Chapter 10: Slap in the Face

One sentence from Chen Feng shocked everyone present.

The pupils hidden behind Feng Qiang's spectacles flashed coldly at this moment. He responded indifferently, "You're not particularly competent yet you're quite confrontational. Are you not afraid of getting yourself into big trouble?"

"How so? Could you make me lose my job, or my wife?" Chen Feng asked with a smirk.

Feng Qiang's face tightened upon hearing this.

"Chen Feng, that's enough. Keep it down."

Ye Qingqing pulled at Chen Feng, understanding that his confrontation with Feng Qiang was because of how Feng Qiang and Ye Qi looked down upon others. But this wasn't the right occasion to make a big scene.

"No way," said Chen Feng, "Ancient people used to say, 'Rather destroy ten temples than a single marriage.' But this unknown fool actively encourages you to divorce me. If I don't teach him a lesson, he'll really think he's invincible just for being some sort of director at Qiancheng."

"Oh, who's this pathetic loser trying to scare?"

Ye Qi scoffed coldly.

"The biggest tell of incompetent people is their tough talk. It's hopeless. When he makes a million annually like me one day, he'll realize how foolish his current self is." Feng Qiang defensively adjusted his glasses.

"Chen Feng, can you stop embarrassing yourself, I beg you!" Li Suqin shouted through gritted teeth.

The couple, Ye Mingjun, just wore expressions of someone waiting for a good show to unfold.

At this moment, Ye Zhengguo arrived, sensed the tense atmosphere, and after understanding the situation, glared at Chen Feng. He rudely demanded, "Who do you think you are? How dare you threaten President Feng. Apologize immediately!"

"Give me three minutes, and this so-called director will be jobless."

Chen Feng took out his phone without hesitation.

Consequently, everyone's attention naturally fell on Chen Feng.

"What is he trying to do? Is he continuing to put on an act? Idiot." Zhang Peng murmured quietly.

"Why should we bother about him? Let's just watch." Ye Mingjun replied.

Meanwhile, Li Suqin and her husband could hardly withhold their rage, viewing Chen Feng's act as utterly stupid and disgraceful.

"Who are you calling? Haven't you woken up yet?"

Feng Qiang asked Chen Feng, stifling a laugh.

Chen Feng ignored Feng Qiang because his call got through.

"Brother Chen, it's unusual for you to call me. What's up?" On the other end of the phone, Xu Hu's voice reached Chen Feng's ears.

Chen Feng asked, "Brother Xu, does your company Qiancheng employ someone named Feng Qiang?"

"Feng Qiang? Brother Chen, he's one of our directors, brought in with my confirmation. What happened to him?" Xu Hu asked.

"Not much." Chen Feng chuckled, "Feng Qiang is encouraging my wife to divorce me, and boasting about his million annual income. I think he might be disloyal and problematic."

"I see. Brother Chen, don't worry, I know what to do."

Xu Hu ended the call.

Chen Feng also put away his phone.

"Don't tell me you just called Vice President Xu." Feng Qiang barely held back his laughter.

"Congratulations, you guessed right. Your reward is that you might be jobless in a few minutes." Chen Feng answered.

"Haha, you really are quite entertaining." Feng Qiang couldn't hold back his laughter any longer.

Meanwhile, Ye ZhengFeng, his wife, and Ye Qi were also trying to hold back their laughter, treating Chen Feng like a clown.

"Vice President Xu is someone of such high status, and you're just a worthless guy. Do you even have his telephone number? Please, for the sake of your family's dignity, stop embarrassing yourself." Ye Qi mocked.

Upon hearing this, Li Suqin and her husband, as well as Ye Mingjun and his wife and Ye Qingqing, couldn't help but blush in embarrassment.

However, at that moment, Feng Qiang's phone rang without any prior indication.

Feng Qiang took it out and was stunned for a second when he saw that the incoming call was from Vice President Xu. Afterward, he answered the call.

"President Xu, what can I do for you?" Feng Qiang asked respectfully.

"Chen Feng is my brother." That was the first thing Xu Hu said.

Feng Qiang trembled and his face turned pale instantly.

"Congratulations, you've been fired. Goodbye!" That was the second thing Xu Hu said.

Then, there was a consistent beep sound. The call had been ended.

Feng Qiang stood there stiffly, his pale face turning ghostly white.

"What's wrong, Qiang?" Ye Qi asked.

