Chapter 273: Are You Chen Haonan?

Chen Feng noticed the unhappy look on Qin Luoyin's face and felt somewhat uneasy.

"Um, why don't you two share a room, and I'll get another one."

Saying so, Chen Feng made a move to leave.

"If you dare to go, I will ignore you forever."

Qin Luoyin threatened.

"Luoyin, think about it. The two of you are girls, and I am a guy; it's just..."

"Oh, are you getting scared? Feeling inadequate, are you?"

"Not at all."

"Clearly you are. Hmm, do you need a boost? If so, go ahead and get another room. I won't stop you. Ah, men, their biggest fear is failure," said Qin Luoyin.

"You've successfully reversed my intention to leave."

Chen Feng returned to sit on the bed.

"Tsk, I'm not scared of you. Xiao Xue'er should be the scared one. I'm just making her a target of hatred, haha."

Qin Luoyin laughed loudly.

Tang Xue blushed, feeling somewhat afraid.

"Hmm, it seems the lights are too bright. I'll dim them."

Qin Luoyin fiddled with the lights.