Chapter 220: Sweeping Away


Yun Che spewed blood.

From the endless despair and rage attacking his heart, Yun Che died.

Xuanyuan Po was still alive but disheveled, looking more of a ghost than Yun Che.

He had completely lost hope, his eyes dull and lifeless.

Blood still flowed from his chest!

Chen Feng didn't bother with Xuanyuan Po anymore, leaving with Tang Xue and Qin Luoyin.

Once outside the villa, the dozens of guards noticed the trio of Chen Feng.

"Stop them."

One person shouted.


"They're trying to escape."

Everyone surrounded the trio of Chen Feng.

"Young Master, how did the people escape?"

A man said into his walkie-talkie.

But after a long while, there was no response.

The man's face grew darker and darker.

He had a feeling that something significant might have happened in the basement.

"Yun Che and Xuanyuan Po are already dead. If any of you want to survive, you'd better get out of the way and not seek death."

Qin Luoyin spoke loudly.