Chapter 167: Settling Dust

Qin Yue was clear, panicking now was useless.

The only thing she could do was pray and wait.

Next, Qin Yue and the others became friends.

"Sister-in-law, if you get any news about Brother Chen Feng, please let me know, okay?"

Tang Xue looked at Qin Yue.

Her expression was somewhat timid, as if afraid Qin Yue might misunderstand something.

Qin Yue nodded slightly and said, "I will let you know. You've had a hard day, go back and rest."

"Well... okay then, see you later, sisters..."

Tang Xue said softly.

"I should be getting back to the company too, once I'm back, I will have people continue to look for the whereabouts of the Wuji Sect."

Ye Tong also rose, her expression serious.

She gave a brisk nod, then quickly walked away.

"What about you?"

Qin Yue looked at Han Yun.

Han Yun bit her lip and whispered, "Can I go back to the Qin Mansion with you?"


"I want to see Chen Feng return as soon as possible," Han Yun mustered courage to say.