Chapter 157: Giving You Time to Call for Help

Chen Feng spoke, his words short and forceful.

Wu Cheng furrowed his brows, his eyes slightly squinted, "What did you say? I didn't hear you clearly."

"I said, I'm buying this car."

Chen Feng repeated himself.

"Someone like you wants to compete with me? I think you must be bored with life."

Wu Cheng chuckled coldly.


Chen Feng raised his hand and delivered a straight slap, showing no mercy, which landed on Wu Cheng's left cheek.

Wu Cheng, thrown off balance by the slap, had it left his cheek all red and swollen.

Little did he know, this slap was as gentle as Chen Feng could possibly make it.

If Chen Feng had put any real force into it, Wu Cheng's head would have exploded on the spot.

However, even so, Wu Cheng was thoroughly enraged.

"Well, very well, you're finished, I declare you're finished."

Wu Cheng roared, clutching his face.

"Take your time gathering your people, however black or white, bring them on."

Chen Feng showed no fear whatsoever.