Chapter 78: Martial World Forum

Amila, the Western Sword God, is a figure almost deified in the Western martial arts world, his swordsmanship has reached a transcendental level, and he is rarely matched.

At the same time, Amila is also one of the guardians of the Western Church and was once defeated by Chen Feng.

Such a character is very dangerous. Even Chen Feng has to treat with seriousness.

All of a sudden, Chen Feng thought of a place he hadn't visited for a long time, a place called the 'Martial World Forum'.

The Martial World Forum gathers people from the martial arts world and wealthy and well-positioned figures from various places. The forum has a membership count of millions.

In other words, to become a member of the Martial World Forum, one must be either a martial artist or possess considerable wealth or power.

In the Martial World Forum, there are numerous leaderboards, ranked according to strength.

Those at the forefront are revered by all.

Amila is one of those revered by countless people.