn't complete his sentence.

"Money is not an issue. The question is, can you truly cure Lingling? And how can you prove that Lingling is possessed by a ghost?" Mother Lingling asked calmly.

"How can mundane eyes perceive ghosts? So how can I prove it? You should trust my abilities, your own sister can vouch for it." Taoist Master Zhong retorted, his face calm.

"Xu Hu, Yang Xue, do you still want to save Lingling? If you do, then you should apologize to Taoist Master Zhong." Xu Yan said sternly.

Taoist Master Zhong stood upright, calm and unruffled.

Xu Hu and Yang Xue exchanged looks filled with disbelief. The notion that Lingling was being possessed by a hanged ghost was simply ridiculous!

Just then, Chen Feng stepped forward and asked, "May I know who your master is on Maoshan?"

"My master is Lin Daoyi." Taoist Master Zhong replied indifferently.

"Really?" Chen Feng grinned.

"What are you laughing at?" Taoist Master Zhong narrowed his eyes, "Are you implying you also disregard my master?"

"Not at all." Chen Feng replied, "I happen to be quite familiar with Taoist Master Lin Daoyi. He is indeed excellent in cultivation and character, but as far as I know, he only has one disciple, named Sun Li."

Upon hearing this, the color drained from Taoist Master Zhong's face.