Chapter 12: Astounding Skills

We're getting a divorce!

Four words that made Ye Qingqing's complexion even paler.

Chen Feng was the one who proposed the divorce, making it hard for Ye Qingqing to accept it initially.

But wait, she had already decided on divorcing him before. Why was it so difficult to accept at this moment?

Ye Qingqing was internally suffocating!

"Go ahead and leave. You think my daughter is obsessed with you? A good-for-nothing! Your presence makes no difference to the Ye Family. You're a burden who only knows how to freeload. You're a waste of space. Best you run off as far as you can."

Li Suqin laid into him without mercy.

"You think I didn't bring anything to your family? Very well, just remember you said that first."

Chen Feng laughed.

Subsequently, Chen Feng quickly dialed Xu Hu's number.

"Brother Xu, I need a favour from you."

"Brother Chen, you don't have to be polite with me. Just tell me what it is." Xu Hu chuckled.

"Alright." Chen Feng said: "I forced Yan Xiong to invest thirty million in Xingchen Culture with the backing of Qiancheng Entertainment. Now, I realize I was wrong, so I'm asking Brother Xu to help me. Tell Yan Xiong to withdraw the investment."

"Alright, no problem." Xu Hu replied.

This was trivial for Xu Hu.

However, for Xingchen Culture, it was a serious matter.

After hanging up, Chen Feng fixed his gaze on Li Suqin, aloofly stating: "Since you all consider me a waste, retrieving what I gave you shouldn't be too hard. As for the car, consider it a compensation for my living expenses over the years at your house. At most, my total expenses for these years would not exceed one hundred thousand. A car worth more than eight hundred thousand should be more than enough to make up for it."

"Who are you trying to scare? You think you can simply command Qiancheng to withdraw their investment?" Li Suqin sneered.

Ye Qingqing, however, paled even more. Unlike Li Suqin, she believed most of Chen Feng's words.

So, it turns out that it really was Chen Feng who helped her company.

Chen Feng had previously mentioned it, but she had not believed him.

Twenty seconds later, Ye Qingqing's phone rang.

She pulled out her phone, upon seeing the caller id, she pressed the answer button, her finger trembling slightly.

"Miss Ye, this is Yan Xiong."

Yan Xiong's voice came from the other end.

"Hello, President Yan, this is Ye Qingqing."

"Mm, hello. Regarding Qiancheng's investment in Xingchen Culture, we discovered that Xingchen has kept us in the dark about many things, which has caused us great losses. Now, we are going to unconditionally withdraw our investment and sue Xingchen Culture. Goodbye!"

With that, Yan Xiong hung up.

Ye Qingqing's face turned extremely pale, as if her soul had just been ripped out of her.

"Qingqing, what's wrong?"

Li Suqin hurriedly asked.

"Qiancheng... they're pulling out their investment... and they're suing us."

Ye Qingqing said weakly.


This news hit Li Suqin like a thunderbolt out of the blue.

Ye Zhengguo, on the other hand, glared at Chen Feng and shouted: "Chen Feng, a husband and wife for a day... means a hundred days of grace. How could you be so heartless and force Qingqing into such a tight corner?"

"Ungrateful wretch." Ye Mingjun murmured.

Chen Feng scoffed: "Just now, Li Suqin called me useless, scolded me for freeloading off them, said I brought nothing good to the Ye Family. Now, when I take back what I've given the Ye Family, what could possibly be wrong with that?"

"Che... Chen Feng, I... I just spoke out of anger, why don't we... let this go?"

Li Suqin's attitude changed rapidly, stammering.

"Why, suddenly respecting me now? Li Suqin, I've put up with you for a long time." Chen Feng glared coldly.

Li Suqin shivered, full of regret.

"Chen Feng, my family wronged you. It's perfectly understandable for you to do this. After this, let's... each go our own way. I... I..."

Ye Qingqing barely had the strength to stand, let alone utter those words of divorce.

Seeing her condition, Chen Feng moved quickly to support Ye Qingqing.

