Chapter 313: Keep a Low Profile

"If you... if you dare do anything to me, it won't simply be a matter of money."

Feng Ming said, steeling himself.

"Really? Seems like you won't shed a tear until you see the coffin."

Chen Feng squatted down, just barely grabbing Feng Ming's right foot.

But Feng Ming immediately let out a shriek: "Let...let go."

Feng Ming felt Chen Feng's hand, like a vise, could break his leg at any moment.

"Do you want to kneel or do you want a broken leg? Choose one, I'll give you three seconds."

A cold look flashed through Chen Feng's eyes.

If Feng Ming truly wanted to resist, he wouldn't hesitate to debilitate him.

"I'll kneel."

Feng Ming hastily replied.


Chen Feng stood up, looming over Feng Ming.

Suppressing his humiliation, Feng Ming really did kneel down and kowtow, banging his head three times.

"Hmm, such a good boy."

Chen Feng patted Feng Ming's head.

At this moment, Feng Ming was utterly humiliated, deprived of all dignity.