Chapter 264 Heavenly Palace

"Don't be scared, it's just a skeleton."

Chen Feng tried to comfort Yun Xiaoxiao.

Yun Xiaoxiao's face was a bit pale, and she remained silent.

Chen Feng squatted down, inspected the skeleton, and said, "It just died, probably corroded by the dark forces lurking around here."

" it that horrific?"

Yun Xiaoxiao shivered with fear.

If it weren't for Chen Feng's protection, would she have turned into a skeleton too?

The thought made Yun Xiaoxiao gasp, the dread was overwhelming.

"Let's keep going, don't worry, I'm here. I'll protect you."

Chen Feng spoke softly.

His brief yet powerful words were enough to calm Yun Xiaoxiao down.

Yun Xiaoxiao leaned heavily against Chen Feng, almost hanging on to him.

Chen Feng was left speechless: "You don't really need to lean that close."

"I'm scared. I want to stay this way."

Yun Xiaoxiao replied.

"But your 'runways' are pressing against me. It's hard for me to concentrate."

Chen Feng showed his helplessness.