No matter how the Ye Family treated Chen Feng, Ye Qingqing was always unique in his eyes.

"Let go of me."

Ye Qingqing tried to push Chen Feng away.

Chen Feng held Ye Qingqing tightly in his arms, not intending to let her go.

"The four of you, kill Chen Feng immediately. I'll give you ten million. If anything happens, I'll take the blame," yelled Long Fei, finally catching his breath.

The four bodyguards beside him were about to spring into action when...

"Hold on."

The always silent Old Sir Ye finally spoke up.

His voice was slightly hoarse as he slowly said, "Young Master Long, I am truly sorry for tonight's happenings. I hope you can forgive me."

"I can't." Long Fei retorted loudly, "Elder Ye, this son-in-law of yours must die. If you insist on protecting him, then you will be standing against the Long Family."

With that, Long Fei's determination was clear.

The expressions on the guests' faces varied, waiting to see Old Sir Ye's response. The majority believed that the old man would likely sacrifice Chen Feng to protect something more crucial.

However, Chen Feng might not even qualify as a 'sacrifice'.

Before Old Sir Ye could react, Ye Qingqing spoke sternly, "Young Master Long, all of this started because of me. If you want to kill someone, kill me. Please, spare Chen Feng."

"You won't escape either." Long Fei sneered, "But I won't kill you, because you, will become my plaything."

"You are courting death."

Chen Feng firmly held Ye Qingqing by her slender waist with one hand, while the other reached out towards Long Fei.

In an instant, a terrifying force erupted from Chen Feng's palm, controlling Long Fei from afar.

Then, with a backward pull of his hand, Chen Feng pulled Long Fei toward him through the air.

The audience was awestruck at his masterful technique.

Long Fei was beyond scared, unable to even struggle.

Seeing that their boss was in danger, the four bodyguards rushed to rescue him.

Chen Feng sneered and suddenly shook his hand.


A horrifying energy burst from Long Fei's body through Chen Feng's control.

Thud, thud, thud, thud.

The four bodyguards were instantly blown away.

Long Fei spat out blood, his face pale as a ghost.

At that moment, everyone present felt their hairs stand on end.

Ye Qingqing was greatly shocked, as Chen Feng seemed to her like a god among men, far beyond her understanding.

Was this really the same Chen Feng who was once meek and obedient at home?

Recalling the images of Chen Feng fetching foot-bath water for her or massaging her feet, Ye Qingqing felt a chill run down her spine.

"How would you like to die?"

Chen Feng looked at Long Fei coldly.

Long Fei, struggling to breathe, mumbled, "Spare... spare me."

"Chen Feng, spare him."

Old Sir Ye urged.

"Apologize to her and kowtow ten times."

Chen Feng roughly tossed Long Fei onto the ground like a dead dog.

After a severe coughing fit, Long Fei knelt in front of Ye Qingqing, kowtowing ten times, his previous arrogance gone.

The guests were terrified, who could imagine the otherwise arrogantly proud Young Master Long being so thoroughly subdued by a son-in-law from the Ye family?

But the people most shocked were Ye Qingqing and the others who thought they knew Chen Feng well.

No matter how hard they tried, they could never imagine Chen Feng possessing such inscrutable abilities.

"Can.. Can I leave now?" Long Fei meekly asked, his head down.

"Get lost." Chen Feng waved his hand.

Long Fei scrambled to his feet, staggering away.

It was then that Chen Feng released Ye Qingqing, whispering, "If Long Fei troubles you in the future, you can call me. I will be there whenever you need me. Take care!"

"Don't leave."

Almost instinctively, Ye Qingqing reached out to stop Chen Feng.

Chen Feng turned to look at Ye Qingqing, smiled bitterly, and said, "We are from two different worlds. I've tried, I've persisted, but I can't make my way into your heart. Although it's regretful, it's better to end this now rather than torment each other. I'll wait for you at the civil affairs bureau tomorrow morning."

"I don't want a divorce. Without my permission, you have no right to divorce me!"

Ye Qingqing said excitedly.