"I... I've been fired?"

Feng Qiang's voice trembled a bit, somewhat in disbelief.


Ye Qi felt as if she had been struck by a heavy blow.

Ye ZhengFeng and his wife were also rendered speechless.

At the same time, the other members of the Ye family, including Ye Qingqing, looked at Chen Feng in shock and disbelief.

Could it be true that Chen Feng had just made a call to the vice president of Qiancheng Entertainment?

Chen Feng took a step forward, patted Feng Qiang's face with a smile, and said, "Your laughter just now was indeed loud. Why don't you laugh a few more times so everyone can hear? Oh, what did you just say, that the biggest characteristic of a useless person is stubbornness? Why don't you show some of that stubbornness now?"


Feng Qiang felt an overwhelming sense of suffocation. It was unbearable.

"Shall I make another call that turns you into a social pariah?" Chen Feng said with an indifferent tone.


Feng Qiang's heart skipped a beat as he fell to his knees in front of Chen Feng, slapped himself on the cheek, and said, "Brother Chen... I was wrong. I failed to recognize Mount Taishan under my nose. Please, let me off the hook."

"Feng Qiang, what are you doing? Get up," Ye Qi shouted. She felt her cheeks burning.

"Get lost! If I hadn't come here with you to this birthday banquet, I wouldn't be in this situation. Get out!" Feng Qiang roared.

"You bastard."

Ye Qi's eyes turned red.

Feng Qiang ignored Ye Qi and begged Chen Feng again to let him off the hook.

Chen Feng looked down at Feng Qiang from above and said lightly, "There's always someone better than you, keep a low profile."

"Yes, yes, Brother Chen, I understand my mistake," Feng Qiang lowered his head, his arrogant demeanor completely gone.

"I never want to see you again."

Chen Feng pulled out a cigarette and lit it up.

"Thank you, Brother Chen, for letting me off this time. Thank you. I'll take my leave now."

Feng Qiang sprang to his feet and left without hesitation.

"Feng Qiang, wait for me," Ye Qi chased after Feng Qiang hurriedly.

However, Feng Qiang left quickly, his back fading into the distance hurriedly.

This scene left everyone shaken to their core.

"Hmm, your family really has a good son-in-law. He played the fool before eating the tiger, he could even do such a ruthless move to his own. What a lesson," Ye ZhengFeng coldly huffed and then walked away.

Cai Yun shot Chen Feng a hard look before following Ye ZhengFeng.

Chen Feng, blowing smoke rings, didn't care in the slightest.

Ye Qingqing, her parents, and Ye Mingjun and his wife finally came to their senses.

Ye Qingqing watched Chen Feng with fiery eyes. Chen Feng, who now stood with a sharp edge, had just made a phone call and forced a director of Qiancheng to lose his job. Could this still be the weak and incompetent Chen Feng?

"Did you buy all the cars and clothes with the money the vice president of Qiancheng gave you?" Li Suqin stared at Chen Feng.

"Almost," Chen Feng replied.

"Why?" Li Suqin asked.

"I saved his daughter. As a way of thanking me, he gave me five million," Chen Feng replied casually.

"Five million? Oh my God, the rich are so generous. Where's the money? Where did you put it?" Li Suqin's face was full of excitement.

Chen Feng furrowed his brows, sensing something off. Moreover, he certainly didn't expect his parents-in-law to react this way, caring not about his connection to Xu Hu but showing such greed at the mere mention of money.

"Give the money to your mother. It's not safe for you to carry around millions," said Ye Zhengguo seriously.

"Yes, let mom hold onto it," said Ye Mingjun.

"Hurry up, don't dilly dally. You've been a freeloader for two years, it's about time you repaid something to the family. Besides, this money is for you and Qingqing. We'll give it back to you later," Li Suqin extended her hand.

"Mom, dad, you're really overstepping your bounds. In the two years that Chen Feng has been living with us, he spent absolutely no more than a hundred thousand, if you include all his expenses. You've already taken over his new car, and now you want his several million. Is that fair?"

Ye Qingqing couldn't hold it in any longer.

Chen Feng, who was still smoking, heard Ye Qingqing's words and instantly felt his mood lighten. He flicked the ash off his cigarette, showing a radiant smile and said, "Honey, giving this money to mom isn't a big deal. It's a small amount."

"Shut up," Ye Qingqing shot Chen Feng a sidelong glance. "And no smoking!"