Chapter 62 - Surfacing

Not long after, Chen Feng also left, returning alone to the Dragon Head Villa.

Zhou Qiuyu was hard at cultivation early in the morning, making quick progress.

Seeing Chen Feng return, Zhou Qiuyu hurriedly got up.

"Young Master, where... where did you go last night?"

Zhou Qiuyu asked quietly.

"How about your cultivation? Any doubts?"

Chen Feng countered Zhou Qiuyu.

Some things, he didn't need to tell Zhou Qiuyu.

Zhou Qiuyu's eyes dimmed slightly, she looked down and murmured, "No doubts, I should be able to reach the Qi-nourishing state in these few days."

"Great, next, I'll teach you some minor magic techniques, you should also try to incorporate techniques into your cultivation now," said Chen Feng.

"Young Master, what are the magic techniques?"

"You can understand them as various moves, such as this one called Descending Tiger."

Chen Feng suddenly threw out a palm.


In an instant, Chen Feng's spiritual power turned into a golden tiger, disappearing into thin air.