Chapter 300: Is It Still Convenient?

At Chen Feng's words, Lin Xue, who was standing nearby, began to tear up, holding Chen Feng's hand sympathetically.

She had never thought that Chen Feng could be an orphan.

Zhang Yu also felt a pang of sympathy, no wonder she had felt that something was wrong with Chen Feng.

"Child, if you and Xue'er are truly meant to be together, you can come to our house regularly in the future, you can even live here."

Zhang Yu said gently.

"Thank you, auntie."

Chen Feng looked up with a brilliant smile.

That smile was pure and unblemished.

Zhang Yu nodded, indeed, the more she saw Chen Feng, the more satisfied she was. He was a hundred times better than that Xiao Yun.

"Zhang Yu, your husband has already agreed to the Ti Yi Clan's proposal. Don't tell me you're trying to back out now?"

Zhou Su stared at Zhang Yu.

"When did I ever agree to the Ti Yi Clan's proposal? From the beginning to end, what I said was, let the young people spend time together and see if they're a good match."