Chapter 176: Can't I Go?

At that moment, Yang Xin was acting a bit giddy with infatuation.

Her parents noticed this and smirked bitterly to themselves.

"XinXin, we should probably leave this place as soon as possible, it's still not very safe,"

Yang Zhong attempted to divert Yang Xin's attention.

"That sounds good to me," Yang Xin nodded in agreement.

"Let me walk you out," Chen Feng offered with a smile.

"Sure, sure," Yang Xin hurriedly nodded like a chicken pecking at grains.

Next, Chen Feng escorted Yang Xin and her family to the edge of the forest.

Before parting ways, Yang Xin requested to add Chen Feng on WeChat.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Chen Feng finally let Yang Xin add him as a friend.

"Chen Feng, did you come here to play with your friends?" Yang Xin asked.

"Yes." Chen Feng nodded.

"Alright then, I won't bother you anymore. I'll treat you to a meal someday to properly thank you," Yang Xin chuckled lightly.