Chapter 111 Accidentally Became Famous

As Liu Chun's Vlog was posted, the number of shares, comments, and likes broke through the hundreds of thousands in a very short time, and the count was still skyrocketing.

The name Chen Feng quickly topped the trending search.

It seemed like the whole world wanted to know who Chen Feng was!

But the Chen Feng mentioned by Liu Chun didn't have any photos.

Not until an hour later, a flood of videos and news emerged online.

The video captured scenes where Chen Feng beat up Zhang Biancheng. It was shot in high definition and every detail was crystal clear.

The news, on the other hand, was full of praises for Chen Feng, placing blame on Zhang Biancheng and Zhang Qingyue.

In a short time, the video went viral on every major news platform.

On Vlog, the video was shared like crazy.

Thus, Chen Feng's appearance was revealed.

"Oh my god, Chen Feng is so cool that he is simply off the charts!"