Chapter 32: Before the Storm

Ye Qingqing never imagined that Chen Feng would dare to audaciously steal a kiss from her.

At that moment, her heart was pounding, her eyes wide and sparkling, she was completely at a loss.

Chen Feng chuckled mischievously, his earlier frustration swept away: "Heh, so sweet."

"You bastard, I'm going to kill you."

Ye Qingqing picked up a pillow and flushed with embarrassment and anger, hit Chen Feng several times with it.

But, it seemed soft and powerless.

"Stop messing around, get some sleep, you have a lot to do tomorrow."

Chen Feng grabbed Ye Qingqing's hand.

Ye Qingqing turned her head, her delicate and flawless profile, her skin blushing against the soft lighting, was extraordinarily beautiful.

But at this moment, she who was just ambushed by Chen Feng, wore a rare expression of girlish shyness. She huffed, "Next time you see Qin Luoyin, you'd better tell me in advance, or I'll... I'll break your goddamn leg."

"What leg?"